Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

@Robson_Dias :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The RAR archive is not corrupted, but your WinRAR too old. Version 5.xx is required.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@ all:

Red is the color that the eye is most keen on seeing first. I already had a note at the beginning of the thread about WinRar v5.x being a requirement. I added today two more red, bold and underlined notes that repeat that same sentence. Hopefully that will do it, even Dieter must be tired of saying the same thing over and over, I know I am.

@ MonarchX:

a) MEA is not part of UBU but a separate tool called by UBU in case it’s needed. SoniX cannot do anything if MEA has an issue or may not know the answer for a MEA specific question.
b) As Fernando said, MEA scans the SPI image you drag & drop to it and not what’s inside the SPI chip. Use MEA.exe -info command for the latter or better, MEInfo.
c) The ME Region is usually locked when it comes to read/writing. So if you flash a SPI image which has an older ME firmware, your newer ME firmware inside the SPI chip won’t be replaced. FWUpdate does not mind if the ME Region is read/write protected, it can update the firmware. But any other flasher has to respect that protection.

I am trying to downgrade my Asrock Z170 Extreme4 MEI firmware from back to its stock
The reason why I want this is because I am facing strange memmory slowness that nothing can solve.
The memory torture tests doesn’t report any error, the only problem is the RAM bandwidth that is less than half its theorical bandwidth.
Memmory timings, speed, channel type is reported correctly by differents soft (Aida, CPUZ etc…).

So I realy don’t know if it can be caused by MEI, but I need to go back to 100% stock bios.

When I isssue :
FWUpdLcl64 -f

here is what I get :

Intel (R) Firmware Update Utility Version:
Copyright (C) 2007 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Communication Mode: MEI
Checking firmware parameters...
Warning: Do not exit the process or power off the machine before the firmware update process ends.
Are you sure you want to perform a Firmware Downgrade? (Y/N): Y
Sending the update image to FW for verification: [ COMPLETE ]

FW Update: [ 0% (/)] Do not Interrupt
Error 8724: Platform did not respond to update request.

1) Can you help me?
2) Has it been reported in the past that MEI could affect memory working behavior?

@ propergol:

Not possible with FWUpdate, the VCN of 1202 is 11 whereas 1180 is 7. You cannot downgrade to a lower Version Control Number with FWUpdate. Only with FPT by using the ME Region extracted from your OEM SPI Image and only if your Flash Descriptor is unlocked. Look at the previous pages for instructions given to other users and adjust to your own needs. The ME does control some system clocks but your issue seems more like a BIOS or hardware one in case of module incompatibility and so on.

Ok I will try to read carefully.

Just a question : In case MEI is the culprit (I anderstand that there is low chance but…) then if I boot my system to a live Linux USB, would it "bypass" MEI things and so a memory bench test could report correct bandwith?

Your question makes no sense. MEI stands for Management Engine Interface, it’s the driver for any given operating system. The Management Engine (ME) is a co-processor which acts as a supervisor of the main CPU and can act independently. Some of its firmware can be found at the SPI chip and that’s what this thread is all about. The MEI driver is certainly not the one causing issues, maybe firmware although I highly doubt it as I said earlier. Slow performance could be the result of mixing non-identical memories or setting wrong BIOS settings. I won’t go into detail on what could be causing such behavior, there are other subforums for that, but if you want to try downgrading the ME firmware then, as I said, read the previous pages to see how to do that with FPT.

Hi everyone,

I have a rather stupid question but I might aswell be that guy. So I’ve installed MEi-only installer (v10.0.38.1036) for about a year now but I want to install the latest iNF one (v11.0.0.1176).
Do I need to reformat windows or I can just install the iNF MEi without reformatting? because I’ve read many times that MEi should always be installed as the very first driver of a reformatting process and you should never try to mess up with it again.

Thank’s for replying in advance.

Obviously not, there is no such procedure for any kind of driver update out there. From control panel, uninstall the previous ME installer and then go to device manager and update the Management Engine Interface device manually using the latest v11 INF (or MEI-Only Installer if you prefer).

