Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

In the Firmware Repositories:

Intel (CS)ME, (CS)TXE, (CS)SPS, GSC, PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM Firmware Repositories

Note: If ur going after an update, u should first use the latest bios of the motherboard from the OEM and then check versions again.

Yeah, I got it. Thanks a lot.

PMC TGP LP C v150.1.20.1038


Update Request:
Latest versions of HWiNFO seem to have changed where the Intel ME info is, can we get an update to the Getting Started section (or screenshot if I am just not seeing it)
I THINK I found the info under Intel vPro buried in the Mainboard area, but want to be sure.

EDIT: for reference I am gonna use the other tools, just figured might help others for the quick check. Hopefully this Alienware Alpha Steam Machine can get an ME update, well find out!

MEI Drivers and Software v2137.15.0.2461 DCH (Windows 10 >= 1709)

Still at the same place for me

Interesting, its not there for me, will get a screenshot and edit this post when i can

EDIT: image attached, since its MIA, could that mean there is no ME on this thing? As mentioned, if I dig down I have an Intel vPro section that looks a bit like that however attached as well



EDIT2: Its gotta have ME but doesn’t show if no drivers maybe? Sadly, the driver link from here to over at station-drivers has been dead for 2 months~ now

Hi there,
I have often read in the forum that some users use the command fptw64 -greset. What does this command
do and why is it recommended? If this means that the settings from the OEM in the ME
reset or deleted?
I have successfully updated the ME firmware with FWUpdLcl64
and it works perfectly. Do I have to use the command fptw64 -greset after updating the ME firmware?

A proper MEI driver (i.e. Windows Update or stock installation) and a healthy firmware are required for such info to be retrieved and to perform any updates.

No you do not. That command restarts the CSE/ME hardware, in case it is required/instructed to do so.

just get an Bios update for my Dell notebook which comes with new CSME
Could it be the YPDM Consumer LP version which is still missing in the first page?
Bios source on Dell webpage:…-15-5568-laptop

Hello! Found this :…5Mo)/lang,fr-ca
Firmware Version (SH) (1.5MB) Consumer H + Intel Management Engine Interface (MEI / AMT) Version 2135.15.0.2431 WHQL - delivered in the same zip. I own a Z490-A Pro + 10700K (which afaik are comet lake) and the firmware update states something about rocket lake.
That’s the actual data for me from MEInfo:
Intel(R) ME code versions:
BIOS Version 2.B0
Vendor ID 8086
MEI Driver Version 2120.100.0.1085
FW Version H Consumer
LMS Version 2130.1.16.4

IUPs Information
PMC FW Version
SAMF FW Version
PPHY FW Version
PCHC FW Version

Is it safe to update to this version ?


Would you be so kind and compile Firmware Version with PMC FW Version, PCHC FW Version and PHY P CMP v12.14.214.2014 so it would be ready to use with FWUpdate Tool? I have 10875H CPU on HM470.

In the link from post above there are always 2 versions of bin files for CSME, PMC, PCHC, PHY, preproduction and production, and I don’t know what should I use, and there are also other bin files in folders SAM and Prestitched and here I also don’t know what to do with them, as I never saw this bin files.

I think the pack you required would fit for the 10700k z490 too, right ?

I think, yes

@plutomaniac thank you for the tools + guide.
I came here in the hope to make PTT work. It can be turned on in bios, but it doesn’t show up in windows.
In some of your posts you mentioned locking me would help (it is in manufacturing mode atm)

But FPTW.exe -closemnf returns:
Error 51: Could not access PCI device.
Error 51: Could not access PCI device.
Error 64: Failed to initialize SPI interface.
FPT Operation Failed.

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Enabled

Board: Gigabyte GA-IMB410TN
FW Version H Consumer

I already updated fw to recent version
PTT is also enabled in fit

Have you/anyone an idea why I cant lock my me?

Somehow locking worked today, maybe a restart wasn’t enough and the power cycle did the trick?
Sadly tpm still doesn’t show up in windows

If someone wants here is a link for ME FW compiled by me and ready to use with update tool:

Compiled with : Intel (R) Flash Image Tool. Version:

CSE ME: production
PMC : production
PCHC : production
PHY : production
SAM : 01.0011.00 production


As for SAM I added it to FIT to compile full image but I have no idea if it should be there or not. I only know that the FW can be compiled without it and ME analyzer shows FW Update ready this way or another.

I don’t know if PHY AND SAM is needed or updated during flashing for CML CPUS anyway.

Finding is that, the image compiled from pre production images shows some different chipset EBG (instead of CMP) for PHY.

CSME 15.0 Consumer H B v15.0.35.1932


CSME 14.1 Consumer H A v14.1.60.1790


CSME System Tools v15.0 r10

CSME System Tools v14.0.20+ r17

CSME System Tools v12 r35

As always, big thanks to everyone who found and/or reported these.

The .bin files not on MEGA yet ?

What ".bin files"? The 2 FW and 3 SysTools are already available.

Hmm, I must be blind, but I swear the Fw are not there.

PS. Yes, I am blind. Sorry. It’s either that or they were actually not there like 10 minutes ago.


They were there for sure, probably your browser cache or similar.