Great,thank you for sharing this tool.
but I can’t downdload it. because it request registe by a credit card.
I don’t have a abroad credit card.
can you share it another way?
added mirror
You awesome !
Thanks !
All MSI LGA1151 boards can work with 6-core cpu.
Use Intel Flash Image Tool and decomp original BIOS image.
Then extract vbios and upgrade to 1054.
For coffee lake 6-core,you need change sku (at the top of Flash Image Tool window )to Z370.
And ME FW Version is not important here.
Replace BIOS Region.bin to a MSI Z370 one.And replace Z370’s vbios to the one we upgraded.
Build image and flash via SPI Programmer( may be need to change 8M Flash chip to 16M)
Last isolate 2 pins on cpu and you can power on.
according to my test
if you modify a 100/200 seriers motherboard
me fw version last 4 numbers is 1xxx all can work with coffee lake i3
when it is 3xxx it can not boot
if you modify a z370 motherboard
downgrade me fw to 1xxx and add microcode , you can boot skylake and kabylake
and i have a question
how can i to add kaby lake support to bios
i have clevo laptop p775dm with z170 and i want to play with i7 7700
but clevo didn’t release new bios to support kaby lake
great work!
too hard work, you need manualy rewrite some asm parts in about 15-20 pei&dxe modules in uefi, add new cpuid/logic and etc.
too hard work, you need manualy rewrite some asm parts in about 15-20 pei&dxe modules in uefi, add new cpuid/logic and etc.
my laptop have new editon p775dm2 and it support kaby lake
i can flash its bios to my device but got only 2 problems.
1. can not power off ,after shutdown it wil automatic boot up.
2.speakers and audio jacks can’t work.
in this case , can i get all things work?
too hard work, you need manualy rewrite some asm parts in about 15-20 pei&dxe modules in uefi, add new cpuid/logic and etc.
why is it so easy to get coffee lake work with kaby lake bios?
because they have one cpuid family 906Ex, pre 3xx bioses can’t distinguish kaby&coffee, if they can kaby, they can coffee too.
on z370 i seen in some modules special logic for cpuid = 906EB (4 cores coffee), so z370 knows about some coffes
what pins do you meen ?
what pins do you meen ?
2 selected rsvd pins out of 20 rsvd pins
what is point ?
what pins do you meen ?
2 selected rsvd pins out of 20 rsvd pins
what is point ?
someone didn’t isolate the pins and he got these 2 pins in socket melt down.
Thanks for sharing info!
hello fellow tieba user
lanceliuqg here
Patched B250M-HDV is also working fine.
Thank you!
Gigabyte Z170X gaming 7 is ok, thx!
Hi, thanks @Mov_AX_0xDEAD for putting this together.
MSI B150 BAZOOKA PLUS confirmed.
In the attachment:
1) i included the bios file with microcode for i3-8100.
2) reverse engineered pinout of this board so you do not have to desolder the bios chip from board. (Mine had MX25L6473E chip, but even with different chip should be the same.)
note: I have used "ELNEC MEMprog2" to flash this.
3) Also change in OS after pcie fix.
4) added while board photo for anyone using the bios file to be sure he has the same board
Going to test ASUS Z170 further more.
MSI-B150-bazooka-plus_i3-8100-support.bios.rar (5 MB)
how did you flash the BIOS? Gigabyte EEPROM is soldered, so no SPI flashing is easily possible.
Or did you use modified efiflash to get it flashed to the Board?
anyone knows if 6-Core are already tested successfully on the z170 Boards?
Hi, @bankkopf
how did you flash the BIOS? Gigabyte EEPROM is soldered, so no SPI flashing is easily possible.
Or did you use modified efiflash to get it flashed to the Board?
1st: it is SPI "serial" flash. Not EEPROM.
2nd: And you can usually contact the memory with adapter like this one :
50/50change the SPI has grounded CS when board is off so if unlucky you actually have to desolder.
NOTE: This is only for the time when normal flashing of the bios fails.