[Guide] HowTo extract/insert/replace EFI BIOS Modules

Yes, that may work, it would be similar to inserting NVME Mod, but you may need to adjust BIOS settings (hidden or not), or vBIOS/GOP settings, for the other display output to be active
It may just need some hidden BIOS setting changed, without any modules added

Yes, correction, it HAS a GOP module, I just need to figure out how to make the option visible in the BIOS I think.

If it has GOP (UEFI Boot), then probably has vBIOS too (For legacy boot), both you can edit with Intel BMP if needed.
If you need BIOS menu edit, let me know motherboard and BIOS version, I will look and then let you know (probably ask you for image of xxx section of BIOS etc), then I can edit for you.

Asus Maximux XI Apex and Maximus XI Gene 1302 BIOS’s.

What kind of setting are you looking to find? You’ll have to explain a bit more if you do not know the exact name, because I really didn’t understand what you were trying to say above in your short comment (use an adapter to output to a second screen)?

Asus Maximux XI Apex and Maximus XI Gene 1302 BIOS’s.

Apparently you can output with a USB-C to Display Port cable but I think you have to enable the hidden option in BIOS to enable the on-board graphics. I don’t actually have my Apex running at the moment to see if that option is hidden or not but I think it is and you can’t enable on-board graphics.

I’m asking because someone else has requested the BIOS’s.

@KedarWolf - What do you think that kind of setting would be named, or in what section? Did you look through the IFR’s from setup? I’ve never seen anything like a “USB-Display” setting, so wouldn’t recognize it’s name probably.

I looked at every setting with USB, DP, and Display in it’s name, nothing looked related to anything you mentioned. What motherboard from this brand and series has this option enabled by default, maybe I can see it that way?

Actually i am new in this field Can someone help me, where should i get all driver. to replace.

thanks in advance.

The best and easiest way is tu run the UBU tool. The related guide and the download links are within the start post of >here<.
If you want get a specific BIOS module, please search for it within the matching thread of >this< Sub-Forum.

with Hp 640 g1 many dxe files are showing i am confused which dxe should i replace can anyone help me.
here i my dump Hp 640 g1

Greetings ,
I have a x58a-ud3r motherboard and I want the option to install pcie ssd.
I can do modding to bios. option to choose the pcie ssd as booting?

@capricornx10x :
This thread is only valid and usable for mainboards with an AMI UEFI BIOS. Since your X58 chipset mainboard has a "pure LEGACY" BIOS without any UEFI support, you will not be able to use the UEFITool and to get your PCIe connected SSD bootable.
By the way - which is the model and the data transfer protocol of your PCIe connected SSD?

Corsair NX500 (Pcie SSD)

Its data transfer protocol is NVMe.

Okay. So what are my options?

@capricornx10x :
If you want to get the OS (preferable: Win10) installed onto the NVMe SSD, you can either use >this< or >this< method. The boot sector will be outside of the NVMe SSD.

Hello @Fernando ,

I am using UEFITool 0.28.0 and I need to extract and replace “Setup” in bios. Can I “Extract body…” only of the PE32 image section (getting a body.bin) then HEX edit then “Replace body…” on the PE32 image section and finally save the bios and choose “Open reconstructed file” yes ? Thanx in advance.

Update : When I compare in HEX both PE32 images it’s fine, when I compare both bios in Hex I got too many differences is it normal ?

@Svan :
You can find my step-by-step guide about how to replace a "DXE Driver" module within the chapter C. of the start post.
Since the checksum of the modded BIOS module usually is different from the original one and has to be corrected, you will find hex code differences outside your modded area.

It is possible to update the 1st post to say NE versions can’t insert dxe (gray out)… but NE versions does convert the guids into human readable words, thx

@Kocoman :
Yes, I can update the start post, but I couldn’t find any location, where I have mentioned the UEFITool_NE variant.
Where should I insert your proposed hint?