I am Having Problem with Intel Me for My Dell Xps 9570

I am having problem with my dell xps 9570 power management, sleep mode and over heating problem. The problem started when I repaired my motherboard. A new processor was installed and now the laptop won’t go to sleep mode, the Nvidia auto switchng results in BSOD, and the laptop over heats.

Before my laptop was repaired, everything was working fine. I did not have any BSOD problem nor any over heating issues. The sleep mode worked fine as well.

The CMSE detection tool gave the error with my Intel Me.

I have upgaded the bios but the problem remains. I think that the Intel BIOS does not resolve this problem since Intel Me needs to be updated separately.

I think the Intel Me is corrupted and needs to be reflashed. Can anybody help me fix the issues?

These are FCBGA1440 CPUS if i remember right. This might as well be related to soldering / board repair or the cpu itself (why was it necessary to replace?) or other damages were caused by it?

PCH is closely connected to ME, but this is afaik CM246, so that’s unchanged.

That’s wrong for these types of Dell updates, but this machine is end of service, so the latest firmware update contains the version mentioned by you.

For updating CSME see

Latest ME 12 is12.0.96.2562 in #1 of the linked post. Has to be stitched with PMC (or you find an update binary with corresponding versions / types from another vendor).

I don’t think so as already written. Anyway the guide for reinitializing / cleaning a ME region can be found here:

thanks. I am a layman I don’t know these technical things. Is there any simple way to fix this problem or I have to take my laptop to a programmer who would do all the procedure.?

By the way, the problem started when I downgraded my laptop BIOS accidently. I downgraded to a very older version of bios from 2018 which destroyed my laptop. The repairmen changed the processor and my laptop came back to life. But then this problem started.

According to the descrpition of your skills: No. But it depends very much if you will find a shop that’s willing and capable to do this job properly.

Funny story, a same type older motherborad firmware shouldn’t be able to destroy a machine (brick of course yes, destroy a cpu I doubt)

I am worried with this BSOD problem and also the sleep mode. This will drain my battery very fast. So what should I tell the repair man? Flash the bios or clear the ME region and flash it again?

Flashing a bios again doesn’t help if there’s no corruption in the code volumes. It might help to exchange NVRAM with a blank “stock” one and to clean the ME region and to reset CMOS afterwards.

You might as well prepare an image yourself, and give it to a shop for flashing.

Good luck!

thanks for the help. I will prepare the image and give it to the programmer.

The XPS 9570 and Precision 5530 share the same motherboard. The Precision 5530 is still being supported by Dell.

It’s almost impossible to imagine that a Dell bios update would corrupt your ME, but I don’t know what the repair entailed - it’s possibly another NVRAM issue.

Apply the latest Precision 5530 bios first. That will update a lot, including the ME firmware, and then you can run ME corruption detection procedures that lfb6 spoke about to try and rule out an ME corruption issue.

Can you run the following command from the Flash Programming Tool\WIN64 folder in CSME System Tools v12 r38 and post the resulting bin file: fptw64 -d backup.bin -bios

You should be able to, and then you can examine your nvram volumes with UEFI Tool NE.

The Bios upgrade went well without any problem. I will now do the next step and post the results here. Thanks for the suggestion

It gave me this :

The Detection Tool just queries your ME firmware version, essentially. I don’t think it’ll detect corruption, but I’m guessing no corruption.

Obtain CSME System Tools v12 r38, and then run fptw64 -d backup.bin -bios from the Flash Programming Tool\WIN64 folder. Post the bin file.

Did the Precision 5530 bios update make a performance difference?

I am check it. Here is the bin file generated:https://www.mediafire.com/file/otk0nriocihro5r/backup.bin/file

No nvram-related issue is jumping out to me as problematic. lfb6 has a much keener eye on this than I do. Maybe he can check it for you.

Your volume and file sizes and addresses are identical to mine. Can’t see glaring issues.

Is my Me working fine ?

You can check this yourself in CSME System Tools v12 r38 by following lfb6’ instructions for checking ME corruption per the link I posted above. You can post your results.

By the way, the performanced is visibly increased. I test it.

I don’t know if the Dell bios update program is so thorough that it resets/corrects the ME. I think it does.

I’m pretty sure it will not correct nvram issues, so maybe you’re done here.

You said I don’t have nvram issue.

