clevo w230st

First time posting here but the journey has been long and I can’t thank enough for the wealth of information and resource provided here by Lost_N_BIOS, as well as Fernando and SoniX in other threads. You guys are the reasons why forums continue to rule!

Timing couldn’t be any better for this thread so big thanks to OP. I have a CLEVO W370SS (rebadged as a Gigabyte P27G V2) which I am trying to unlock the vBIOS on. It’s an i7-4810MQ (microcode 17) with Intel HD 4600 iGPU, and Maxwell GTX 860m dGPU in a MUXless configuration.

I’ve managed to unlock the CPU configuration by changing the access/use settings in AMIBCP but - just like ns_ripper - still cannot access full dGPU settings. I attempted to follow simple GTX 860m > 960m flashing instructions in this video ( which haven’t worked and I’m getting a “cannot detect Nvidia adapter” error.

I’d admit I am more overcautious than most so I haven’t yet tried booting into ‘legacy os’ for UEFI, and I have extracted the corresponding Nvidia ‘link present’ which - again like ns_ripper - doesn’t have the correct 10DE-1392 attached.

My limited understanding of BIOS-modding leads me to feel that the MUXless configuration may have something to do with nvflash’s inability to identify requisite hardware to complete the operation, and that upgrading vBIOS is done at a BIOS level. The relevance of this is debatable.

One other head-scratcher is that Gigabyte have included 2 x .rom files in with the BIOS flash utility, with the other named ‘ALL.rom’, which appears to be the same as the BIOS.rom but a larger size. In the BIOS string tab (AMIBCP) at the bottom there’s an N/A entry for GPU BIOS… lastly even though I have altered access to RAM it’s still not showing in BIOS.

All of my files can be found, neatly compiled/organised here and I would be extremely grateful if someone’s able to signpost me to what my next steps should be -

Thanks in advance!

@ns_ripper & @Lost_N_BIOS - Go figure!!!

The BIOS files I just sent @Lost_N_BIOS are, also, for a Clevo (Rebranded - Schenker XMG) gaming laptop.

Files sourced from both Prema ( ) AND Schenker XMG BOTH have BAD FIT tables!!!

@2814-2815 - Thank you for the praises!!
I’m not sure what you need, or what your goals are? On your initial BIOS settings comment, do you mean there is some settings you wanted, and tried to make visible, but still cannot? If yes, are those in a section of the BIOS you can already see at the root level?
If yes, then let me know exactly what you are missing, or show me an image of your BIOS in this area so I can see what you’ve already made visible, then I’ll edit BIOS and make the rest visible for you.

On Muxed / MUXLess, I am not an expert in this area, but I do know most (ie read 99%) of laptops can’t do one of those and even with BIOS setting revealed would only lead to black screen due to lack of trace/connections in the boards to the display outputs.
Some can though, with or without settings modified, but most will need in CPU-GPU enabled always due to all graphics are routed electrically out from there to the displays. Unless you have a flash programmer like CH341A or similar, and have a known, confirmed and tested or checked by someone, good backup made.
Then I would not precede into testing messing around in this area until you order a set and ir arrives, and then you’ve made a backup and had someone confirm it’s valid and safe for you to recover with when brick or black screened (ie no display output)

Legacy OS for UEFI doesn’t make sense to me, or Nvidia ‘link present’, so my comment on those things must end here, confused

On the two rom files, I’d have to look at the BIOS to tell you the difference, but I assume it’s probably this, one BIOS has ME FW and one does not.
I can’t download from the site you used, so I can’t look at any of this yet. Please reupload package to or

You are the MAN!!!

Finally finished… hence the delayed reply!! Again big thanks goes to @Fernando @SoniX @CodeRush @Lost_N_BIOS , and additional praise to @plutomaniac for the contributions and content. I had to find my own way to get to where I needed but without your tools & guidance I wouldn’t have learnt what I did and reach a new level in my hardware and operational knowledge

TLDR - my machine is fully unlocked which is great, are there any security risks I should be aware of? Can I re-lock Intel ME now I’ve successfully modified my Haswell’s microcode??

Goals were to… 1) fully unlock the AMI BIOS on my Intel ME FD locked rebadged Gigabyte P27GV2 (CLEVO W370SS), and 2) create and flash a modified vBIOS onto the soldered mid-range GTX 860m dGPU

In the end the vBIOS played ball when I used two different NVFlash versions to manage flash/reflash of mod/stock .rom’s… NVFlash 5.218 for flashing with a modded vBIOS, and NVFlash 5.590 for flashing with a stock .rom. In all situations I flashed back to stock before replacing with a freshly modified .rom, and I continued to do this with my AMI BIOS

My unit houses a Haswell-refresh 4810mq and wouldn’t take >32.0 ratio on all four cores without bitching about it - I’d replaced the stock 120w power adapter with a 180w one in preparation for the extra draw - so I had to workaround this first with the microcode hack locked away in the Intel ME. @Lost_N_BIOS you were spot on regarding the BIOS sizes, in fact for my final flash I didn’t need the 4MB BIOS.rom file on my USB flash stick to get things working

Gigabyte had a downloadable USB flash BOOT utility with everything needed: MESET, FlashMe, and BIOS flash tools - proprietary and AUFODS. Using the proprietary only flashed the BIOS and threw the ‘error 25 CPU host region access’ code but AUFDOS flashed Intel ME also, jobs a good 'un! I used @plutomaniac 's ‘FF’ Intel ME descriptor region hack to allow CPU access which worked, no pinmod for me; but I had to revisit the raw microcode in @CodeRush 's UEFI tool and attempt to flash again as the ME housed both 17 and 8 microcode versions

Now I can have some fun trying to break it!

Sorry for this grave digging but this thread is only the last of several leads I followed in order to find how to unlock or at least have a better bios on my Clevo W230ST (XMG version with geforce576M), yes I think this is the same machine this thread is about.

I’ve never modded a bios, I’m just ok in flashing something better than the stock bios (last version from clevo gives errors before flashing either way).

Would be possible for me to get my hands on the bios you created here and maybe with some minimal instruction how to flash it? This would make my day.

