Intel (Conv.Sec.) Trusted Execution Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools

I successfully upgraded PiPO-X7s TXE 1.375MB M/D v1.1.1.1120 to TXE 1.375MB M/D v1.1.5.1162. Using FWUpdLcl -f command.
I can’t figure out. Can I upgrade to TXE 1.2 1.375MB M/D v1.2.1.1161. For sure you can’t upgrade to TXE 2.0 1.375MB v2.0.5.3117!

Strange TXEI Driver v2.0.0.1094 (Windows 7, 8, 10) drivers don’t work on PiPO-X7s. I checked .inf file and hardware ID is only available in Windows 10 section. Missing for Windows 7 and 8.1 (NT 6.1).
I have found working drivers TXE_Win_64_1.1.5.1162 (Intel® Trusted Execution Engine Interface 2014.01.12 on Intel® Trusted Execution Engine (Intel® TXE) Driver for DN2820FY, DE3815TY site.


Interesting how to upgrade TXE FITC?

I have adjusted Section A for TXE 1 on old Windows OS. Thanks for the feedback.

That doesn’t make sense. Please read Section C to understand what Flash Image Tool is.

As I understood Intel Flash Image Tool (FITC, FITc or FITC.exe) is tool which was used to flash BIOS initially? But I updated TXE with FWUpdLcl (Intel Firmware Update Utility Version: Why info wasn’t updated?

What is difference between TXE 1.375MB M/D and TXE 1.375MB I/T?

FIT is a tool, the tool used to build/configure the firmware. It is not something you update, ignore it. TXE 1.2 is technically compatible with 1.1 but it’s a different branch which existed for some reason on a very small number of devices. M/D and I/T are different SKUs. You are up to date, nothing more to do.

Tried to upgrade to TXE 1.2 1.375MB M/D v1.2.1.1161 with FWUpdLcl -f without success.

Intel (R) Firmware Update Utility Version:
Copyright (C) 2007 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Communication Mode: TXEI
Checking firmware parameters…

Warning: Do not exit the process or power off the machine before the firmware update process ends.
Sending the update image to FW for verification: [ COMPLETE ]

FW Update: [ 15% (Stage: 4 of 17) (/)]

Error 8741: FW Update Failed.

Error 8704: Firmware update operation not initiated due to a SKU mismatch

Is it possible to upgrade with Intel Flash Programming Tool (fptw.exe). Only I don’t want to corrupt TXE DATA Region (configuration stuff). Do I gain any benefit? Generally all TXE stuff is one security concern :).

As I said, you are up to date TXE wise, nothing more to do.

CSTXE 4 v4.0.32.1524


CSTXE 3.1 v3.1.86.2538


CSTXE 4 v4.0.40.1600


CSTXE 3.1 v3.1.90.2629


CSTXE 4.0 GLK v4.0.45.1848

CSTXE 3.1 APL v3.1.92.2881

Hi Marvin, I restored the original post content because I wanted to emphasize my appreciation for people who look out for newer firmware and report them here, no matter if this was already present at the mega link from a few days ago. The latter won’t always be the case, so I needed to thank you for helping out. :clap:

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Did anyone manage to successfully generate the Bios file for T100TA?

Follow the guide: [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization (1.2 MB)


CSTXE in Intel CH_0063 bios:

║              CH0063.CAP (1/1)             ║
║            Family           │   CSE TXE   ║
║           Version           │ ║
║           Release           │  Production ║
║             Type            │  Extracted  ║
║       Chipset Stepping      │      B      ║
║ TCB Security Version Number │      3      ║
║ ARB Security Version Number │      7      ║
║    Version Control Number   │     112     ║
║       Production Ready      │     Yes     ║
║      OEM Configuration      │     Yes     ║
║             Date            │  2023-01-02 ║
║      File System State      │  Configured ║
║       Flash Image Tool      │ ║
║       Chipset Support       │     APL     ║

CSE TXE Prod B (1.2 MB)

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Good evening,
First of all, hello to everyone, I found your site looking for information on the problem I have on a Foxconn NanoPC with an Intel N3700 processor which gives me the error of the little yellow triangle next to the Trusted Execution Engine Interface device.
The currently installed version is

Can you tell me where to download the right most updated version, which I hope will solve my problem?

Thank you

And what is reported by Windows about the state of the related device…?

The drivers from the first link do not download.
The ones in the second link, even though they appear to be a later version, the installer says they are newer than the ones currently installed.