Dell Optiplex 7010 Micro 13Th Gen (2024) Intel AMT enable

I should also ask, would this kit be the correct one to purchase?

along with this:

Just out of curiousity- which chip would you want to read with the 16 pin SOIC clip?

I read on a different post that the system bios was a 16pin.

However based on the images above, that doesn’t seem the case.

So could I get away with the 8pin only?

Which chips do you want to dump?

I was told these two are the bios

Have a look into this other thread:

ok, so it seems I need to get teh programmer (cheapest one being the CH341A) and use that to dump the bios. Then work from there.

My Programmer arrived today.

I have found the chips data online:


This second one I am not sure about, the actual chip has the numbe 25B128ESIG (No R at the end). I have included a picture of both chips.

Need to figure what software to use to get a dump.

You need to read all the links i posted in order to LEARN FORM IT, then you wont need to repeat yourself and posting the same info you already did.

The CH341A device works with many available apps out there. Some do have the ICs on their database, some don’t, some likes to work with some boards/ics, others don’t.

I posted the guides links, the original IC manufacturer links and what kind of ICS you have in order to purchase the correct interface clips for each IC, WSON8 and SOP8.

Had to install drivers for CH341A programmer:

Download the latest version of ASProgrammer here:

I have taken two extrackts from ONE chip: 25B128ESIG

I can’t seem to extract from the top CHIP: GD25B256EYIGR

@snake007uk Your efforts interested me a lot bro. I have a 2022 Optiplex 7000SFF and it has the same ICs as yours except 32MB one. Mine is 25R256EFIR 16 pin SOP . If you succeed I have intention to go the same route with you.
Maybe you’re not aware of how valuable your efforts are. Nobody wants to deal with newer Dell Optiplexes’ BIOS modifications. Everybody think that Dell machines especially newer ones are devilmade.
I very thank you for your efforts and courage about this.


Thank you for the encouragement. I will try and post up a summary once I am done. Right now, I think i need another clip/probe for the WSON8 chip as i dont think the probe I have is connecting to the pins properly.

If I had a desoldering station I might have tried to remove it and do it that way.

Ill keep posting my progress.

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So i found a useful video.

The one Bios dump file I got, I can use MFIT tool which is part of the CSE 16 to decompose the bios file

Youtube video here: (

I will need to wait for the other probe to arrive so I have both bios before proceeding.

Here is what I have currently

I have ran the following commands:

FPTW64.exe -D 7010-FPT-BIOS-1.bin -BIOS

FPTW64.exe -D 7010-FPT-ME-1.bin -ME

FPTW64.exe -D 7010-FPT-FD-DESC-1.bin -DESC

So I have extracted the Bios, ME and FD.

I also ran the command

FPTW64.exe -i

The output was as follows:

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid

    --- Flash Devices Found ---
    ID:0xC84018    Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)
    ID:0xC84019    Size: 32768KB (262144Kb)

    --- Flash Image Information --
    Signature: VALID
    Number of Flash Components: 2
        Component 1 - 16384KB (131072Kb)
        Component 2 - 32768KB (262144Kb)
        DESC           - Base: 0x00000000, Limit: 0x00000FFF
        BIOS           - Base: 0x01000000, Limit: 0x02FFFFFF
        CSME           - Base: 0x00103000, Limit: 0x00A70FFF
        GbE            - Base: 0x00101000, Limit: 0x00102FFF
        PDR            - NOT PRESENT
        EC             - Base: 0x00001000, Limit: 0x00100FFF
    Master Region Access:
        BIOS           - ID: Read: 0x000F, Write: 0x000A
        CSME           - ID: Read: 0x000D, Write: 0x0004
        GbE            - ID: Read: 0x0009, Write: 0x0008
        EC             - ID: Read: 0x0101, Write: 0x0100

Total Accessible SPI Memory: 49152KB, Total Installed SPI Memory: 49152KB

I then ran the ME-Analyzer against the ME extract I got from the command

FPTW64.exe -D 7010-FPT-ME-1.bin -ME

That then gave me this output

However it also gave an error at the end

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 17.53.18

@lfb6 is the above error expected?

Here is the link to download the bios extracted files: - Google Drive

ok I think I realised the problem, the first few commands where only extracting certain sections of the firmware NOT the whole thing.

Hence why I have to use the external CH341A programmer to extract the firmware.

I ran the command

FPTW64.exe -D 7010-FPT-1.bin

The output was as follows:

I have extract one of the chips firmware, however I need both I believe. Once the WSON8 probe arrives later today, I will extract that firmware also.

However the question now is, do I have to combine these two firmware files?

If you can dump FD, ME and BIOS (regions) with fpt there’s only GBE and EC left- which one isn’t allowed to dump?

Otherwise the output of fpt -i will give you the addresses and thereby the order of the regions, it doesn’t list the regions in which the regions have to be placed!


Didn’t you dump the 16 MByte chip already with the programmer or am I mixing sometyhing up here?

(And don’t use the programmer on the 256 MBit chip! That’s the bios region, no changes needed, no need to mess with this chip!)

You are correct, I already dumped this using the programmer.

I was just following the docs and hit this point.

I’ll check which one is being blocked from being extracted.

The delivery just came for the WSON8 probe, but won’t bother with this if you say it’s not needed.

Then since I have the dump from the extraction.

I can continue

Can you post the 16 MB dump?

(use a hex editor to combine the two dumps- first 16 MB dump with programmer (should contain FD, EC, GbE, CSME, possibly there’s an empty padding between 0xA71000 and 0xFFFFFF)

Use UEFIToolNE for viewing / checking structure

Here is the programmer dump. (6.3 MB)

@lfb6 - When you say combine the two, do you mean the Programmer dump + the ME dump (using FPT?)

16 MB programmer dump and thereafter fpt dump of bios region.

Should look like this: