Godspeed my friend May you surely succeed in the process. I cannot mod my bios too due to this HP bullsh*it
The first two steps are to hack EC firmware and the part of security device code in one of pads, this part of code is also internal secured by sure start sign. As this code can’t be decompiled, I think that this part of code is loaded only after EC firmware. And I think that the code is using some additional encryption, like virtual execution or part of codethat is algorithmic compresses.
Maybe you have already read this, but i’ll just link it here HP Developers Portal | Secure BIOS with HP Sure Admin and CMSL - (Upd 2/9/2021)
Btw did anyone try to find any interesting stuff from ftp.hp.com Its a foolish idea still, don’t wanna miss out on any hidden opportunities
No, I have never read this article! Thanks for provided link. Will read it carefully. As I do understand that this is not a manual of how to unlock a bios?
No, this tells us how they’ve implemented things, but i’m not quite sure if these articles are from a business laptops standpoint or stuffs in general. You can find more interesting stuffs in their developer blogs I’m reading them now lol
EDIT: Fortunately/Unfortunately almost all of these fancy things don’t apply to my laptop as checked with HP Developers Portal | Client Management Script Library
But its interesting to note that HP’s tool could modify the “Setup” varstore (Only from what’s already visible under bios) from userspace while all other methods failed like grub shell, RU.
An interesting thing, might unlock something. Can’t change it anyways

Quick update: Managed to activate “Manufacturing Programming Mode” which unlocked the ability to edit “Setup” varstore (here is my case [REQUEST] HP Laptop 15s-gr0009au InsydeH2O BIOS unlock help needed - #4 by x0rzavi ,changes are not getting saved though) Can you try this on ur laptop too, maybe will give some unrestricted access to flashing mods?
Download this NbDmiFit-2.13.rar - Google Drive, put on a FAT32 formatted drive, launch u.nsh
from EFI/Boot/
folder. I prefer to skip that startup.nsh
(Idk what it exactly does)
Hi! Sure, but it seems, like your laptop isn’t SureStart
Can you send me an updated list of all keys you found?
That is latest.
Hi! Any success?
Hi, I have a raw BIOS (not RSA signed) (it’s intended for a manufacturer OEM). There is also an RSA signed BIOS. Of course they are not from HP. Perhaps these documents are helpful for your research?
Hi! I am not sure, because HP has very different way of RSA protection. HP has some signature method of protection. Every image in bios is signed with some hash protection signature S256, and the other level of protection is hashed generated previously keys, and on the top of all the hash of all keys. Also, HP has two, or three algorithms of protection, it seems like one is on EC flash in padding, is unique (it goes from factory), the next one is protecting EC firmware (updatable) and the third is for everything (updatable).
I am not expert in this, but somehow this algorithm can be reverse engineered to bring modding capabilities to bios.
Interesting, how to enable “SureStart Development (Lab) Mode” ?
00C0B6_EC START.zip (7.3 KB)
interesting code related to SureStart
function sub_46c {
stack[16] = rbx;
stack[24] = rdi;
if (rcx == 0x0) {
rax = 0x8000000000000002;
else {
*(rcx + 0x8) = 0x900000;
*(rcx + 0x10) = 0x1000000;
*rcx = 0xffffffffff700000;
*(rcx + 0x28) = 0x1ab000;
*(rcx + 0x20) = 0x753000;
*(rcx + 0x18) = 0xffffffffffe53000;
*(rcx + 0x50) = 0x697000;
*(rcx + 0x58) = 0x1000;
*(rcx + 0x48) = 0xffffffffffd97000;
*(rcx + 0x38) = 0x6c9000;
*(rcx + 0x40) = 0xa000;
*(rcx + 0x30) = 0xffffffffffdc9000;
*(rcx + 0x68) = 0x713000;
*(rcx + 0x70) = 0x40000;
*(rcx + 0x60) = 0xffffffffffe13000;
*(rcx + 0x80) = 0x6d3000;
*(rcx + 0x88) = 0x40000;
*(rcx + 0x78) = 0xffffffffffdd3000;
*(rcx + 0xa0) = 0x1ab000;
*(rcx + 0x98) = 0x4ec000;
*(rcx + 0x90) = 0xffffffffffbec000;
*(rcx + 0xc8) = 0x430000;
*(rcx + 0xd0) = 0x1000;
*(rcx + 0xc0) = 0xffffffffffb30000;
*(rcx + 0xb0) = 0x462000;
*(rcx + 0xb8) = 0xa000;
*(rcx + 0xa8) = 0xffffffffffb62000;
*(rcx + 0xe0) = 0x4ac000;
*(rcx + 0xe8) = 0x40000;
*(rcx + 0xd8) = 0xffffffffffbac000;
*(rcx + 0xf8) = 0x46c000;
