Intel (Conv.Sec.) Trusted Execution Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools

Hi Marvin, I restored the original post content because I wanted to emphasize my appreciation for people who look out for newer firmware and report them here, no matter if this was already present at the mega link from a few days ago. The latter won’t always be the case, so I needed to thank you for helping out. :clap:

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Did anyone manage to successfully generate the Bios file for T100TA?

Follow the guide: [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization (1.2 MB)


CSTXE in Intel CH_0063 bios:

β•‘              CH0063.CAP (1/1)             β•‘
β•‘            Family           β”‚   CSE TXE   β•‘
β•‘           Version           β”‚ β•‘
β•‘           Release           β”‚  Production β•‘
β•‘             Type            β”‚  Extracted  β•‘
β•‘       Chipset Stepping      β”‚      B      β•‘
β•‘ TCB Security Version Number β”‚      3      β•‘
β•‘ ARB Security Version Number β”‚      7      β•‘
β•‘    Version Control Number   β”‚     112     β•‘
β•‘       Production Ready      β”‚     Yes     β•‘
β•‘      OEM Configuration      β”‚     Yes     β•‘
β•‘             Date            β”‚  2023-01-02 β•‘
β•‘      File System State      β”‚  Configured β•‘
β•‘       Flash Image Tool      β”‚ β•‘
β•‘       Chipset Support       β”‚     APL     β•‘

CSE TXE Prod B (1.2 MB)

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Good evening,
First of all, hello to everyone, I found your site looking for information on the problem I have on a Foxconn NanoPC with an Intel N3700 processor which gives me the error of the little yellow triangle next to the Trusted Execution Engine Interface device.
The currently installed version is

Can you tell me where to download the right most updated version, which I hope will solve my problem?

Thank you

And what is reported by Windows about the state of the related device…?

The drivers from the first link do not download.
The ones in the second link, even though they appear to be a later version, the installer says they are newer than the ones currently installed.

I uninstalled the version in use, I tried to launch the installation again and it says β€œPlatform not supported”

Then the latest for your hardware platform was the ones you had previously, the same in OP of this thread. It means newer packages do not contain your hw device ID (TXE) in the inf driver list.

Unfortunately now I don’t even have the previous version, because I uninstalled it.

Do you have a link for this version?

Open your β€œeyes” a little more… i hate lazy people

EDIT: Oh you don’t read any info or topics… you just fetch, section A1 on FIRST POST of this thread

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant by OP.

As I said before, I had uninstalled the driver, I also uninstalled the remaining part with Revo Uninstall, downloaded the OP version, installed it, restarted the machine.
Now the little yellow error triangle no longer appears.

Thank you

CSTXE version

Here in:


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization

Hi to all, i find Flash image tool for server platform based on C621A, current version CSE SPS v04.04.01.023. I have seen that someone here have this? but file was sended in PM

@plutomaniac may i download this file please :pray: :pray:

Okay… so I read the introduction, the Disclaimer, the Getting Started, the section A, the first two paragraphs of section B (can’t follow along without tools from section C), I read all of section C… and I feel properly lost. It’s a lot to take in, a lot of jargon I have not seen before. So I hope you don’t mind me for asking for directions.

Who updates their β€œ(CS)TXE Firmware by following sequentially the relevant steps at Section B using the required Tools from Section C”? I mean what use case will call for firmware update of something as vitally important as TXE obviously is?

Is it only if I want to update the TXE firmware that I need to β€œinstall the latest Drivers from section A”? Are any of these drivers installed already OOTB by Windows? And do I need them if I only want to use tools like the Flash Programming Tool (FPT) to interact with my (CS)TXE? Can I do that, without installing special drivers for particular versions/generations/families of (CS)TXE/Engine and without updating the TXE firmware? This is what I want to do. I want to use FPT to dump my firmware so can examine or compare the contents of the NVRAM to another dump that I made with a programmer.

Should I use HWiNFO, or ME Analyzer, or TXEInfo to get the β€œMajor.Minor” version number and other details right? If HWiNFO (version 8.22) has reported that I have β€œIntel ME” version 11.8, does that mean I have β€œ(CS)TXE” version 11.8? And what β€œTXEI” driver version do I then need? (By the way, what does β€œI” in β€œTXEI” stand for?)

Whoever wants it or has a system with such SKU, obviously.

You want to digest everything researched in years, in just a few days? Get real will you…
Learn and ask when working on something specific, eventually you will learn specific case by case, not flooding the forum with questions that later you will ask again for sure, besides that you have a lot to read sir, understood?

If you did, you would by now already noticed that CS ME is not the same FW engine as CS TXE…differents aproaches, tools etc…