Ch341a W25R128JV bios chip read issue

I purchased a CH341A to modify my BIOS, but when I tried to read the chip using AsProgrammer, it couldn’t detect the chip. My BIOS chip is labeled as W25R128JV, but I couldn’t find this chip number in AsProgrammer’s database. So, I tried selecting similar ones, and it ended up reading a corrupted BIOS file. The file turned out to be 16MB (which matches the size of my original BIOS), but it contained gibberish and repeated letters and numbers. Which programmer should I use to correctly read my chip?

The programmer needs a “Strong” “Steady” “Firm” connection to the SPI ic legs.
The SPI IC seems to be an Winbond W25R128JV

Plenty of other apps out there for working with CH341A, besides AsProgrammer, just do a forum search and you’ll find several guides

EDIT: Sorry but the forum doesnt provide this tools, the tools present were shared/linked from user posts only…
Here’s the link to the ASProgrammer developer.
And what i meant previously, is that you can find around this posts/guides here on this forum, several examples of alternative apps, so try again…
Its common that the apps do not have their IC database updated to new or to all globally ICs, so as we also deal with this, the same applies to you unless a user sees this thread and can point you exactly a compatible app.
I hope now i was clear enough im my words to you.
Good luck

EDIT: Here’s 10sec of my time to you… [Problem: Error 167] Asus Zephyrus M16 GU603HM - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (

I mentioned the software on this website and on the internet, and I couldn’t find a software that supports my chip, so I opened this topic.