Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Hi Plutomaniac,
I tried to read carefully all the informations since page one, but there is one thing I cannot understand…
You wrote MEInfo is a valid tool to check if everything is ok BEFORE and after attempting any firmware update.
Now what if it is NOT ok? I mean I run it and gave me a long list of errors (all PMXutil related) and I don’t know how to move from there:
PC is a “dated” Dell Optiplex 960 and inside its BIOS there are no MEI parts, according to ME Analyzer.


@ elisw:

If you extract from the latest A18 bios the hdr and not rom, you can see the ME region in ME Analyzer and it’s as MEInfo shows:


Don’t forget that these tools are old at this point and since I haven’t found anything new ME5-related (these tools are from 2009), they may not work properly under Windows 7, 8.x or 10. Can you run the DOS version of MEInfo either natively or via DOSBox and show me the result? It’s interesting as I’ve never seen an output from a ME5 system. Also, I think these .dll error should go away when the operating system is taken out of the picture. Compatibility settings for Windows Vista or 7 might solve them as well.

you were absolutely right.
here’s the result:

I suppose there isn’t much to be gained doing any firmware change…

Yes, Dell has already updated their BIOS with the latest Engine firmware so you are good to go.

Just in case anybody has a similar platform, here are the bare MEI .inf files to add to post #2 (55.2 KB)

Intel ME 6 Consumer 1.5MB Firmware v6.2.50.1062


Intel MEI Driver v5.2.0.1008 INF for manual installation (post #2, thank you elisw)

Originally I said this:

@plutomaniac I found the solution to my problem since I was impatient for Gigabyte to release an updated BIOS.


This is what I did in cmd.exe in Windows 7 64-bit:
fptw64.exe -f NAMEOFMEFILE.BIN -ME

and in DOS:

NOTE: You should shorten the filename for DOS as it has an 8 character limit.

You might like to write that in the intro post. It will ask if you want to continue and give you a warning that the byte size offset is not the same and just press Y on your keyboard and it will successfully flash it into the ME region. It reset my BIOS to default settings once I flashed the ME Region.

Write what to the first post? That did not solve the BIOS-related issue. You just used FPT instead of FWUpdate and in a completely wrong way. What do I mean?

a) To reflash the ME region with FPT you need an unlocked Flash Descriptor which is locked under normal circumstances so FWUpdate is needed for most people.

b) You never flash the file that I give at the first post like that via FPT. FPT rewrites the whole ME region which means both CODE + DATA. The DATA are motherboard/OEM specific settings set via FIT/FITC. FWUpdate deals only with the CODE and not DATA. If you want to use FPT, you need to download the EXTR or RGN file I provide, change settings at FITC according to your own motherboard’s ME firmware and then flash it. What you just did is flash the DATA section of whatever motherboard I extracted that firmware from. Especially for mobile systems this could easily lead to a brick. For desktop, since most OEMs use similar settings, it may not necessarily lead to a brick but instabilities, disabled options and so on. Whether it results in critical failure or just weirdness it doesn’t matter. The proper practice is what I described above. For FWUpdate none of these are needed as any EXTR or RGN image with any DATA is good as long as the CODE integrity is proper.

c) That FPT warning is not normal and should not be ignored. The region you tried to flash is smaller than the actual SPI ME Region. If the SPI region had any data after the size of the new firmware you could have ended once again with a bricked system. Always make sure that the FIT/FITC modified ME region you are trying to flash has the same size by adding padding manually if they are not there to begin with. Otherwise you need to use -rewrite command to completely erase the previous contents of the SPI ME Region.

Thanks for your clarifications plutomaniac, luckily I didn’t brick my motherboard so I will delete my post to save other people’s computers. So how would I extract the whole ME Firmware from my motherboard and use FITC to transfer the settings over to the latest ME Firmware so I can flash it with FPT since it flashes both DATA and Code?

Hello guys.

Month ago I updated my ME Firmware to the latest 10.x version, before updating it I checked everything with MEInfo and MEManuf and etc, the older version that originally came with the laptop was also from 10.x branch, after the update to the latest version, I checked MEManuf and the test successfully passed.

But now something confused me, the latest 11.x branch has title - PCH - LP and my Intel chipset aswell has that notation, my question does 10.x the same notation or it is just the "Lynx Point" thingy ?

