Asus F550ZE BIOS enable hidden menu







Hi friend, would you try to mod it with me ?
so let make the Bios Menu Tabs photos to let me look what have it and then we have to find a way to reflash back your bios mod.
Let me know

I’d be glad to :slight_smile:
Now i’m working, so i cannot reboot the PC to enter into the bios setup.
But, as soon as i’ll finish working i’ll do.

Sorry for the late reply but i’ve been terribly busy in the last month.
This is what i see when i open my dumped bios with AMIBCP.

As you can see there are duplicate sections.
If i change something in the Asus crippled sections and flash the BIOS, i can see the changes when i enter the setup.
Whatever i change in the AMI default sections(the ones in the upper side) then flash, nothing happens.
I even tried to do some hex editing on the dumped BIOS but i got no results(even if i’ve been good(or lucky) enough not to turn my laptop into a quite expensive door stopper).
Have you any idea about this?

Try this mod and respond to the result.

Downloaded right now.
As soon as i’ll finish working(we are releasing software in production environment so i cannot turn down the PC) i’ll flash.
Just to know, there are 2 folders inside the rar archive, named 1 and 2, each one containing afuwin.rom.
Which one is the one to use?

These mods should made at last month ,so i re-check them again and realized what i did.

You can try them both ,as i used different methods to edit bios.
I’m hope them could appear Chipset tab in bios interface. Start test from no.1 mod.

Ok, i’ll try
hope we’ll finish soon but i’m afraid we’ll have to stay till eleven, tonight

I flashed the first mod and the chipset tab is visible.
I don’t know how you did it but it works


Here is new mod ,try it and let me know the result.

Again at work, we have had some problems with the release last night.
As soon as i’ll be done i’ll try.

Flashed it yesterday.
Advanced options tab visible, also viseble both the main tabs(the one from AMI and the one by Asus)

Yes , i only let ami’s main ,advanced ,chipset tabs appears on this mod.

Hello bro, I would like you to explain to me how you did to make the options appear in the bios after the update, nothing is shown to me.

Sorry for my English.


Thanks 4 members