Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

Meanwhile I have done a benchmark test with these new Intel RST(e) drivers v12.8.0.1008 (Intel Z77 RAID0 with SataDriver v12.7.0.1936, OS: Win8 x64).

Here are the results:

If you compare it with my last benchmark results running the RST(e) drivers v12.7.0.1036, you will realize, that there is neither a performance boost nor a dropdown.
By the way: TRIM in RAID0 is working with these RST(e) drivers v12.8.0.1008 (just tested with the TRIM Check tool).


Do you have tested if these 2 problems are fixed:
1) BIOS boot sequence ignore any CD/DVD devices, so it is impossible to boot from a CD/DVD
2)Shutdown problem (interpreted as a restart)…

I"ll do tests with OROM 11.0 , 12.8 couple today and let you know if any progress …

To 1): I doubt, that the BIOS boot settings have anything to do with the RST/RST(e) driver version.
To 2): I didn’t have the shutdown problem with the RST(e) v12.7.0.1036 and don’t have it with the v12.8.0.1008, but I am running Win 8 x64 and Windows 8.1 x64 Preview.

After some tests i observe that Shutdown problem with my configuration (W7 SP1 64 bits RAID 0, ASUS P8Z77-V DELUXE, bios 2003, iRST v12.8.1008, OROM 11.0.01339) is NOT fixed.

@ 100PIER:
Here are some suggestions:
1. Check and customize - if needed - your Energy Options settings and the Intel Management Engine driver/Firmware.
2. Install the Intel RST Driver v11.2.0.1006, which is a very stable and extremely good performing RAID Driver (but don’t forget to delete the forgotten iaStorF entries within the registry according >this< article).

My shutdown/restart problem stopped when I ENABLED hot-plug in BIOS (it disables all of the power options for the disks)!

@ MDM:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thank you for your tip how to solve the shutdown/restart problem.


Your welcome, I thought it would be useful for me to be on on this forum too as on station-drivers (same mdm as there, and many other places! ).

Well it didn’t happen all the time at every shutdown for me, but occasionally. At least it haven’t happened since i enabled hot-plug on my M5G (3370K and latest orom).

Like you the shutdown problem didn’t happen at every requested "shutdown".
I have observed that if i use every device (i.e. do some access to files, etc) the shutdown is OK.
If I don’t this manipulation just before requesting the shutdown, the PC will start a shutdown then reboot, sometimes it did not reboot himself, i have to press on reinit button on the chassis.
In BIOS settings i have always set ENABLED ALL my devices as HOTPLUG.
I’ll do tests with a previous iRST version, never before 12.xx i had this problem !

Atre these parameters correct:
MEI Firmware =
MEI driver =
Energy Options = performance, HDD = never
IRST Power link = disabled.

Other point:
I see in my current BIOS setting CSM enabled (seems a default value), do i have to set disabled for W7 ? i ignore the use of this parameter not documented in Asus original User Guide but documented (very succintly) in ASUS "Exclusive Boot Features" E7667 User Guide.Chapter W8 BIOS settings.

Like you the shutdown problem didn’t happen at every requested "shutdown".
I have observed that if i use every device (i.e. do some access to files, etc) the shutdown is OK.
If I don’t this manipulation just before requesting the shutdown, the PC will start a shutdown then reboot, sometimes it did not reboot himself, i have to press on reinit button on the chassis.
In BIOS settings i have always set ENABLED ALL my devices as HOTPLUG.
I’ll do tests with a previous iRST version, never before 12.xx i had this problem !

I am on vacation so i can not test it now, but I had no problems for a day or two.
For me similar behavior as you, and sometimes i also first had a BSOD previous to the restart after a shutdown command at the end of the shutdown process!
Problem is only with 12.7.xx

And I have also updated at the same my CPU microcode to v.19 in the BIOS, if that maters?

Yes, with the exception of the MEI Firmware. Mine is still v8.1.30.1350.
This is what the ME Info Tool has detected regarding my system:

No, you can get the OS installed in UEFI mode with ENABLED CSM as well, but this way you will not get the full benefit of the UEFI mode (extremely short boot time).

Any tips for install RST v12.8.0.1008 on windows 8?

After install, there is a problem with RST, and then reboots in loop. I have to restore windows :frowning: "some text and exeption… bla bla bla… IastorA.sys"

I am noob with windows 8 :stuck_out_tongue:

Running Asrock z87 oc formula, 4770k with 4x plextor m3p in raid-0 on this benchrig. And 2x GTX Titan for gaming.

@ Nizzen:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

How did you install these drivers (manually from within the Device Manager or by running the installer of the complete package)?
Which Intel RAID driver did you use before you have started the installation of the v12.8 driver?
If you had previously installed any complete Intel RST/RST(e) Driver+Software Set, did you uninstall and reboot, before you started the installation of the newer Driver+Software Set?


I have "stock" win 8 install. So no rst was installed before. Tried install driver from devicemanager and the RST setup.
Same error.

Maybe I have to install the 12.6 rst from the Asrock site first, and then uninstall rst software. And then install RST 12.8? :stuck_out_tongue: . Orom on newest bios is 12.6###

That is a really strange.

No, that should not be required.
It would be interesting, if we could get the exact error message while trying to install the v12.8 drivers.
If you want to test it, you should disable the option "Automatic restart at System failure" according to >this< description and retry the driver installation.

Now I have to restart manually :stuck_out_tongue:

And what happened after the restart?

Same… Then I pressed f8, and took a recover

You are not the only Win8 user with this error message. Look >here<.
I suspect, that this issue may have been caused by the optical drive of your system.
Please unplug the optical drive(s) and retry the RAID Driver Installation.