[Request] Intel USB 3.0 Drivers for Windows XP

@George_King give me what ? :roll_eyes:

Fully working modern XP installer that can be installed from USB3 to NVMe at the end of process :slight_smile:

@George_King what NVMe is known for a fact to work flowlessly on XP without a single BSOD ? what mobo are you refferring to ?

As we have various Generic NVMe drivers, newly compiled ACPI and many more it will work on your machine (UEFI not possible for now, but probably in near future). It’s well know image builded by XP2ESD works on newest Z690 for example.

@George_King what is generic ? the typical chinese NVMe from Aliexpress ?
where are the OFFICIAL XP drivers for the Z690 platform ?

Generic means driver that works on all vendors - Intel, AMD etc… To get compatible drivers, use DriverPacks. Read XP2ESD topic and you get everything that you need to create ultimate ISO for any HW.

P.S. Also expect new release in few days with many improvements and fixes

@George_King I didn’t ask you anything about creating a personal ISO, maybe you don’t get the point of this thread.
I am starting to think USB 3 ports on either chipset 6 or 7 based mobos bring the same speed on bootup when no driver is being detected yet.
if true then I would pick a mobo with chipset 7 or 8 and an external PCI-E USB 3.1 card with XP drivers
problem boils down to the fact that the PCI-E card may not be recognized on bootup or just doesn’t provide the real USB 3 speed which is the case of my crap PCI-E card with identical speed as seen on USB 2 ports when tested with ‘‘crystal disk mark’’, hard to believe but it’s true @MeatWar

@George_King XP works perfect with a SSD so I don’t think a NVMe with unofficial drivers would bring any significant performance difference let alone the stability because I had seen some experts get it to work but short time later BOOM BSOD CRASH !
I am still waiting for a response, where are the OFFICIAL XP drivers for the Z690 mobo ??

Who cares about official drivers when you want use abandoned operating system on modern HW? I just wanted to give you solution for modern systems. Nothing more. If you cares only about official drivers, I can’t give you right direction.

caliber… there is no brand, at least to my knowledge, that has support to such old OS in modern chipsets like Z690, you cant never expect that…and im sure that you also know this, so this seems a childish question from your part, no offense.

@George_King it’s you who recommended that mobo to me while I was talking about other things.
I often get a BSOD which is mostly caused by the PAE patch to get past the 4GB of RAM so just imagine if I have to install ONE CORE API to run an up to date web browser and unofficial mobo drivers.
what a pita !!!

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@MeatWar yeah I know, but some pople simply like to post BS and don’t actually provide links to the drivers source.
I have never built my XP ISO with nLite so I’m not sure this XP2ESD thing could help me out.

Seems like you both have no experience with my project. Currenly I don’t have any report about BSOD or non-working modern XP ISO builded by XP2ESD on system that support CSM.

@George_King your project ? that sounds lik spam to me.
I can confirm so, zero experience here.
anyway the other user @MeatWar is not using XP anymore so don’t put the blame on him

first off I am not much of a fan of closed forums which require you to get logged in to download a link.
don’t you have a github repo ?
I personally don’t want to run modern HW with custom drivers for XP.
I am fine with old good quality HW as long as web browsers get updated by some enthusiasts

@George_King out of curiosity I just checked my last BSOD logs
I am using a clean partition free from viruses and I have gotten a dozen of BSOD over the past two weeks this is more than what I got since early 2022 on another messy and dirty partition !!!
here are some files involved in the cause.
ntoskrnl.exe, win32k.sys, tcpipi.sys, dxg.sys, hal.dll, ipnat.sys

@caliber I told you what I want, if you are not interested, it’s your problem. Reason why it’s not on GitHub? I can’t as I’m using various tools from various authors and things that can’t be posted there.

If you don’t believe me, just log on MDL and see my topic with 200.000+ views. Btw, new release will be at the end of this week probably.

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@George_King never did I say I don’t believe you.
in fact I have had your project’s link on my bookmarks list for a good while now but I have been really busy and stressful so I had no time to check it out.
this discussion thread is all about intel’s USB 3.0 drivers
if you have modded the original driver for XP I would be highly interested because that’s not legal here as per the admin @Fernando

Thats why there are no modded drivers by “other” community, that touch SYS files. If there are no HWID specific drivers, only patched Generic drivers is solution.

Every modded driver is original at the beginning. But here are allowed only INFs related mods. In past there was instruction how to do it with SYS…

Hi I’m looking for a windows xp 32 bit driver
My device id:

Your request has been moved by me into this already existing better matching thread.
Hopefully you will get a reply.