Details to get before Flashing

Kinda new here,

As the topic, what’s required ? (MAC, UUID, serial etc2)
Anything else? Anyone can provide the whole list?
Also, instructions or link on how to get/extraction? and put them in the target bios for flashing?

Motherboard is amd am4 b350/b450.


Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
The specific flashing procedure of an AMI UEFI BIOS and its pre-conditions depend on
a) the manufacturer and the model of the mainboard and
b) the state of the BIOS (original/modded, capsuled/not capsuled).
As long as you can get access to the BIOS, you neither need the MAC address nor the Serial number of the mainboard.
If you want to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS, I recommend to read and to follow the advices given within the start post of >this< thread.
Good luck!

Unclear if you mean by hardware programmer or software.

ALWAYS make a valid dump of the chip you’re going to overwrte / flash! Valid dump meaning at least 2 a 100% identical dumps which have a valid structure in UEFIToolNE and a structure that is at least quite close to what you intend to flash.

  • In most cases today it won’t help having the serial written down if you don’t know and/or don’t have the tools to reinsert this information

  • Making a dump and checking it against the firmware you intend to flash before flashing will give you the chance to stop flashing/ overwriting the wrong chip without having a backup if its content