Asus G501JW M.2 NVMe/Original M.2 not recognized

Ok ! I see my mistake i think. I insert the driver directly in the bios dump file, not on extracted Bios region…
On the other hand, I have a “file size …” error if I try to insert the driver as you indicate. The small pass. Is this a problem or can I do it with the “lite” version?

I use the MMTool 5.0 normaly… I follow your instruction.
I’ll find another version and do it. Thank very much ! If i have to pay, send me a message.

EDIT : Maybe the difference is from file you used no ?You opened the .FD file which is the last dump, it is this one which gives a black screen.
Are you able to insert the complete driver in the dump file: DumpNew.bin?
I am on the 4th version of MMTool and I still have this error message, however, I do have a version of the software in 5.xx.

So use previous dumps.
Old or new dump, the space on the bios volume (02) to insert the dxe is the same size in both versions, the MMtool matters here.
MMtool 5.02 or 5.07

EDIT: I want to remind you again… all this trouble and risks and after the NVMe mod if flash succeed, the laptop still cant use the EVO NVme as boot…

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Good morning,
What can I say… THANK YOU!
The PC doesn’t take the old disk as expected but the MVNE works perfectly now :slight_smile:
I will clone the old system and everything will be perfect!
I just have to find a tutorial to retrieve the information (serial, Windows license etc) and everything will be fine. I see all informations are on “Padding” section in Bios region, i just have to find how i can replace it to complete the mod.

Thank you, thank you and thank you again!.
I hope this thread can help another newbie.
I wish you a great day.

Glad you made it, all the best.

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Thank you very much. I find the way to add the serial etc, all is fine. Thanks again !