Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

@ klaus_163:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Why do you want to downgrade to the old version?



I have re-uploaded the Me-Test in the previous message with the missing file. Run it again.

Not all the files need to be installed, since Intel offers the same drivers for 1.5M and 5M firmware. But you should still have more folders and no errors on installing. There are some left-overs from a previous package and if you donā€™t have any other log with the problem, you donā€™t have any luck with uninstallers and you donā€™t have the time or skills to purge all traces, then I am afraid you are left with a clean install.

Fernando hello! Frequency of Bus Clock is equal 99.8Mhz instead of 100Mhz. Other problems arenā€™t present. Spread Spectrum in Bios - is switched off. The processor 4770-K in acceleration of 4700 MHz.

Thank you for your timeā€¦
What if I delete everything (registry, foldersā€¦) regarding Intel and reinstall all packages? MEI, RST, chipset and LAN?

I got it, I now recreated what caused the problem; installing MEI 10 over 9, results in having V10 working, but V9 in installed apps, giving errors when trying to remove (and reinstall). So my 9 package is stuck. This is the log.


The ME-Test is passed, despite the error message. Your BIOS chip was not added in the database at that point in time, but the vsccommn.bin from newer 9.x tools should have it. If there is a request for it, I could add it.

A good cleaning of all Intel apps should indeed solve it, but some extra care is required when removing RST. I suggest you to install MEI 10.x again and uninstall with Revo or Total Uninstall in advanced mode.

The log is similar, except that it is reporting an exit code of 0x643. Not much of a help, but I will start by addressing the errors. Run the previous manual uninstall, but insist on the following (run from the prompt command).

Failure on removing services:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe /unregserver"
sc delete UNS
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe /unregserver"
sc delete LMS

Failure on unregistering:

regsvr32.exe /U "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\IntelWebAPIUpdaterActiveX.dll"
regsvr32.exe /U "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\IntelWebAPIIPTActiveX.dll"
regsvr32.exe /U "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIUpdater.dll"
regsvr32.exe /U "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIIPT.dll"

Finally, it is "iclsClientInstaller_x64.msi" which fails to install, thus exiting the main installer. Extract it from SetupME.exe, run it as standalone in trace mode with Revo and then uninstall it. It will probably fail, so do a full manual uninstall as before, but also remove the following:

from %programfiles%\Intel and %programfiles(x86)%\Intel the folder "iCLS Client".
HKLM\Software\Intel\iCLS Client<br />HKLM\Software\Intel\HeciServer<br />HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface
browse the subkeys from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ and remove the ones that are related to ME or have one of the names mentioned in the manual uninstall.

The reg keys might have dependencies, so do a clean with CCleaner. Some reg keys to search for are 8994F7B6-3CCC-48D6-890A-09EEEA149781 and 9B48670B-D6C7-46FD-9AE5-24CBB7D30A26 and E6E6A000-274B-4499-9314-1587794DB59B, which were registered by the mentioned iclsClientInstaller_x64.msi.

You can make a backup and a restore point before all this, but the system is already corrupted.

Many thanks, I tried deleting ALL Intel folders (programs, programs x86, common files, common files x86, program data, appdata (all subfolders), deleting all regs in HKLM and HKCU\software and wow32node, cleaned with ccleaner and wise registry cleaner. No way to reinstallā€¦
I think I have nothing to do but a formatā€¦

hi can anyone help me i am trying find utility for intel 5 series,i used 6 and 7 series comes up unknown platform

Update of the thread opener

Today I have updated the start post of this thread.


  • new: Intel MEInfo for ME8 (new version)
  • new: Intel ME8 FWUpdate v8.1.52.1496 for 1.5MB systems
  • new: Intel ME7 FWUpdate v7.1.85.1216 for 5MB systems

Credits go to Shroeder and Station-Drivers for the source files.
I just have tested both ME8 packages with my ASUS P8Z68 system and everything worked flawlessly.

Enjoy the new ME8 Firmware!



I just wanted to thank again and report that your modded amitse.ffs is working fine. Today I could flash the new ME image without any problems. The BIOS did not try to revert the flash.

Best regards hanson

Thanks for new firmware. Flashed on ASUS P8P67 without any problem

Many Thanks Fernando for putting that here!

Thanks from me as well. The new firmware works fine on my X79 Extreme6

I have Packaged the ā€œAsus ME 8.1 Updating Toolā€ with this Firmware v8.1.52.1496 (1.5Mb) for easy flashing under Windows OS. I just have use it to update mine. See attached file!

Recently I got >this< link to a new Intel ME7 Firmware v7.1.85.1216 for 5MB systems, but unfortunately I am not able to extract it (not even by using the tool ResourceHacker).
If anyone will be able to extract this Firmware, I would present it within the thread opener.


Can you please tell me, what this means?
Do you mean the usage of the ResourceHacker? If yes, where can I choose "Next"?


I only have a package for 5 series. If you have or find any older, please share them.


Use Universal Extractor or InnoExtractor for that type of installer. But I think it is already posted at Station-Drivers.


I have checked both installers and this is all I could gather. There really isnā€™t anything I could do without access to a similar problem. Add to the list of removing the following:

msiexec /x {8994F7B6-3CCC-48D6-890A-09EEEA149781}
msiexec /x {65153EA5-8B6E-43B6-857B-C6E4FC25798A}

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> IMSS
HKLM\Software\Intel\IntelAMTUNS<br />HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\Services
HKLM\Software\Intel\iCLS Client
HKCR\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-vnd-intel-webapi-ipt-4.0.5
HKCR\UpdaterActiveX.UpdaterActiveXAdapte\CLSID for {A80BD82B-4346-46C7-81E2-E1105F97AD0F}
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface
search for {8994F7B6-3CCC-48D6-890A-09EEEA149781}

%programfiles%\Intel\MEWMIProv<br />%programfiles%\Intel\IPT
%programfiles%\Intel\DAL<br />%programfiles%\Intel\LMS<br />%programfiles%\Intel\IUS
%programfiles%\Intel\iCLS Client<br />%programfiles%\ [Intel] FWService<br />%programfiles%\ [Intel] Firmware Recovery Agent<br />%windir%\system32\drivers\IntelMEFWVer.dll
%programdata%\Intel\DAL<br />

Look in unpacked drivers -> MEWMIProv -> ME -> and start removeMEnamespace.bat

Thanks for the nice tip, it was working fine with Inno Extractor.

Thanks for the tip.

You are right. I had already prepared the related FWUpdate package some days ago, but obviously forgotten to upload and link it within the thread opener.
Now this new ME7 5MB Firmware version is present there as well (at least).

mirror link for the latest extracted drivers is leading to older version