Flashing ME region on Surface Pro 6

Hey there.
I got a Surface Pro 6 that loses the USB host controller in OS but it works in boot.

I wanted to try cleaning up the Intel ME part of the firmware, where I first dumped whole firmware with FPTW64 w.o. errors.

But my dump doesn’t have the SMIP signing key entry at all.

I also can’t write the whole memory as I get permission errors.

So wanted to try only the ME portion, which I dumped out and then compared to the one from the reposity on this forum.

However, they don’t match in size at all.

So now I’m stuck and just hoping for hints on what I can try next. Thanks!

Here is just the ME Region Dump:

Here is full dump:

Sorry for the Drive links I don’t know how else to attach.

Due to link limits for new users, I’m just adding links here for clarity, as it’s link to guide I followed on the forum:

And the ME region dump I wanted to use for the cleaning

It’s good that you were able to get a complete dump of your firmware with fptw. You have now a valid backup!
Don’t work on the dump, always use a copy so that your dump is still available!

Read the guide to the letter otherwise you’ll brick your machine!

The only mentioning of SMIP signing key is in paragraph 7 and 13 which have the words
“If you are working on a CSTXE 3-4 SPI/BIOS image” in the beginning.


You are working on a CSE ME 11.8

There’s a guide unlocking flash descriptor but there might be other restrictions. CH341 programmer (with accessories) might be needed

The ME from the repository is an unconfigured ME, not a region ready to flash. It always has to be configured with FIT. Using it by just cutting it in size for example would brick your machine!

Right, so this threw me off as the steps down to 14 seemed only to relate to SMIP signing.

So I can try the guide for unlocking flash descriptor, however,
if I redo the guide only skipping 7 and 13, for cleaning ME region, using the ME region only dump I have, then I should end up with a configured but cleaned ME dump I can reflash by itself?
In that way, I won’t have to worry about the locked regions, right?

Well I guess the answer to that is “no”, as the file I end with is “Configured” but only 2MB and not the 6MB of the original.

So I guess I now have a cleaned ME region only bin, but I can’t just flash that, because it doesn’t match region size.

So I’m missing something fundamental here, probably…?

Yes, the fundamental part is “Read the guide to the letter”

I don’t recommend to work on a region! Won’t make it easier to flash either, the ME region is still readonly by the settings in the descriptor:

Gotcha, I read that paragraph but that’s talking padding and the bins differ in size threefold so it’s a lot more than just that.

Does seem the only way around this whole problem is to buy an SPI programmer and actually get to the metal.

A Consumer LP firmware dosn’t need much space. Compare to your old firmware:

(There’s also an empty padding at the end of the ISHC partition in ME itself, so size you have to fill in may differ for you!)

Right, so theoretically padding out the cleaned ME only bin would give me a file that could be applied to the ME region (Mostly asking this theoretically, to get some understanding of how this all works).

What my options then are right now, is try the guide for unlocking write access then write the cleaned version of the whole memory dump.
Get a programmer, desolder the NVRAM IC and read that (with a big catch being that the Surface Pro seems to come with 2 of such ICs.???)

I think I’ll try the no-soldering-method first. For actually using an SPI programmer, what do I do about the 2 ICs situation?

It’s normally different- unlock FD and try to flash ME region separately (fptw64 -ME -f me-region.bin)

Or use a programmer and program the complete chip.

Desoldering isn’t always neccessary, a soic clamp will do for may cases, there are special adaptors for WSON packages, don’t forget to check the voltage of the SPI chip, there’s 3V and 1.8V, for the latter you meed an adapter.
A CH341 programmer is a cheap and useful tool, ‘nice to have’ in any case.

Ah okay, I was just looking at the ICs found in the machine and there was both a Macronix MX25U1635F and Winbond 25Q128JVPQ and it appears from a youtube video I came across that the latter is what I am after. Indeed this is a WSON package with a supply voltage of 3.3v.

You say flash just ME region and not full region, but you recommended a full flash. Regardless, I’ll try just padded ME to fit ME-only-dump size and see how it goes.
Worst case I can resort to the SPI programmer I got in the mail now.

Be careful, both chips have the same (correct) size of 128MBit
So I recommend to make two dumps of the chip which have to be a 100% identical and have a structure in UEFIToolNE! Just in case it’s not the correct chip overwriting without backing up its content would be very unwise.

I said I prefer working on a full dump- it’s easier. One might as well extract the ME region from this complete image when one has access to flash it with fpt (service jumper / unlocked FD / …) afterwards.

Hello, sorry for the long silence.

I decided that given the chance of breaking my bios, I might as well go the whole way and desolder the chip.

I have desoldered it and read it. Fit with software dumped.

Now I just need to figure out how to unlock the regions in BD so I’m able to re-flash without desoldering one more time, in case that turns out to be needed.

Issue is just that I can’t seem to find where in the bin those are, no matter how much I re-read the guide and try.

Those settings are in FD (flash descriptor) and can be configured by FIT, too. FFF for read/write.

Not much value in this, might work for ME, but bios region has several other protections.

Traveling now, not able to answer quickly.

Thanks for the hint!

FIT made a new dump that had quite a lot different, so just built 2 bins from FIT with and without changed permissions, then used the diff to find and change the hex values in my cleaned dump. I’ve written it back to the IC and will try to solder that back on the board.

Thanks for the help so far.