Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

I don’t have them and I am not even sure, if they are available at all.

They are, I have all three of them at v7.1.20.1197 versions. The Windows ones are more recent like 7.1.52, 7.1.50 etc. Anyway, thank you for replying Fernando.

Are you sure, that the FWUpdate tools v7.1.20.xxxx don’t work with the Firmware v7.1.50.xxxx?

They work but they are older. I remember reading an Intel revision pdf mentioning that MeInfo before 7.1.30 or something was reporting some stuff wrong. The Windows version I found is the 7.1.50 or 52 so it should be ok. But not the DOS version. This is just an example of why I’m generally looking for the more “updated” versions of them even if they work. A more extreme example would be the fact that Intel FITC v7.1.20.1197 cannot rebuild BIOS images without corrupting them on 6-series systems as reported at other forums. Unfortunately it’s the only leaked version of FITC v7.1 that I know of and it’s flawed so it can only be used for reading info unless you want a bricked motherboard.

Check this: Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (4)

Good day! I currently run the newest v8 1.5MB MEI Firmware on my ASUS Z77 system along with the newest associated driver. But whenever it resumes from sleep the device has an exclamation point in the Device Manager and a Code 10 warning about not being able to start. Anybody else see this before?


I have the exact same issue on my Gigabyte Z77X-UD3H motherboard running the latest ME firmware. I haven’t researched it a lot since I have been doing some other stuff but in my case the default Windows ME drivers don’t cause that problem. Go to Device Manager and uninstall the current drivers + tick the Delete the software for this device box too. Unofrtunately that is the only way. I will try a complete reflash of the ME at some point and post here the results.

@ lordkjag:

I am so sorry, that I missed your tip, which you gave me some months ago.
Now I have realized it and followed your advice.
Thank you very much!

@ all:
Update of the Start Post

  • new: Intel MEManuf Tool v9.0.21.1452 dated 08/19/2013 for ME9.0 systems
  • new: Intel MEManuf Tool v8.1.10.1286 dated 07/23/2012 for ME8 systems

Updated at 10/11/2014:
  • new: Intel MEManuf Tool v7.1.20.1119 dated 08/08/2011 for ME7 systems
  • new: Intel MEManuf Tool v6.0.0.1184 dated 09/30/2009 for ME6 systems
  • new: Intel MEInfo Tool v6.2.0.1022 dated 04/12/2011 for ME6 systems

  • Thanks to plutomaniac for the source files!

    @ D2theZ and plutomaniac:
    Have you already run the MEManuf Tool?
    If not, you can find it now within the start post of this thread.

    Good luck!


    I had tried MeManuf more than a month ago. It was reporting everything fine even when it wasn’t. Anyway, today I fixed the wake problem with Code 10 on my system. It’s either the reflash of the entire bios or the latest drivers that solved it (probably the first). What I did:

    1) Installed the latest Intel MEI Drivers v10.0.28.1000 WHQL from Here
    2) Used “FPT -F BIOS.bin” command to reflash the whole 8MB BIOS image which also updates the ME (at least at my Gigabyte board)
    3) Reboot system and Restore Setup Defaults
    4) Downloaded the latest ME v8.1.52.1496 1.5MB from Here and updated it using “FWUpdLcl64 -F ME_8.1.52.1496.bin” command
    5) Reboot system and reapply your previous bios settings manually
    6) Run MeInfo to check that the ME is fully updated and then Memanuf to test it
    7) Check if the sleep problem is now fixed


    Attached MeManuf v7.1.20.1119 & MeInfo v7.1.52.1180 for 6-series systems based on ME7 firmware. They work perfectly fine under Windows x64.

    MeInfo&Memanufv7.1.rar (212 KB)

    Thanks for the link.
    I will add the MEManuf for ME7 systems to the start post, but the MEInfo Tool v7.1.52.1180 has already been there.

    EDIT: Done!

    Hi erveryone-
    i have an asus z87- pro (c2) and i think to update the Intel Management Engine.
    I have run the me info tool.
    any update available ?

    Please help.

    Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
    Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Intel(R) ME code versions:

    BIOS Version: 2103
    MEBx Version:
    Gbe Version: 1.3
    VendorID: 8086
    PCH Version: 5
    FW Version: H
    LMS Version:
    MEI Driver Version:
    Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
    Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

    FW Capabilities: 0x01101940

    Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
    Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
    Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

    TLS: Disabled
    Last ME reset reason: Global system reset
    Local FWUpdate: Enabled
    BIOS Config Lock: Enabled
    GbE Config Lock: Enabled
    Host Read Access to ME: Disabled
    Host Write Access to ME: Disabled
    SPI Flash ID #1: EF4017
    SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20252025
    SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20252025
    BIOS boot State: Post Boot
    OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
    OEM Tag: 0x00000000
    Localized Language: Unknown
    Independent Firmware Recovery: Disabled

    @ anfield24csk3:
    Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

    You can update
    1. the Intel ME Consumer (1.5M) Firmware to v9.0.31.1487 and
    2. the ME software and drivers by running the installer of the complete Intel ME Set v10.0.28.1006 WHQL.
    Alternatively to point 2 you can update just the Intel MEI driver to v10.0.28.1000 WHQL from within the Device Manager.

