[Guide] HowTo boost NVME and eGPU Speeds on Dell laptops

unlocking the FD with coreboot is easy.

ifd -u -p sklkbl dump.bin

personally i wouldn’t use any other dumps from other boards that are not yours. not sure if it’s an issue for KBL machines but for CFL (10th gen) you get more problems such as iGPU issues etc. stick with your dumps and you’ll be fine.

there’s a way to unlock the flash descriptor using the pinmod (shorting two pins on the board) method, but I haven’t found out which pins they are. at least one other person has successfully managed to use this method for the 9360, so if they’re reading this please feel free to show a screenshot of the pin(s) to be shorted :slight_smile:

Thank you for your replay jkbuha,

The only thing is that I couldn’t even figure out how to get coreboot onto my machine! Is it a UEFI install? External on a flash drive? Do I have to manually flash a chip?

Therefore I was hoping for someone who already has and uses coreboot, to FD unlock my BIOS dump and re-upload it to somewhere. Would pay for it for saving me the headache :sweat_smile: