Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.2.1.1016/ v9.0.0.2062)

I’m looking for a modded RST 19 driver (for Z690 Chipset) to work on Server 2016 or Server 2019.

Any chance for that?

Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Why do you want to install a modded driver? Is none of the MS in-box storage drivers working while running a Windows Server OS?
Which sort of Intel RST driver do you need (AHCI/RAID/VMD/NVMe)?
Which are the HardwareIDs of the related AHCI/RAID/VMD/NVMe Controller? To find it out, run any Windows OS, open the Device Manager, expand the sections “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” and - if applicable - “Storage Controllers”, do a right-click onto the listed Controllers and choose the options “Properties” > “Details” > “Property” > “HardwareIDs”.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you for your warm welcome.

I missed that Intel is not supporting Server OS with the latest RST drivers. The plan was to run a NVME M.2 Raid 1 with a Z690 platform on Windows Server 2016 OS. None of the RST 19 versions will install because of wrong OS.

I will provide screenshots tomorrow.

Hardware ID:

Windows Sever 2016 says there is no compatible driver, I have to install it, but I can’t find one.

Thanks for the Controller’s HardwareIDs. They verify, that the related SSD is managed by a modern Intel VMD Controller running in RAID mode. Only the v19 platform Intel RST drivers do support such Intel VMD Controller, but only while running any Win10/11 Operating Systems from Build 15063 up.
So you may have to decide either to change the OS to a newer one or to disable VMD within the BIOS (if that should be possible at all).

A post was merged into an existing topic: Which are the “best” Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?


I recommend NOT using RSTe 4.7 on the C600, particularly if a Hitachi HDD is in use, and you use Crucial SSDS with the Storage Execute app

4.7 has a port reset flaw when reading the encoded smart data from these Hitachi HDD at the startup of Storage Executive, which correlates also to incrementing Interface CRC errors on the crucial boot drive (these are not actually errors, but DMA retries because the controller times out multiple times during the port reset)

Use 5.5.4 instead which appears to not be affected, and also does not have the IaStoreUI crash that has.

The start post has been updated by me.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a Windows XP/W2k3/W2k CD

Which are the latest RSTe that can install on a x99, 6.6 or 7.x?

Due to the move of the Forum many driver dates of the start post got lost. Meanwhile I have tried to re-add them.
To be able to answer your question exactly I need to know
a) the HardwareIDs of your in-use Intel SATA/sSATA Controllers and
b) which Intel RSTe v6.6 Series drivers you mean (AFAIK the v6.3 Series ones were the latest).

Intel_Rapid_Storage_Technology_19.5.0.1037.2.rar (4.2 MB)

iaStorHsa_Ext, iaStorHsaComponent, iaStorVD
Same inf, but updated .cat, .sys, .dll and .exe (07/12/2022).


The start post has been updated by me on 08/31/2022.

I think this driver package
“pure” 64bit Intel RSTe VROC SATA+sSATA AHCI/RAID drivers v8.0.0.3300 for Win8-11 x64
need to rename
“pure” 64bit Intel RSTe VROC SATA+sSATA+tSATA RAID drivers v8.0.0.3300 for Win8-11 x64
There are no AHCI drivers in this package. Do you agree with me?

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Thanks for the hint. According to my knowledge even AHCI RAID systems are supported by the v8 platform Intel RSTe drivers, but after having read your post I am rather unsure about it.
Anyway I have customized the related text within the start post and the name of the Intel RSTe SATA-sSATA-tSATA RAID drivers v8.0.0.3300.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a Windows XP/W2k3/W2k CD

[email protected]_09.16.rar (2.5 MB)
(>[email protected])


Hi guys,

I’ve just recently upgraded my Win7 to a Win10 on an Asus Sabertooth X79 system, and I can’t get my Samsung 970 EVO 1 TB NVMe drive (on a PCIe riser card) to work - it worked just fine on my previous Win7 installation and now I can’t get it recognized properly - it always shows up as a SCSI device, no matter which X79 drivers I try.

  • If I don’t install anything, the controller shows as “Standard SATA AHCI Controller” in Device Manager and the disk as a SCSI disk drive and everything hangs (even explorer doesn’t work)

  • Tried installing RSTe drivers from the v13 platform - nothing

  • Tried RSTe from section C from the v4 and v8 platform - nothing

  • Tried pure >64bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID+NVMe drivers v18.37.4.1007 WHQL<, system says nothing can be installed

  • Currently uninstalled all RST(e) drivers as nothing was working

  • There’s also a Marvell 9128 controller which just shows up as “Standard SATA AHCI Controller” in Device Manager.

What am I missing, someone please help. The NVMe is not empty, there are some important files on it.
I really need to have it working again.

You have posted your request into a not matching thread, because the Samsung NVMe Controller of your NVMe SSD needs an NVMe driver and not an Intel RST/RSTe SATA one.
The easiest and safest way to get Win10 or Win11 properly installed onto an NVMe SSD is to unplug all other SSDs/HDDs and to do a fresh install of the OS after having let the Setup removed all existing partitions of the NVMe SSD. Since Win10/11 have a generic MS NVMe driver in the box, which supports all existing NVMe Controllers, there is no need to install any NVMe driver.
It was a big mistake, that you haven’t done a backup of the important files.