Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.2.3.1018/ v9.0.5.1040)

@thanh25896 :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You can measure the performance, but not the stability. Nevertheless experienced users feel stability differences while running different drivers. Sometimes is a view into the “Event Viewer” helpful.

The latest drivers are usually optimized just for the newest devices or chipsets. As a consequence the related drivers may run fine and stable with the newest hardware, but absolutely unstable with older systems.
Dieter (alias Fernando

Thank you ! I’m really understand it now . I have sone information about some bug of version 14.x.x on win 10 for you . Can you check this bug and sticky this to #1 for everybody know this bug if this bug, @Fernando ?

About 1 week ago I went to win 10 to test new windows OS after stay on Win 7 OS a long time ( win 8 have some bug and not stable, don’t like to use win 8/8.1 after test this OS) . Don’t say about performance or stable on win 10 because it’s not what I want to tell you . After update all lasted driver for my computer ( at this time I didn’t read this topic and I use only the lasted driver because I think newer is better ) . I have 1 SDD , 2 HDD and I realize my 2 HDD always working and never spin down although I try to set “turn off hard disk after” 1 minute or 20 minutes . On Win 7 I never have this problem . I took half day to think and search google to find the way to solve my problem but not find anything.

After that , I think maybe form driver and I try to install new clean win 10 OS and disconnect my Ethernet to make window won’t install and update driver . My 2 HDD are span down (bingo) and I try to install one by one driver and test . I found the problem is Intel RST driver and I search google to find how to fix this problem and I saw this topic:

Have a lot of people have this bug when install the Intel RST driver 14.x.x on Win 10 ( Win 7 don’t have this bug) and Intel support still don’t know how to fix this bug . Maybe I install wrong driver for my chipset . My chipset is 8-series . You can try install this on skylake and test this Intel RST . This bug is not a problem for who don’t have more than 1 drive and for who don’t want to spin down another drive without boot drive when Idle.

P/S : Sorry for my bad English ! If you feel hard to read and understand this post , please forgive me.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the fully quoted text removed (to save space and to improve the readability)

I am not sure, if I will do that.
Reason: Only very few Intel chipset systems are affected by the bug you are talking about and there are other users, who reported about the same issue while using the Intel RST(e) drivers of the v13 development platform.

In win 10 , this problem was solve when install driver below 14.x.x . But my knowledge this situation is I’m using the wrong version for my chipset . My chipset is 8-series but I use version 14.x.x . In win 7 not have this problem so I want to know is Skylake chipset have this bug on win 10 when use driver 14.x.x or no . I just want you to test it and if skylake have same bug please warring to every people in #1 post .

Thank you @Fernando

According to my experience with my Intel 9-Series chipset system the Intel RST drivers v13.x.x.xxxx are running much better than the v14.x.x.xxxx ones, which have been primarily designed by Intel for their newest 100-Series Chipsets.

I cannot do the requested test, because I don’t have access to an Intel chipset system with a Skylake CPU.

Hello, I don’t want to be disrespectful, I’ve read many pages of this topic but have no answer.
I have X58A board - I use it in AHCI mode with system SSD and two HDDs. I would like to get best performance out of it.
Which drivers should I install. I tried 14.10 manual installation but got error. Should driverr enforcement be diabled prior to instalation?

@nvarga :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
You will find the “best” Intel RST AHCI drivers for the ICH10R Southbridge of your X58 chipset system within the start post of >this< thread (look at the table at the bottom).

The latest Intel RST drivers do not support your X58 chipset system. The latest one, which natively will work with Intel ICH10R Southbridges, is v11.7.4.1001 WHQL.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

From my test Intel RST in RAID 1 read from both disc at the same time = 2x speed one disk (like RAID 0) and write is with small penalty compare with single disk configuaration…
single disk read ± 500MB/s
single disk write ± 230MB/s

in RAID 1 read ± 980MB/s
in RAID 1 write ± 230MB/s

details… Intel RST + SSD in RAID 1

@RoDiSVK :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your interesting contribution.
You may get even better WRITE scores, if you would install the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006, which is according to my experience the fastest Intel RAID driver while writing data with an Intel Z97 system.
Kind regards
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando :
Hello, it is now PC in real production then is better do not touch drivers but i have plan for another test - linear write read ± 100GB - whether the speed is stable across much capacity…

Hi Fernando, I’ve read the first page, but i have a doubt.

I’ve a new system based on X99 platform, an Asus x99-S (BIOS 2001) with a single SSD in AHCI mode, but reading the first page, I don’t understand what are the best RSTe driver for me.

Need to check which ROM/EFI BIOS modules I’m using? (I am totally ignorant on this, I don’t know how to do it)

And in other thread (“Which are the “best” Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?”) i read in the table, for the X99 Chipsets:
"Intel RST(e) v13.1.0.1058 WHQL or Intel RST(e) v14.8.1.1043 WHQL. Note: Both options require the RST BIOS mode."

I do not understand what you mean, because when i click “ON” in the main page (EzMode) of the BIOS for the “Intel Rapid Storage Technology”, the “SATA Controller Mode Selection” (under advanced BIOS option) change automatically from the default setting “AHCI” to “RAID”.
But obviously I’m with a single SSD and don’t need a RAID setting.

Thanks in advaice! And…sorry for my bad english, I’m Italian.

No, the Intel ROM/EFI BIOS modules are irrelevant for you as an AHCI users.

Regarding the question “Which is the best Intel AHCI driver for an X99 Chipset system?” you should better ask an experienced X99 user. I have never used or tested any Intel “Enterprise Edition” system (X79 or X99).

May be this can help you…
On my ASUS Sabertooth x99 (Bios v3004) platform, W10 x64 v1511, there are 2 independants Intel SATA 6G controllers.
One does support AHCI and RAID mode, the other one does support pure AHCI or IDE only mode.
On the pure AHCI only controller (named "sSATA AHCI Controller" by intel) I have set in the BIOS the AHCI mode and plugged in (on an appropriate SATA 6G port) a non system SSD driven by Intel v4.5.0.1234 WHQL.
See attachment.


@ all:

Update of the start post

  • Changelog:
    • new:
      Chapter III with a list of all Intel Southbridges/Chipsets since ICH6R and the DeviceIDs of their SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers (see post #3)

If you should find any mistakes or know the details, where there are question marks until now, please let me know it.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando :
@100PIER :
Thanks guys!

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded fully quoted posts removed (to save space and for a better readability)

In reply to post#3 and as an instance here is a list (sorted by vendors) of all the DeviceIDs i found (using PCIE-Z tool) on my x99 platform.
May be this can help:




EDIT by Fernando: Screenshots resized and inserted into a spoiler (to save space)

Thanks for the list with all your currently used devices inclusive their HardwareIDs, but these informations do not really help me, because I am focussed just on the various Intel SATA Controllers (and there are a lot of them). Not even the sSATA Controllers of the X99 Chipset systems are within my list, because they need another sort of drivers.

Intel RST version WHQL


@ all:

Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v14.8.9.1053 WHQL dated 04/21/2016
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v14.8.9.1053 dated 04/30/2016


  • These new AHCI/RAID drivers are WHQL certified by Microsoft and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel 8-, 9-, X99 and 100-Series Chipsets are natively fully supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Good luck with these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello guys.
I know this has been asked many times but I truly can’t figure out what the “best” drivers for my Asus Z97-A with 2 disks are, both in AHCI mode. I have 1 SSD and 1 HDD.
Windows 10 x64.

For what I have read, I’m thinking v13. Is this correct?