BTW, pictures of motherboard and ME from HWiNFO.

Best regards,



@ rootuser123:

Easiest way is to use UEFITool, extract ME Region. Two instances of FITC, one with extracted and another with the new downloaded and change settings to be the same. There is a good guide over at tweaktown, specifically here. Obviously, don’t follow blindly, adjust according to your system and needs.

@ acid96:

ME 11.x firmware is for Skylake systems. LP stands for Low Power (U & Y cpus basically). The rule of thumb always applies: You can update only to the same major version you already have, 10.0 → 10.0, 11.0 → 11.0, 9.5 → 9.5 etc. There are two exceptions shown at the first post but they are not Broadwell mobile (ME10.0) related.

Hello :slight_smile:

Here is MEInfo Win32/64/EFI & FWUpdate EFI (2.36 MB)

Hi all, i’m trying to update MEI in my b150m mobo, but the file “Intel ME System Tools v11.0 r9” seems to be corrupted, it also happens to “Intel MEI Driver v11.0.0.1173 MEI-Only Installer”, “Intel MEI Drivers & Software v11.0.0.1173 for Corporate systems complete package”. Thanks in advance

Intel ME System Tools v11.0 r10:


@ paniwine:

Read the red text at the beginning of the thread on how to unpack. On the subject, can you do me a small favor? Run FWUpdate tool with the command FWUpdLcl64 -save ME.bin and attach me the resulting ME.bin file in an archive. You have a Corporate system and I’m looking for an UPD image from such systems.

Excuse me for being stupid… I tried 7zip 9.xx and winrar 3.xx, I was confused because I could open some other files. I updated 7zip and now I can open the files, I’ll uload the ME.bin ASAP.
DO you need any other information about my system? (3.39 MB)

Intel ME 9.1 Corporate 5MB Firmware v9.1.37.1002


Intel ME System Tools v11.0 r11:

Flash Image Tool:
Flash Programming Tool(DOS):
Flash Programming Tool(EFI64):
Flash Programming Tool(Windows):
Flash Programming Tool(Windows64):
SPT Corporate FW Bring Up Guide 10/2015

@ paniwine:

Ah, I forgot to reply back. Thank you for the UPD image paniwine. If I happen to need something in the future and you are available I’ll ask, I appreciate the offer.

sorry for my Question, but I’ve never done something like this before. I’ve just bought an older motherboard (MSI Z77A-GA45) with Z77 chipset. The newest Bios file is Version 2c from 29.09.2013 and has included an update for the ME firmware to version ME8.1.50.1456. But as I see here, it is NOT the latest one. Can I update it with your posted Version “Intel ME 8 Consumer 1.5MB Firmware v8.1.65.1586” without being afraid damaging my board? ME Analyzer tells me this: (see picture).

2nd Question: If I’m NOT updating ME Bios, because I’m to afraid, can I still use the newest ME Drivers “Intel MEI Drivers & Software v11.0.0.1173 for Consumer systems complete package” - or should I just use the simple ME driver (inf-file) without additional software?

Thank you in advance. With best regards, Bananenmann :wink:


@ bananenmann:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Yes, you can update it and minimize the risk, if you follow plutomaniac’s advices given within the start post.

I would prefer to install just the "pure" Intel ME driver.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hello Dieter,

Thanks for your welcome message and your help. I would follow the Instructions from Part C1: Identifying, Diagnosing & Updating Intel ME Firmware, while identifiing is not needed anymore, because I’ve done this already by analysing the downloaded newest, whole MSI-Bios-file (which incuded their latest ME firmware update) with ME Analyzer - as you’ve seen in my picture.

One last Question: I’m now using a very old Computer and with this Z77-MSI-Board and an Intel I5-3570 I wanted to build a (nearly) new one. Aftwerwards I wanted to update the whole MSI Bios (including ME8.1.50.1456), then installing Win10 x64 Pro, afterwards the MEI drivers v11.0.0.1172 (inf-file) - and at least update the ME firmware from here: v8.1.65.1586, as I told. Is this chronological order right?

Merry Christmas and a happy new year for all of you!!!

@ bananenmann:
1. The ME Analyser tool checks the Intel ME Firmware of the BIOS, which is offered by the mainboard manufacturer, but not the Intel ME Firmware, which is currently within the mainboard’s BIOS chip.
2. Your intended chronological order of the updates is ok