[Request] mod nvme GA-H61M-S1 v2.1

Hello everyone from the forum, I’ve tried myself to make the modification, but it wasn’t successful, so I need the forum help with the modified bios file to boot by nvme board GA-H61M-S1 v2.1, my original bios is attached. Thanks.

My current bios is attached here, if anyone can help me by submitting the mod nvme m.2 boot bios, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

H61MS1.rar (2.74 MB)

@GMJ :
Please attach the BIOS, which had been already (unsuccessfully) modified by you. This way we and you will know what was wrong with it.
Why and at which step of the procedure didn’t you succeed?

By the way - I have deleted your last post within >this< thread. You wouldn’t get a reply anyway, because the addressed person would not find and read your request there.

Mr. Fernando, I just succeeded in my last attempt by following the forum, I don’t know what was wrong with the other attempts, but I changed my pc and now it WORKS, I’ll leave the ok file successfully modified and tested here, for other users , thanks.

ga-h61-s1-modnvme.rar (2.75 MB)




@GMJ : Congratulations!
To make it easier for other users of the same Gigabyte mainboard model to find your NVMe modded BIOS, I have copied the last post and started a new “BIOS Modding Offer”-Thread.
You can find it >here<.
Thanks, enjoy the speed of your NVMe SSD and stay healthy!

Ok thanks everyone, needing some more testing I will be available on the forum. Take care, use the mask

First of all thanks GMJ. My sata ssd disk failed. I’ve been looking for an ssd disk for a few days. I saw the title when checking if the nvme disks fit my motherboard. My motherboard is the same as yours but version is 2.2. I did the modding myself, when I buy the disc, I will try it and share the situation here. I was wondering, have you tried the disc in the pcie x16 slot?