How to Recover the BIOS of an ASUS Vivobook X1502ZA?

Hello guys, my laptop is an Asus Vivobook X1502ZA-BQ1757 and after BIOS upgrade now he is dead, no power on and no leds. How can i extract full .bin Bios from this file: X1502ZAAS.315 that came from Asus site? The file Backup_Bios_Asus_Vivobook_X1502ZA-BQ1757_Board_X1403ZA_R2.2.bin is the dumped from chip GD25Q128C by TL866CS (7.8 MB) (9.0 MB)

I have used and now i have this files:

Edit by Fernando: The completely misleading thread title has been corrected.

You cant use those AMI_PFAT extracted files, those are update files as is the whole bios file in the Asus support site.
You need to get a plain decompressed region, dump bios and transfer your original bios backup info data into that dump.

Open both files with UEFI tool and you’ll see what i mean.


The Asus files (after PFAT) contains the bios region (NOT a full firmware image!!), some duplicate volumes (unclear) and an ME update in 9F8B1DEF-B62B-45F3-8282-BFD7EA19801B

Your bios region is the padding and the EFI volumes up to 0xA00000 (address in update file) and the bios region of your dump is 100% identical despite NVRAM 0x640000 (address in dump) and machine specific information 0x660000 (address in dump), which is expected.

So if this really was related to a bios update it has to be the ME update. But ME seems to unpack OK, config can be read by FIT. So nothing really obvious. You might try to clean/reinitialize the ME of your dump according to

Otherwise there would be only NVRAM. You’re really sure that you didn’t change some settings before the brick?


Thank you for reviewing my case, so… the problem ocours after i flashed in the chip an bios from same model X1502ZA but wrong boart revision: R2.1.
My board is R2.2

ASUS X1502ZA X1403ZA R2.1 GD25Q128B@WSON8 BIOS (7.6 MB)

Even writing the backup, the laptop doesn’t turn on… and doesn’t even charge the battery either.

The laptop is new, there was no damage to the board, my big mistake was having flashed the wrong bios model from the board revision using TL866CS.

I don’t know about ME clean. Do you think that if I update a BIOS with Clean ME it will solve the problem?

I love having to ask for the complete history…

That would point to the EC firmware which is in first padding of bios region and might automatically be pulled therefrom to update the EC controllers firmware. Might be that the new EC firmware doesn’t work properly to handle charging, starting a boot process and even to pull the original firmware again.

Did the machine charge when flashed with the wrong firmware?

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With wrong firmware the laptop does not power on and not charged too, just like same when i back to original firmware…
I’m completely hopeless…
I’m also checked power button signal from keyboard (3.3V) and it works fine.
Can you please make this EC recover to me? I will be greatfull even its not work.

I have fallow your instruction in other post, using Uefitool and hxd, and i done this firmware replacing only Bios area dumped from file of Asus site. But same way, no power and no charging. (7.8 MB)

EC Firmware ist stored in the EC chip, often keyboard controller. If it needs to be reprogrammed this can’t be done by a CH341 or TL866, often it’s better to buy an already programmed chip via … and let some shop do the soldering.

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Got it, thank you very much for the information!