*(rcx + 0x100) = 0x40000;
*(rcx + 0xf0) = 0xffffffffffb6c000;
*(rcx + 0x110) = 0x698000;
*(rcx + 0x118) = 0x268000;
*(rcx + 0x108) = 0xffffffffffd98000;
*(rcx + 0x120) = 0xffffffffffaf0000;
*(rcx + 0x130) = 0x40000;
*(rcx + 0x128) = 0x3f0000;
*(rcx + 0x140) = 0x3f0000;
*(rcx + 0x148) = 0x1e000;
*(rcx + 0x138) = 0xffffffffffaf0000;
*(rcx + 0x158) = *(rcx + 0x158) & 0x0;
*(rcx + 0x160) = 0x8000;
*(rcx + 0x150) = 0xffffffffff700000;
*(rcx + 0x170) = 0x5c000;
*(rcx + 0x178) = 0x1000;
*(rcx + 0x168) = 0xffffffffff75c000;
*(rcx + 0x198) = *(rcx + 0x198) & 0x0;
*(rcx + 0x1a8) = *(rcx + 0x1a8) & 0x0;
*(rcx + 0x1b0) = *(rcx + 0x1b0) & 0x0;
*(rcx + 0x1c0) = *(rcx + 0x1c0) & 0x0;
*(rcx + 0x180) = 0xffffffffff75d000;
*(rcx + 0x188) = 0x5d000;
*(rcx + 0x190) = 0x393000;
*(rcx + 0x1a0) = 0xffffffffffffffff;
*(rcx + 0x1b8) = 0xffffffffffffffff;
*(rcx + 0x1d0) = 0x698000;
*(rcx + 0x1d8) = 0x30000;
*(rcx + 0x1c8) = 0xffffffffffd98000;
*(rcx + 0x1e8) = 0x431000;
*(rcx + 0x1f0) = 0x30000;
*(rcx + 0x1e0) = 0xffffffffffb31000;
rax = 0x0;
return rax;
Hi! Any success?
None unfortunately. I couldn’t manage to get myself a programmer + a 2nd pc so I abandoned my research.
I did get the Engineering version of bios. The problem, the bios contain Engineering CPU and PCH codes. So it can’t run on normal Motherboard
N81- W25Q128FVSQ - DevEdition.bin.zip (8.2 MB)
just a thought. maybe you can try to swap ES version ME Firmware to production version via FIT and insert proper microcode.
tried, but no luck.
Microcodes are protected with RSA 256 signing
Great work over years and wish you the best to overcome the problem.
I found this thread while researching the way to edit bios for EliteDesk 800 G3
I wonder if 800 G3 is also RSA protected.
On the other hand, if algo is RSA256, isnt it possible to crack it?
Did further study as well.
Realize that HP has two different bios chip
8MB for EC and 16MB for BIOS
Raw dump can be opened with UEFITool.
Inside EC Firmware, there are lots of executable which can be analyzsed with IDA too.
I was hunting for recovery mode since this gets executed when BIOS is corrupted which makes me to believe it has to be exists on EC.
However, I couldn’t find any useful file except on very shady padding region.
Its located right after Microcode section where FIT exists.
It has some SureStart strings as well as something call “Firebird” which Im not sure what it is.
I still dont know what kind of binary it is so cant really analyze properly with IDA yet but still working on it.
!! Firebird Aggressive mode !!
!! Firebird Requested G3 Reset !!
!! Firebird phase2 check !!
!! Firebird phase2 Completed with Led Blink = %d !!
!! Firebird Phase2 Finished Successfully !!
!! Firebird phase2 re-validation after BB recovery fails !!
!! Firebird phase2 Repair !!
!! Firebird phase2 Manual Recovery !!
!! Wait till S0 Firebird completes before Sx Firebird Entry !!
!! S0 Firebird completed - ignore FB results !!
!! Firebird phase4 check launched from S0 State !!
!! Firebird phase4 Completed with Led Blink = %d !!
!! Firebird Phase4 Finished Successfully !!
!! Firebird phase4 re-validation after BB recovery fails !!
!! S0 Firebird recovered BB - generate SCI !!
!! Firebird phase4 Repair !!
!! Firebird phase4 Manual Recovery !!
!! Firebird phase4 check launched from S%d State !!
!! Firebird phase4 Completed with Led Blink = %d !!
!! Firebird phase4 Manual Recovery !!
!! Firebird phase4 re-validation after BB recovery fails !!
!! Firebird Phase4 Finished Successfully !!
!! Firebird phase4 Repair !!
!! Launch Firebird to change EC_MPM! Enable:%u Disable:%u !!
!! S0 Firebird is running !!
!!! ERROR: Firebird Could not Repair BootBlock.!!!
!!Can not run Firebird P2!!
!!! ERROR: Firebird Could not Repair BootBlock.!!!
!!Can not run Firebird P4!!
!!Can not run Firebird lite eSPI Intel!!
Full Firebird AMD
Firebird Self Test requested on next boot…
Full Firebird Intel
Firebird Self Test requested on next boot…
Firebird Lite for AMD and Intel starts
Firebird busy - rejecting command %d
Firebird busy - rejecting command %d
Set Firebird Policy Rejected. EC_MPM = %02hXh CloseTrustedAPI = %02hXh
!!! ERROR: Firebird Could not Repair BootBlock. Forcing G3 Reset!!!
!!! ERROR: Firebird Could not Repair BootBlock. Forcing G3 Reset!!!