Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Is ME release for 1.5 Mo ?

No, this Firmware is only usable for 5M systems.
As soon as I get access to the 1.5M Firmware v8.1.55.1506, I will offer it within the start post of this thread.

Looks like your drivers also support 5-series chipsets (tested on hm57). Also i found firmware for business 5-series chipsets,…ocID=MIGR-74338 ,tool from this package also support consumer systems, but i didn’t found any 1.5mb fw’s. Seems like lenovo site have all latest firmwares for business chipsets 5-6-7-8-9 series.

@ gtrtfm:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for the info!


Hello, I have a Sony Vaio VPCEB2AFD whose BIOS update failed. It boots up and then its fans starts spinning so fast that it autoshuts itself down after around 40 seconds. BIOS reports the following:
BIOS Version: R0300Y8
EC Version: K0300Y8
ME Version:
The latest ME firmware version on Sony’s website is However, since I cannot boot into Windows to run the ME firmware installer. I have tried looking around for any .BIN file I can flash but I haven’t found any made for Series 5 chipsets (specifically HM55). Is there anything you can suggest I try?
Thanks for reading.

@ jimenezman:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

What lets you think, that the BIOS update failure has been caused by the (wrong?) Intel ME Firmware?
By the way: The latest Intel ME6 Firmware I have seen is v6.2.60.1066 and designed for 5M ME systems.
If you are interested, I will give you the download link.


Thanks so much for getting back!
I carried out update R0300Y8 from BIOS R0270Y8 because Sony’s website promised that the new BIOS would provide “better fan control”. Before I updated the BIOS my laptop worked, though its fans would spin up so fast if I did anything taxing. It would then shut down. Another thing as well, before the update I would get this error: ME Firmware Update Failed, please try again! So the ME portion of the BIOS I think got borked a long time ago.
I would like to try out the v6.2.60.1066 firmware whose link you have. Lemme ask, this sort of firmware is not board-, or vendor-specific, is it? Can I take firmware from say Lenovo’s site and have it work on my Vaio?


I have downloaded v6.2.60.1066 from Lenovo’s site. I am encountering troubles getting it to install. I have made my USB flash disk to be DOS-bootable. I copied all the files in the extracted v6.2.60.1066 file (with the .BIN alongside several other files) then powered up the laptop while holding Ctrl+Home keys to get it into BIOS recovery. I tried running the command MEUPDATE.CMD but I get this error: Bad command or file name. Is there anything I can try?

In this case I recommend to reflash the latest working BIOS.

AFAIK the mainbord/PC manufacturers do not modify/customize the ME Firmware, which is provided by Intel.
Nevertheless you will not be able to get my stored Intel ME6 Firmware v6.2.60.1066 flashed, because it is the 5M variant, which is not usable with "normal" consumer systems.
As I already have written, I recommend to reflash the previously running BIOS version. After having succeeded, you may try to repair or update the Intel ME6 Firmware. You will have to look for the 1.5M variant of it.

I wouldn’t run the "MEUPDATE.CMD" because it sets OEMID, try first "FWUpdLcl.exe PCH_8M_MB_UPD_Production.BIN"

EDIT: or "FWUpdLcl.exe PCH_8M_MB_UPD_Production.BIN -generic"

Lemme try that.

In this case I recommend to reflash the latest working BIOS.

AFAIK the mainbord/PC manufacturers do not modify/customize the ME Firmware, which is provided by Intel.
Nevertheless you will not be able to get my stored Intel ME6 Firmware v6.2.60.1066 flashed, because it is the 5M variant, which is not usable with "normal" consumer systems.
As I already have written, I recommend to reflash the previously running BIOS version. After having succeeded, you may try to repair or update the Intel ME6 Firmware. You will have to look for the 1.5M variant of it.

I don’t think it is possible for me to flash the BIOS with the one on Sony’s website as I read o Sony’s own community forums that the ROMs on Sony’s support pages are not bootable.

I wouldn’t run the "MEUPDATE.CMD" because it sets OEMID, try first "FWUpdLcl.exe PCH_8M_MB_UPD_Production.BIN"

EDIT: or "FWUpdLcl.exe PCH_8M_MB_UPD_Production.BIN -generic"

I have tried that, but am told that the program cannot be run in DOS mode.

Yes, only windows flasher is included, if not possible to flash in win, DOS flasher have to be found.

Attached is a DOS flash installer, but I am not sure, if it will work with ME6 Firmware.

Found a dos flasher otherwise, should work.

Thanks guys for the DOS flashers, but I am getting an "Invalid Usage" error. Lemme keep playing with it.
I have another question; the firmware contained in the version I downloaded is in .BIN format. AMI APTIO (the one in the Sony Vaio I have) uses .ROM files. Will it even work should I overcome the "Invalid Usage" error?

Can you give us a link to that ROM file? ROM files usually are BIOS files and no Firmware files.

Standard for ME FW is bin, Aptio rom is the BIOS itself.
try type fwupdlcl /? or fwupdlcl -h to see if any other switches are required, invalid usage is that some option is incorrect.

Can you give us a link to that ROM file? ROM files usually are BIOS files and no Firmware files.

Here is a link to the v6.2.60.1066 ME firmware. The main file contained in it is the .BIN file. And then here is a link to the R0300Y8 BIOS that I updated to from R0270Y8. The main file contained is a .ROM file.

The result is still the same. My laptop does not stay on long enough for me to read through all the information thrown up after I press enter to execute the command. It autoshuts down after the fans start spinning very fast.