Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)


Dear P,

can you please update the frontpage with the new Intel ME versions? (eg.


@FM1 and all others:
All Forum members and visitors, who were used in the past to get instant updates of the start post, will have to wait until plutomaniac is able to do it. He is currently very busy elsewhere and can only be online sporadically.
Be patient!

@plutomaniac ,
have found new ME Firmware, extract from Bios, incl. bat and meflasher, directly flashable.

Intel CSME 12.0 Consumer PCH-H B,A Firmware v12.0.49.1534

me12.0.49.1534.jpg (1.82 MB)

Dear forum community
I would have question if I only need the MEI driver (ca. 4MB), or even the large package incl. Software about 100MB and more.
ASUS always gives the big package for download

What is the MEI software needed for? Best regards, TOM

The answer can be found within the start post of this thread.

He wasnā€™t logged in more than 3 weeks now. Somehow i wonder if he ever will be back or something happened not suitable for the public. I asked a few questions over the last weeks but never got direct help from anyone and i wait for plutomaniac answerring thngs about TXE no one else seems to know.
Is there something more concrete you can say us or should i move on?

Iā€™m sorry
Of course I read the first page before my request.
Iā€™m not a computer expert to see if the software makes sense and does not ballast as often so for the system.
If I understood correctly, it is definitely correct to install the full package.
Best regards, TOM

@pokuly :
There is nothing to worry about. Plutomaniac is and will stay the owner of this Forum. He just has currently no possibility to be online. This situation may last until next springtime.
I am pretty sure, that he will answer you and anybody else as soon as he can.

Thanks for your answer and sorry if i came over unpatient.
I didnā€™t realize he now is the owner.

First link is not available, only for paid members.

If you want, that a special Forum member (here: westlake) gets notified about your post, you should directly address your post to him/her.

Sorry, I figured he would be notified by a the quote :smiley:

Fernandoā€™s post above creates a state of uncertainty for me and I think for other users. Plutomaniacā€™s presence on the forum and his constant activity for the applications developed by him were a sign that everything was OK. It is somehow sick or which is the reason why it is not possible to be online, this sounds extremely bad!

@ibsajc :
Only your speculations are extremely bad. AFAIK plutomaniacā€™s health is absolutely fine, but each humanā€™s life contains obligations, which are much more important than the presence within a Forum.
If you want to know the exact reason for his current Forum absence (he announced it internally already in springtime 2019), you should ask him personally, when he will be back.

OK, Iā€™m sorry.



Could you please attach PMC 300.2.11.1022 in a post, or upload somewhere else?
as the original link does not work.

Same for this firmware.
Also, would be grand to specify if it is Consumer or Corporate variant, extracted or not, etc.

Sorry, is it possible to clarify the situation on MEI drivers? There are a bunch of higher/newer drivers on stationdrivers (from Pacman), but the OP still shows the same version as latest ones.
Thank you!

You can verify it by checking the extension and the size of the Firmware file. The Corporate variants are much bigger sized than the Consumer ones.

No, I donā€™t touch plutomaniacā€™s start posts. You all have to wait until the thread opener plutomaniac is back online. By the way - a new Firmware must not been flashed instantly.

Possible to have the .inf file of Intel Management Engine Interface (MEI) Version 1937.14.0.1350 WHQL ?

Thanks so much