Sure, why don’t you try? My POST is set to 3 seconds; before, you saw the message for 3 seconds, then a little flicker, then the loading screen. With CSM set to off, you get just this one. You can access bios from rescue menu of Windows 8.1; obviously, if boot partition of Windows is accessible… Perhaps if it’s not, the POST screen pops up, elsewhere you’ll need a CMOS reset; I could try remove one SSD…

I don’t know what your board is but yes, I don’t see that message either - however, you can press del and get into BIOS menu no problems. The only reason you wouldn’t be able to get it is if you’ve chosen to disable both USB/PS2 for POST (for so called ultra-fast boot), in this case you’d use this (I’ve assumed you’ve got ASUS board here):…&postcount=1683

Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe. Pressing del if no POST screen is shown doesn’t do anything. The only way to get back the POST screen (for one time) is to select reboot in UEFI bios from advanced restart options.

Have you already tried to press F2 instead of "del"?

I did it just now: nothing. It seems that my motherboards completely removes post screen if CSM is disabled; well, this doesn’t bother me, it is simply a silly thing, if I want to access bios to overclock, in example…

Since this would be a severe bug of the BIOS, you should contact the support of your mainbaord manufacturer.

Hi there. :slight_smile:

I have the same thing going on with my PC, but my board is another one (Intel DX79TO). In my BIOS it is written, to get into BIOS again you have to power down the system, wait a few seconds, then press AND HOLD (!!) the power button, until a sequence of beeps appear. Then release the button and wait, until the system presents you the option menu. Select the "Enter BIOS"-option and that’s it.

Probably this helps you with your board. Probably it’s some new UEFI standard or sth. like that. This does not work with my "Pentium II" with 350MHz. :wink:


EDIT: Did you look in your manual from your motherboard? I know, this is the last advice you want to hear, but this option is written in my manual, too. And I did NOT read it before, too. :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome at Win-RAD Forum and thank you for your useful advice!


@Fernando ,
As you know a new ASUS BIOS 2104 is now available for our mboard P8Z77-V family !
I have to modded in the EFI RAID SataDriver.
Is it always the RAID SataDriver_V to use or another one ?

@ 100PIER:

The Intel RAID ROM and SataDriver modules v12.7.0.1936 are still the latest.

Just for info: I updated bios to latest 2104 (modded); now, with CSM turned off, the post screen (with the "press DEL") appears @ every cold boot…

Thanks for the info, which verifies, that this issue was a BIOS related one.


Here is IntelGopDriver 5.0.1035 (GUID 5BBA83E6) (25.5 KB)

@ Pacman:
Thanks for the new IntelGopDriver for Haswell CPU graphics adapters.

@ all:
The link to the new IntelGopDriver v5.0.1035 is already within the start post of this thread.

Any performance gain to expect?

Probably not. The IntelGopDriver is only the "Firmware" for the CPU internal Graphics adapter.


On S-D you have published new drivers IRSTe
Has anyone heard about the new IRST/IRSTe/SCU OROM and EFI?

AFAIK there is only a RAID ROM module of the v3.8 branch available (v3.8.0.1009, look >here<), but no SataDriver v3.8.x.xxxx.

AFAIK there is only a RAID ROM module of the v3.8 branch available (v3.8.0.1009, look >here<), but no SataDriver v3.8.x.xxxx.

OROM IRSTe have already been laid in the UBU. I thought, what if that new found. :wink:

Yes like Fernando said, only legacy ROM at the moment.
I expect to see the SataDriver soon though.