Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Sorry, I did a mistake installing it at the same folder as previous version and I didn’t notice, the install package wasn’t the same as previous from Lenovo. My bad.

Is there a point in updating the MEBx firmware after having updated the regular ME firmware? If so, how?

The MEBx is relevant only for 5M firmware, which I don’t have experience with unfortunately. However, I usually include the relevant MEBx User Guide from Intel inside my System Tool Packages so depending on your system I suggest you search there for Intel’s official documentation. I don’t remember whether this can be updated on it’s own or whether that’s done via the ME Firmware image. It’s basically your “control panel” where you can change ME 5M settings. Similar to the RAID oROM configuration utility. This one can be accessed on relevant systems with Ctrl+P.

Intel ME configuration is included in the BIOS by the Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension (Intel MEBX). The Intel MEBX provides the ability to change and/or collect the system hardware configuration, passes it to the management firmware and provides the Intel ME configuration user interface.

Updates since 13/11/2014 (d/m/y)

Newer Intel ME6 v6.0.3.1195 1.5MB firmware (previous was v6.0.0.1184)
Updated ME6 MEInfo DOS Tool from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
Updated ME6 MEManuf DOS/Windows Tool from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
Changes at ME System Tools v6.x package:

> Flash Image Tool from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
> Flash Programming Tool (DOS/Windows) from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
> MEInfo (DOS) from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
> MEManuf (DOS/Windows) from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
> UpdParam (DOS) from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.30.1202
> Updated QST Tools with Documentationv0.75
> Updated System Tools User Guide from v0.93 → v1.05
> Updated FW Bring Up Guide from v6.0.0.1184 → v6.0.3.1195
> Added FW Bring Up Guide for 5M systems v0.91
> Added Manufacturing with Intel ME Ignition Firmware Guide
> Added PCH SPI Programming Guide (v1.5 for package & older v1.3 for Braidwood Tools)
> Updated OEM Web User Interface Guide v0.6 → v1.0
> Added ME6 MEBx User Guide v1.1
> Added FSTDOS Tool
> Updated AMT Tools
> Removed FITC v6.0.0.1115 for P57, PM57 because these chipsets do not exist, they were probably scraped before seeing the light of day and thus useless for consumers

Can I make a small suggestion? When a System Tools package gets updated, maybe the first post should also reflect that, like "Intel ME System Tools vx.x (updated on xx.xx.xxxx) " next to the link. The rest of the links have the version in name, so it easy to know what you have, but the tools are not that easy to inspect.

I say this because some of us may want to have a copy of the tools, so it would be rather easy to check the date and know that you have the last version of the package.

Hi plutomaniac.

I’ve tried to update my ME FW to posted without success. I’ve used FWUpdLcl 7.1 for DOS. The new image is sent to FW, FW verifies it and FWUpdLcl ends with a bright green “FW update complete, reboot to run the new FW version”. Then I’ve tried by rebooting (as explicitly indicated) as well as by powering off the computer after “success” message from FWUpdLcl.

In both cases (reboot/power off) the PC powers off after a couple of seconds, then powers on and show some Writting/Erasing messages at the top left corner of screen. Then powers off, powers on again and PC booting proceeds normally, except it still displays the same POST message (same for almost 2 years): Running ME FW, backup is

So its like old ME is rejecting the “received new FW” (according to FWUpdLcl completion message) and restoring old I’ve even tried to restore my MoBo BIOS defaults, should my overclock was interfering the ME update process. Didn’t make any difference.

After each try I’ve checked ME with the DOS tools (MEInfo, MEManuf, redumped FW with FWUpdLcl). All dumps are SHA1 matches of my original (posted a few days ago). Same MEManuf error (SMBus test) always, except after the first update try. MEManuf ended without errors (SMBus read ok!). But after subsequent ME FW update attempts, MEManuf reported SMBus test error again (like before trying to update ME FW).

I’ve not tried to update ME FW from Windows. Will requiere a reboot/power off as well, so I don’t see why the result could be different.


Oh I see, ASRock tends to do that. They have a recovery system in place that restores the ME to a predefined version in case it’s changed or updated from a backup. There have been people with the same issue in this thread before with the most recent being HERE. As I mentioned & linked at that post, user lordkag found the solution to this problem by disabling or bypassing that check ASRock has placed.

In your case, first update to the latest ASRock BETA Bios which will transition you to ME Firmware v8 and thus Ivy Bridge support. However, afterwards the same thing will happen where you won’t be able to update to the latest as of now ME8 v8.1.52.1496 firmware. The stock v8.1.0.1248 is going to be restored every time. After updating to the latest BETA bios, try the latest ME8 firmware and see if it reverts back. If it does, I suggest you contact lordkag (by using @username-to-include) so that he will see it. But first, update to the latest BETA Bios and be careful to not remove the USB flash drive before the entire flashing is done as I said earlier.


Done, I added the dates.


I’ve been reading the hanson, CPL0 and lordkag posts. So Asrock harcoded ME FW version in AMITSE module of my current BIOS (1.10). This module checks for that precise ME version to be the running one. Any other version is not accepted and replaced with the backup, which is

Two approaches to this limitation:

a) Include the new ME FW (customized to system according to old ME FW in BIOS) in the BIOS FW and patch AMITSE module so it is harcoded to the ME FW version -> Approach tested working by Hanson
b) (I like this more) Patch AMITSE module in BIOS to bypass/ignore the ME FW version check code that causes the backup reflash. This approach does not require the new (and customized) ME FW in the BIOS and allows for FWUpdLcl usage -> lorkag provided the patched AMITSE module to hanson for him to replace in the original BIOS, but hanson didn’t report back (or I cannot find the post).

I will not worry about current ME 7.1 issues then, now that I know the reasons (except this SMBus test fail, that I’ve passed at least 1 time). However it would be interesting to check if AMITSE module in 2.30/2.31a BIOS (I’ve yet to decide if going to use the beta) is harcoded to ME version resp. in advance.

EDIT: My ME FW dump from FWUpdLcl matches the image contained in the package linked in this post by iceman. Thanks for your wise guidelines so far plutomaniac. I’m still wrapping up, because I will update my BIOS and reinstall my OS and stuff into new HDDs.

After you decide what BIOS to install, try FWUpdLcl and check for yourself. My guess is that the lock would still be there. After that, try either lordkag’s or hanson’s way and let us know of the result here.

Hi plutomaniac,
I try to update the firmware ME v. on a laptop Sony VPCEJ2L1E , but “FWUpdLcl” command is not recognized? I use a 64bit system.
I think that’s why it does not work. Is is possible to do this update?


The tool for DOS & Windows x86 (32-bit) is called FWUpdLcl
The tool for Windows x64 (64-bit) is called FWUpdLcl64


Added SW Installation Guide documentation at ME System Tools v9.5
Added System Tools User Guide & SW Installation Guide documentation at ME System Tools v10.x
* Added AMT Tools User Guide documentation at ME System Tools v2.x

But the tool FWUpdLcl64 is not present in the v. pack?

Oh yes sorry, didn’t see the ME v7 firmware. 64-bit tools were not available before ME8 but you can use FWUpdLcl (Windows version) just fine even under Windows x64. As the I have written, open a Command Prompt as administrator at the same folder where FWUpdLcl is and run the appropriate commands.

Ok. Well apparently I try with FWUpdLcl or 64 of the tool ME8, it does not work. This Sony is reluctant to this update, Lol.

To update ME7 firmware (specifically v7.1.60.1193 in your case) you need the ME7 FWUpdate tool. Not the ME8 tools. From the main topic you need to download these:

Intel ME7 Consumer 1.5MB Firmware Update v7.1.60.1193
Intel FWUpdate Tool for ME7 Firmware v7.1.50.1166

It should work just fine. If it doesn’t, what procedure do you follow exactly and what error do you get?

I use well these tools.

I get the following error: Error 8716: Invalid usage

edit: If I add the command extensions .exe and .bin, I error : 8714

current system “Win. 7 64”

You are typing something wrong. What command do you type? Basically this is what you need to do after you download the two files I said above:

1. Extract the firmware and rename the .bin file to ME.bin (to make it easier later on)
2. Extract the tool and go to Windows folder, copy ME.bin file alongside FWUpdLcl
3. Open a command prompt and type:

FWUpdLcl -f ME.bin -allowsv

4. Restart your computer
5. Run MEInfo and MEManuf to make sure everything is fine as mentioned at the first post

Thank you very much Plutomaniac !! it worked !!
I had already typed the correct order, now but what everything changed is the command "allowsv"

It should be named in the folder files as follows:

and the cmd:

The Intel ME Firmware Version (1.5 & 5Mo) is available on Station drivers

Glad it worked out for you. Thank you Div for the new firmware info, I will add it tomorrow when I have some time.

New ME9.5 Firmware 1.5MB from v9.5.40.1892 → v9.5.41.1904
New ME9.5 Firmware 5MB from v9.5.40.1892 → v9.5.41.1904