Here are the results:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3803]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Users\usman\Desktop\intel_me_12.0.90.2072_5(station-drivers.com)\MEInfo\Win\WINDOWS64

‘MEInfo’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

‘MEInfo’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Intel (R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

General FW Information

Platform Type                              Mobile
FW Type                                    Production
Last ME Reset Reason                       Unknown
BIOS boot State                            Post Boot
Slot 1 Board Manufacturer                  0x00000000
Slot 2 System Assembler                    0x00000000
Slot 3 Reserved                            0x00000000
Capability Licensing Service               Enabled
Local FWUpdate                             Enabled
OEM ID                                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Integrated Sensor Hub Initial Power State  Disabled
Intel(R) PTT Supported                     No
Intel(R) PTT initial power-up state        Disabled
OEM Tag                                    0x00
TLS                                        Enabled

Intel(R) ME code versions:
BIOS Version 1.42.0
MEBx Version
Vendor ID 8086
FW Version H Corporate
LMS Version Not Available
MEI Driver Version 2145.1.42.0
Wireless Hardware Version 2.1.77
Wireless Driver Version

IUPs Information
PMC FW Version 300.2.11.1025
OEM FW Version
LOCL FW Version
WCOD FW Version

PCH Information
PCH Version 10
PCH Device ID A30E
PCH Step Data B0
PCH SKU Type Production PRQ Revenue
PCH Replacement State Disabled
PCH Replacement Counter 0
PCH Unlocked State Disabled

Flash Information
SPI Flash ID 1 C84019
SPI Flash ID 2 Not Available
Host Read Access to ME Enabled
Host Write Access to ME Disabled
Host Read Access to EC Disabled
Host Write Access to EC Disabled

FW Capabilities 0x51309140
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED
Service Advertisement & Discovery - PRESENT/ENABLED
Persistent RTC and Memory - PRESENT/ENABLED

End Of Manufacturing
Post Manufacturing NVAR Config Enabled Yes
HW Binding Enabled
End of Manufacturing Enable Yes

Intel(R) Active Management Technology -
Intel(R) AMT State Disabled
M3 Autotest Disabled
Localized Language English
C-link Status Enabled
AMT Global State Enabled
Privacy/Security Level Default

Intel(R) Protected Audio Video Path
Keybox Not Provisioned
Attestation KeyBox Not Available
EPID Group ID 0x28B0
Re-key needed False
PAVP Supported Yes

Security Version Numbers
Minimum Allowed Anti Rollback SVN 1
Image Anti Rollback SVN 14
Trusted Computing Base SVN 1

FW Supported FPFs
*In Use
— — -----
Enforcement Policy 0x03 0x03 0x03
EK Revoke State Not Revoked Not Revoked Not Revoked
PTT Enabled Enabled Enabled
OEM ID 0x00 0x00 0x00
OEM Key Manifest Present Present Present Present
OEM Platform ID 0x00 0x00 0x00
OEM Secure Boot Policy 0x3F9 0x3F9 0x3F9
CPU Debugging Enabled Enabled Enabled
BSP Initialization Enabled Enabled Enabled
Protect BIOS Environment Enabled Enabled Enabled
Measured Boot Enabled Enabled Enabled
Verified Boot Enabled Enabled Enabled
Key Manifest ID 0x0F 0x0F 0x0F
Persistent PRTC Backup Power Enabled Enabled Enabled
RPMB Migration Done Disabled Disabled Disabled
SOC Config Lock Done Not Done Done
SPI Boot Source Enabled Enabled Enabled
TXT Supported Disabled Disabled Disabled

OEM Public Key Hash FPF 21EAA1D6205C4FC57B1D8DCA88924A294A7356EA8FD4839DAFAC0A289FE076A2
OEM Public Key Hash UEP 21EAA1D6205C4FC57B1D8DCA88924A294A7356EA8FD4839DAFAC0A289FE076A2
OEM Public Key Hash ME FW 21EAA1D6205C4FC57B1D8DCA88924A294A7356EA8FD4839DAFAC0A289FE076A2
PTT Lockout Override Counter FPF 0x00


I think your CSME System Tools v12 is old?

Download the latest CSME System Tools v12 r38, and run the tests again.

If I’m right that the dell bios update is so thorough that it can correct ME errors on upgrade, and you had no nvram issues, you should be good to go.

I would update drivers from the Precision 5530 site - especially the Intel Management Engine Components Installer dated 15 Nov 2024.

Edit: No, it looks like you have the latest Tools.

See my attached meinfowin64 and MEManufWin64 -verbose runs.

meinfowin64 and MEManufWin64 -verbose.zip (2.6 KB)

You need to run MEManufWin64 -verbose in the MEManuf\WIN64 folder.