    Good luck!


    AFAIK MeManuf is for both mobile & desktop systems. For example the one I provided previously for ME7 is working perfectly on my laptop. Even the one for ME8 (8.1.10) works fine. So this “desktop” part might confuse people.

    Also, attached below MeManuf v6.0.0.1184 & MeInfo v6.2.0.1022 for 5-series systems based on ME6 firmware. They work perfectly fine under Windows x64.

    MEInfo&MEManufv6.x.rar (190 KB)

    Sorry for the “double post”. Out of curiosity I was searching about the older ME6 that is included in an older P55 system I have and I found out something. Basically at the time (5-series launch) the different SKU’s had different BIOS sizes (2MB, 4MB or 8MB). The ones with 2MB bioses (like my old board) actually have a small 200KB (0.2MB) ME firmware called Ignition because it provides only extremely basic stuff like temp monitoring. So in this post from about a month ago that person has a PM55 (2MB chip) system and so the 1.5MB v6.1.10.1052 firmware provided from @lordkag is not correct for that system.

    Intel 5-Series SKU Differences & Features.pdf (65.5 KB)

    @ plutomaniac:
    Thank you very much for your additional input.
    Meanwhile I have added the Intel MEManuf Tool v6.0.0.1184 and the MEInfo Tool v6.2.0.1022 to the start post of this thread and done some modifications regarding the associated text.
    I hope, that everything is now complete and ok for you.

    I am not sure about that. As far as I understood the Intel ME Firmware update procedure, the Intel ME FWUpdate Tool will only update the ME part, which is usable by the specific Intel ME system, but maybe I am wrong.

    @ lordkag:
    I would rather like to offer the Intel ME FWUpdate Tool v6.1.10.1052 (1.5M), but you had only linked the Firmware itself. Is it possible to get a link to the tool as well?


    The FWUpdLcl tool requires a special smaller ME firmware file with different HEX code which is around 1.3MB. The full production ME firmware is 1.5MB and can only be flashed with FPT. In this picture I am comparing v7.1.60.1193 Update & v7.1.60.1193 Production firmwares. As you can see they have completely different HEX code:

    (link to larger image:

    Now, check the size of the different files. The full images are 1.524KB whereas the update is 1.304KB.

    Lordkag gave you the file at the top of the picture above. As you can see it’s 1.524KB which is a full 1.5MB production ME. It cannot be used with any FWUpdLcl tool. This file can only be flashed with FPT or embedded inside a BIOS image after fixing OEM settings (which the update firmware & FWUpdLcl tool keep intact). Unfortunately the FWUpdLcl v6 does not have a -save command to dump an update ME file like v7 tools and above. So I guess the only way to get the update firmware was via Intel back then. As far as FWUpdLcl v6 is concerned, the one you have at the 5MB v6.2.60.1066 package will do just fine for 1.5MB-based update firmwares.

    Aside all these, the reason I said that Lordkag gave the wrong firmware is because that guy has a system with 0.2MB Production ME (Ignition without AMT part as shown at the picture above) and so the 1.5MB version would not fit. Systems with Ignition ME (0.2MB) don’t even use MEI Drivers as I saw at my old P55 desktop today. There is a Windows Management Engine but it’s not from Intel nor does it take such drivers. Ignition provides very basic functions at boot-time so a windows driver is not present/needed.

    Hi Fernando!

    I just had my Asus Sabertooth Z77 replaced (warranty) - which is the current and most appropriate ME firmware and ASMedia drivers? (I’m going to do a Win7 x64 re-install because something with the XHCI Controller got screwed up and it won’t register right - yellow triangle w/exclamation point).

    Thanks! :slight_smile:

    ME Firmware: v8.1.52.1496
    ME Driver:

    Check first post

    New set of 5Mo firmwares at StationDrivers available

    -Intel ME Firmware Version (5Mo)
    -Intel ME Firmware Version (5Mo)

    They also contain updated MEInfo Tool:

    Fwupdlcl are not updated:

    Update of the Start Post

    • new: Intel FWUpdate v9.1.2.1035 for ME9 Business (5M) systems
    • new: Intel MEInfo Tool v9.1.20.1020 dated 10/13/2014 for ME9 systems
    • new: Intel FWUpdate v8.1.57.1556 for ME8 Business (5M) systems
    • new: Intel MEInfo Tool v8.1.56.1541 dated 07/23/2014 for ME8 systems

    Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source files!