@Lost_N_BIOS the store failed to reprogram correctly. Tomorrow i will have the ch314a . I read all the ch314a thread. I downloaded the drivers the software is 1.13 but i need a bin bios.
In site is all the bios dont have bin. I simply rename it to .bin? Also it is a problem that is the black revision and propably the 5 volt one?
I have some good news. Today arrived both the preprogrammed bios 9€ and also the programmer 8€. The chip with the preprogrammed bios has worked except that it has lost the mac adress but at least the pc works and the intel lan works also.
I have in a paper my mac adress and i will play with the bad bios chip. Can anyone create a bios with my mac adress to play with the preogranmer?
@boombastik - First, don’t use 1.13 software that is very old, use newer version, try 1.30 or 1.34.
Here is package with many newer versions - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…257455007472602
Do you have a backup of your BIOS, ever, created with any tools? That should have been your first step with programmer, and only step, until you have a verfified and validated (Open in BIOS tools, looks correct) BIOS backup, before you write anything to the chip.
If yes, send me that, so I can recover your NVRAM, and LAN MAC ID too (Send in text) along with your backup as it’s not usually included in part of backup which is only BIOS Region.
You can only program BIOS from Asrock after you run through UBU, or remove the capsule manually. It’s 4KB too big before that, due to security capsule.
And, doing that or using purchased BIOS chip, as you’ve seen, you will loose your (serial + UUID if in BIOS), and LAN MAC ID
You mentioned using the fixed BIOS I sent, how and when did you do that? IS that what bricked the board?
If yes, then there must have been other problems in the mod BIOS you sent me that I didn’t notice when I fixed the microcodes
5V thing with black programmer is nothing you have to worry about during this kind of programmer usage.
- First of all thanks for response.
2) Unfortunately i don’t have backup. A local store deleted the bios without saving anything.
3) After i run through ubu tool without changing anything it created a .bin file in its folder this one is the file i need? Basically i already take it and i programmed with software 1.13 and it seems ok. But i will play with that later.
4) I also bought a new reprogrammed bios for 9 euros. Per asrock i dont need to recover anything except mac id (and not in all motherboards), because the bios when it runs first time when it sees that it has empty serial numbers etc it quotes the chips and restores the numbers built in from them. So i tried it and this is the case. All my software, windows and office stayed activated because they found that it is the same motherboard. The only that didn’t restored is the mac adress that per asrock the card will works ok. If i need to restore the mac adress i need to use asrock mac tool: -https://www.asrock.com/support/download/mactool.asp the mac exist in a sticker and i found it.
5)Yes i used the fixed bios you sent. I flashed it with in built in asrock tool. Shit happens so it is not a problem. I believe that you are one of the best here.
6)I don’t know know from all these asrock mac tools is suited for my motherboard to restore mac address. This is my priority and then will play with the other bios chip and programmer.
Ok finally the bios worked and for anyone that have an asrock z97,x99 motherboard and want to program the mac address it can be found in a sticker in motherboard and must use the tool :MAC Address Writer Version 2.07A
@Lost_N_BIOS Also my programmed worked with version 1.14 with the help of a windows xp machine after the removal of capsule. Keep in mind that except mac adrees that exist in a sticker in motherboard(that can be restored with mac address writer), asrock uses a generic uuid the same for all motherboards and dont insert the serial also, so u don’t loose anything.
My final thoughts are that i learned something new, how to use a programmer, so fianlly all are good.
@boombastik - Yes, once you run BIOS through UBU it removes the security capsule. Very sorry BIOS I sent did this! Thank you for understanding and knowing shizz happens I think though, maybe not due to my edit, see below
Maybe this BIOS can’t be edited with UEFITool then, I can try send you one modified with MMTool instead, if you want to test and confirm, however that may lead to the padding issue I mentioned to you initially. Which may mean straight hex edit would be best.
Or!!! It could be the BIOS I sent you, which was your mod BIOS I fixed, had other problems and would be OK if I edited stock BIOS only so my edits would be the only ones there, which should have been fine, so I’m leaning more towards this was the cause of the brick. *
Good to know about UUID/Serial etc. MAC can be put on with UEFITool and or hex editor too, if you wanted, it’s at GbE region you see in UEFITool (always at 0h and sometimes copy at 1000h), you’ll recognize right away due to the 88:88:88:88:87:88 placeholder
If you want me to update microcodes on a stock BIOS for you to test, let me know!
Edit @boombastik - This was bugging me, so here, if you want to maybe get to the bottom of the issue and don’t mind testing/bricking/recovering possibly a few more times (These may all be fine (?) since they are solely my own edits from stock base)
I checked many ways, due to increased microcode body size, this can’t be done with MMTool 4.5/5.07/5.02. Additionally, due to this size issue it can’t be done straight hex edit either.
UEFITool 25/26 both create same file, with FIT needing corrected, and correcting that straight hex or via extract/correct/replace = all same/same hex-wise. So if any issue with UEFITool it’s not a version thing.
So, if this UEFITool BIOS bricks the board, I think it’s due to UEFITool can’t edit this file, and MMTool should be used, but that can’t be done if you want all ucodes updated thus equaling a larger overall size (40671 only larger ucode).
If one microcode is removed in order to keep same overall size, then it can be tested two ways, MMTool and straight hex edit.
I tested this with 306C1 removed, it’s fine with MMTool 4.5 and 5.07 (Creates same file), both needing FI Fixed too, all included below vs straight hex edit too with 306C1 removed, and FIT fixed all around
Replace your LAN MAC ID at 1000h in hex editor before you program in
U found the root cause , the microcode are very big to have them all in bios:
Because i have a health problem with eyes i cant test all of them but at least because u want to learn more the first with 306c1 removed with mm-tool created worked.
@Fernando here:-[Tool Guide+News] “UEFI BIOS Updater” (UBU)
In his example he updated ASRock Z97 Extreme6 BIOS with ubu tool but i dont think he is actually flashed the motherboard because ubu tool cant update properly all asrock z97 motherboards because they lost the pad before microcodes.
Also @Lost_N_BIOS remove the bios from post 15 to protect someone to flash it.
You are right - it was just an example for getting the related UBU pictures. I didn’t flash the modded BIOS.
@boombastik - thank you for your test on 306C1/MMTool BIOS, good to see that works as expected.
However, we don’t know for sure if issue is too many microcodes (not enough room and one needs removed to update the rest) unless you also test the UEFITool file I sent too and see if it bricks or not, otherwise this remains unknown
It’s OK if you can’t test, but someone needs to before we can know for sure.