[Guide] Fixing HT for Coffee Lake CPUs on Z170/270 Chipset MBs

And this for the method I use:

Hope it helps

i couldn’t get 9400f to work on asus z270f , Mobo starts then instantly shutdown , i don’t know what is the issue , i’ve done the cpu padding properly and patched the bios with revlaay tool .

i don’t know what could be the issue

I have a z170 pro gaming ASUS .i have a cpu QN8H intel confidential C734A731 8700k. Can i make it work on my motherboard? Thanks

Did anyone already make a fixed one for Maximus 9 Formula and 8700K?

Anyone experiment further with asus z170 3000+ bioses? Wasn’t a problem before since I was using an 8600k, but as expected, it gets stuck on the logo with an 8700k.

Problem with the 2000 series bioses is that I’m running 4x8gb hynix afr, and can’t clock them beyond 2133 at all. Meanwhile, they run 3000mhz just fine with bios 3805. Otherwise, I’ll probably have to go for a 9700k instead.

edit: realized I missed a bunch of pages of this thread. no nvme here. z170 pro gaming/aura

Hi everyone.
I have a 6700k and a Asus z170 maximus impact viii
I saw several videos and tutorials and I have the end to end picture of the procedure.

I’m planing to get a 9900k
I’m not good with soldering, so I will use the cpu pin mod thru tape and conducting ink.

Im just confused about the bios flash topic
Asus max impact viii has the back usb flash port but I got to see in a video that you can’t flash any bios due to protection. So there is two ways of doing it.
Get a programmer and do it on the board chip or do some soldering on the chip to override the protection.

Can’t I use a bios from someone who already mod this board to a 9900k with the same step?
Any soul could send me the bios or clear my doubts?
Because I also saw a link that allows to flash any bios…

I have Asus Stix Z270e motherboard. I see that it is supported by this mod. I am curious; has anyone done this mod with 9900k on this board and had a problem free experience with windows 10?

Let me be specific. I have seen mentions of nvme drives not working, and also problems with windows me variations. I’ve also seen Luumi’s latest video on the topic. It does not however talk about windows or ME versions. Also the board he used does not have nvme… So just wondering if this will work for me.

I am currently running 7700k, need more cores for gaming, and don’t wanna upgrade entire platform until ddr5 next year

Please anyone chime in on this for me

Thanks to the "Intel 20Gb leak" we now know what the source code was in CpuMpPEI :slight_smile:

1) gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber is definition = 8
2) magic digit LEA ECX, [ESI+EAX*8+00040498] mean :

3) magic digit LEA EDI, [EAX+00040000] mean:

4) magic digit MOV ESI, 0x1c0 mean:

@Mov_AX_0xDEAD Just want to confirm this means we can modify any bios to support more threads?

Zitat von Mov AX, 0xDEAD im Beitrag #147
Thanks to the "Intel 20Gb leak" we now know what the source code was in CpuMpPEI :)

1) gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber is definition = 8
2) magic digit LEA ECX, [ESI+EAX*8+00040498] mean :

3) magic digit LEA EDI, [EAX+00040000] mean:

4) magic digit MOV ESI, 0x1c0 mean:

Anychance someone will be able to use that information to make an updated ME?

Wishful thinking.

It would be interesting to find any references on h270 chipsets and why it is not possible to boot 16 threads, even with that patch.

I do not have these 20gb of data… perhaps someone is studying this data??? I would like to do this, but…

Happy new year!

Does "HT fixing tool" need to be updated?

Can CPU with more than 8 threads be used for 100 / 200 series MSI and ASUS 38XX BIOS now?

Could you please update it or teach me how to modify the bios for 8 threads more in 100 / 200 series MSI and ASUS 38XX BIOS?

Thank you very much.

Zitat von Mov AX, 0xDEAD im Beitrag #147
Thanks to the "Intel 20Gb leak" we now know what the source code was in CpuMpPEI :)

1) gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber is definition = 8
2) magic digit LEA ECX, [ESI+EAX*8+00040498] mean :

3) magic digit LEA EDI, [EAX+00040000] mean:

4) magic digit MOV ESI, 0x1c0 mean:


Can you update CoffeeTime based on this new discovery?
Thank you

Works on the asus z170 p with an i5-9400f??