Asus Prime H310M-R R2.0

So…i had problem with this motherboard. Bios was corrupted. I was searching on the web for the free download of a .bin/.rom file.
Did not found it, so I found working board and "extracted" the file from a working board with ch341a.
Now I want to share it, maybe some day somebody needs it. I guarantee that the file is clean, not modded in any way. Bios ver (middle 2019).
Admins can move the thread in right section if this one is wrong.
http: // 98693145722251226054
Once more, .bin file is clean, not modded, not infected.
Regards, Misa

@shommy_kg - Thanks for wanting to share and help others
Make a few more posts and you can share link, or you can just post a link if you want but break it (ie >> google . com)

Thanks. For me it’s always good feeling when I can help. I know that people like You are making a lot of effort to make possible for others like me (hobbyists) or regular people to save some bucks and (in most cases) repair their m.boards.
I know how nice and good is when I find something that I need, that somebody was so nice to upload and share for free. So, this is my small contribution for the community :slight_smile: