Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

does the v10 driver at 1st page supports 1.5MB firmware ?

The last 5 questions you’ve asked are useless. Of course it does, I would have mentioned it otherwise.

As we said, install v10.0.30.1054. Nothing more to do afterwards.

Make sure the .bin file is not open in a Hex editor or similar. A restart would also be nice. Otherwise, make sure the FWUpdate is run as Administrator and that the firmware file has a .bin extension.

Darn, still a no go. I tried to run the update from another windows 7 partition and it shows the same error. The me firmware bin is ok also, renamed to me.bin .

I ran MEManufWin64.exe and got 2 errors Error 9268 fail to load vsccommn.bin and Error 9296 MeManuf test failed .

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded double quoting deleted (to save space).

Make sure the tools are downloaded from here and that all files are included (not just the .exe). What version of Tools are these? Most probably it’s some other issue which is Windows/Computer-specific (access rights, folder location/naming etc).

ME8 MEManuf v8.1.51.1476

It’s something computer-specific. Could be a background program causing issues, an antivirus etc. The actual tool from here works just fine.

I just ran it again on a different windows 7 partition and here is what come up.C:>Windows64\MEInfoWin64.exe

Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error 1002: Failed to retrieve Intel (R) ME FW Version

Error 8203: Unexpected result in command response (Get FWU Version)

Error 9459: Internal error (Could not determine FW features information)

Obviously, you are mix & matching versions. Why are you running ME7 tools on a non-ME7 platform? Thats what these errors mean.

Thanks for pointing that out for me.This is the result in running the correct ver…

Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel(R) ME code versions:

BIOS Version: 2104
MEBx Version: Not available
Gbe Version: 1.3
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:
UNS Version: Not Available
LMS Version: Not Available
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

FW Capabilities: 0x01101C40

Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

CPU Upgrade State: Not Upgradable
Cryptography Support: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
BIOS Config Lock: Enabled
GbE Config Lock: Enabled
Host Read Access to ME: Enabled
Host Write Access to ME: Enabled
SPI Flash ID #1: EF4017
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20052005
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20052005
BIOS boot State: Post Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
Capability Licensing Service Status: Permit info not available
OEM Tag: 0x00000000
Localized Language: Unknown
Independent Firmware Recovery: Disabled

I ran MEManufWin64 and got this today.

Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error 9268: Fail to load vsccommn.bin

Error 9296: MEManuf Test Failed

Anyone know what this means…

Still can not figure out what these 2 errors mean when running MEManufWin64 .I am using the correct ver 8.1 for Z77 mb.

What reason for “Error 9268: Fail to load vsccommn.bin” can be more obvious than absence of vsccommn.bin file?
The archive you have unpacked MeManuf utility from contains several files, but you’ve got only the EXE and it can’t work without that BIN file it complains about.

NEW! ME Analyzer tool has been released! Added ME Analyzer references at main topic.

* Update Intel MEI Drivers & Software 5MB from v10.0.38.1036 → v10.0.39.1003 (actual driver is the same, v10.0.30.1054, no need to update)


Once again, thank you Station-Drivers for the 5MB version of the driver.


You are killing me, no link! Ha-ha…

Yes, it will be added shortly :slight_smile:

Where to find FITC 9.1x for z97 ???

Mmm, interesting. ME11 doesn’t have $SKU anymore and the $MN2 regions seem different. Maybe compressed…

EDIT: It may be based on a different ARC core or something. FPT header is different, the structure seems different.


Do not release this firmware at SD:

a) It’s ROM-Bypass, not Production.
b) The image gets cut abruptly, it’s not complete.

By the way (and if I may), what’s the source?

There are no v9.1 tools for now. Only the basic ones (MEInfo, MEManuf, FWUpdate)

Thank you jjxaker.

As I thought, apart from being ROMB, the file was cut incorrectly. There are still data after 17D000 which was previously the typical 1.5MB firmware size. This was also apparent from the FPT header which mentions partitions starting & ending after address 17D000. For example, partition UTOK starts at 0x1AD000 with a size of 0x002000.

According to an Intel document from February:

ME11 should have two SKUs: Consumer which is the old 1.5MB & Corporate which is the old 5MB variant.

Since Z170 platform does not use AMT, the firmware we extracted must be Consumer (1.5MB).

Attached below is the proper firmware which includes the whole ME partition at 1FD000h bytes. (1.19 MB)


Thank you very much for the warning, i will replace the image on SD for now.