Completely wrong statement, MEI is not an important driver, especially for consumers that perform daily usage tasks. Unless you are using it for advanced stuff (AMT, SOL, KVM) then just installing the INF/MEI-Only driver is all that’s needed. Also, it’s not a "dangerous" driver, messing with it wont mean the end of something, whatever you heard is an exaggeration.

Unrelated, but same for Intel Chipset/INF Utility. It’s useless unless you see some unknown Intel devices at Device Manager.

As always, plutomaniac pops up with the right and very concise reply. Thank you.

That also bothered me a lot, I never knew if it was needed or not.

Hello to all,

Tryed to flash to my Asus z97k.
Firmware was successfull, reboot, but now cant communicate with ME.

Driver installed:

What have i done wrong? Wrong fw? ;/
What should i do now? Tryed to search thread by error codes. Nothing usefull.

From Flash Programming Tool, try command fptw -greset and see if that fixes the issue you are having. If not, I assume based on the fact that you uploaded a full dump that your flash descriptor is unlocked or have a programmer. Correct? In that case, we can fix the ME region easily.

Still the same:

> If not, I assume based on the fact that you uploaded a full dump that your flash descriptor is unlocked or have a programmer. Correct? In that case, we can fix the ME region easily.
Emm. I don’t know that.
But if true, what should I do? And what I’ve done wrong? I’ve selected latest fw to my chipset and flashed. ;/

UPDATE: But after greset changed state from fwupdate:

If you used fptw -d command and produced that file you uploaded then yes, your descriptor is unlocked. I don’t think you did something wrong, you were probably unlucky and something got messed up by itself during the update. The attached ME Region is the one from the latest ASUS Z97-K 2801 SPI Image. Flash via Flash Programming Tool using the command fptw -rewrite -me -f ME.bin followed by the command fptw -greset. Check MEInfo and MEManuf. Afterwards, you can try updating to the latest 1.5MB firmware again if you wish. After restart, check MEInfo and MEManuf once again.

ME.rar (1.01 MB)

Is it a problem, because I have 2701 bios? And I should firstly flash bios, then ME?
Or there is no difference? BIOS then ME or ME then BIOS?

That’s ok because:

a) It doesn’t matter for 9.1 to 9.1 updating
b) SPI Image 2701 has the exact same ME Region inside

Note: If you update the BIOS (SPI Image) after the ME and the latter is updated, it might get downgraded automatically due to the older version of 2801. So, it would be better to update the BIOS first.

So go for it. I think that previously it was stuck at FWUpdate mode for some reason. The -greset command should have fixed that but anyway, you can repair the whole ME Region so why bother figuring out that went wrong. However, next time you want to update, make sure to disable all background programs, especially motherboard overclocking utilities and such. Prefer EFI/DOS if the latter is difficult. Maybe something was interfering.

Hm. Doesn’t help.

Okey, I’ll try to flash bios update, disable all my OC.

Solved. There is a problem with interference with something. And it luckily came after fw update. That’s why, I thought there is a problem with FW.

If somebody will get errors 9256, 0099, 9255, as I, try to go to msconfig and enable diag boot and check meinfo again. There can be surprise. Safemode will not work to you because you will get driver load error.

So, firmware was success. Now I will try to find why normal boot gets communication error and diag boot is ok ;/

UPD: And the problem is with HWINFO O___o Wut? ;/ Hwinfo is causing the communication problem ;/
Disabling “Intel ME Support” will solve the communication error. Probably, this will help to somebody.
Thank you for your time and quick answer plutomaniac : )))

Ah, obviously. That’s why I said to disable any programs running in the background, especially those that have to do with overclocking and system monitoring or similar. HWInfo uses the MEI to detect the various ME-related info it shows such as version, sku and so on. Just don’t have it running while using any ME tools such as FWUpdate, MEInfo and MEManuf.


I’ve skill to find myself problems related to bugs and etc (: Updated bios to 2801 and found, that fixing version in header of OC profile (first bytes) is not enough now to run old bios OC profile :smiley:
Good skill to get new knowledge : )) Thanks again.

Hello :slight_smile:

Intel ME FW Consumer H, full region.