[Offer] Bifurcation Mod ASUS X99 Deluxe II BIOS

This goes out to all the hard work executed by the following groups and members,
Win-Raid Forum
Javen, THANK YOU!!!

I just need to revert my 16x5 slot back to Original setting

Edit by Fernando: Thread moved into the “Mod BIOS Offers” Category and thread title shortened
(Original title: ASUS Hyper M.2 x16 Card V1 w/4 drives On Asus X99 Deluxe II w/Intel 6850K 40 Lanes)

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Hi Dev24670!
I’m browsing the net about an ASUS Hyper M.2 x16 Card problem and how I can get all 4 slots to work because right now only 1 ssd is visible in windows.
And miraculously I ran into your post and was very happy to read that you have the exact same hardware as me and you managed to solve it :slight_smile:
I also have an asus x99 deluxe ii, 6850K cpu and the above mentioned M.2 card (only for me the v2).
I downloaded your bios from the linked drive link.
Please can you give me some instructions on which of the 3 bios files to flash?

And in which pci-e slot to put the asus hyper card? (I only have 1 gpu in the board, PCI-E 3/4/5 are free)
Or do I have to change anything else in the bios afterwards?
Thanks for everything!
Best regards,
Keep up the good work!


Apologies for the extremely late reply. I provided those files to assist in each process so that anyone would be able to load them in the apps and edit to their preference. The X99D2.CAP is the flash for the bios.

I highly recommend learning the process from this forum to truly understand what you are doing.
With that in mind i’ve uploaded an additional file
Modbios7.rar (6.2 MB)
, you just need to review and convert if you choose to flash.

Please keep in mind that I have the v1 card.

Since you are obviously offering an already modded BIOS (and not asking for help about how to do it), I have moved this thread into the “Mod BIOS Offers” Category. This will make it easier for interested users to find your modded BIOS.
Furthermore I have tried to shrink the length of the thread title (contained too many details). Feel free to change the title again and/or to add some details about your modded BIOS by editing the start post.

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