Introducing BMPExtract utility tool. Extracts all bmp images from AMI bios files

Created a new tool I am calling BMPExtract for extracting the BMP files from a bios file. Works like this: ‘bmpextract.exe bios.bin outputfolder’.

After this is will place every bmp file into your output folder which it will create. If the folder already exists it will fail. The program relies on uefifind.exe and uefiextract.exe that have to be in same folder. Please test it out and report any issues as this is essentially a beta release and may have bugs. It does not update the bios image with any mods to the image file but maybe when I get time I’ll add that feature. Inspired by Ubutool. Only wish the file size was smaller.

Thanks (5.4 MB)

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Working on Full FPT dump, Aptio V

I remember an old attempt of this here on the forum… ty for the tool.
Restricted to BMP only?

EDIT: Found the old thread/posts from Lordkag:
Mod the text color/theme on Z97 Asus UEFI BIOS - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (

I remember that i saw him referring to other file types, anyway its your project and we hope you can improve it as you desire, we will appreciate it.

Cool. I may not understand, can you explain why this is needed?

It searches out both JFIF and BMP files. If there are others I am not aware.

Why its needed?

I want to make a tool that will update the graphics of a bios file. This is the first part.

Second half coming soon.


This tool will change *****.JFIF, BMP in bios?

Right now it only extracts but the plan is to allow you to alter these files in a paint program and then rerun the tool to put them back into the bios file. Eventually will get there.

Anyhow I always thought there were just two logo images in the bios. Apparently there are much much more. For right now the casual modder will have to use Uefitool to put them back in until I update the code later in next few weeks.

Cool. I am for knowledge and progress!!!

@MeatWar Had no idea that Lordkag developed such a tool. Oh well. Didn’t know.

david… i linked only for your reference, dont stop what you’re doing.
As i asked if was limited to bmp i researched again his posts to show you that theres more file types and i also thought you had been inspired in his research… a bit confusing and not such easy as yours, at that time. Many users dont know his attempts on this and it was also only extraction.

In no way do I want to discourage you, on the contrary.
His retired and you are present, so go ahead and do your best.

EDIT: PNG is one of then, you need to read all his posts related to it, use the info on your development.
…and you scared me back there :cold_sweat:, i thought you were dropping the project due to my observations.

@MeatWar I’ll check out his old posts as I had no idea. Lordkag is a legend but I wont be discouraged. I’ll keep on plugging away. Wonder what other types there are besides Jfifs and bmp? Thanks

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So I tried extracting some gif files and could not view the contents. Searched for the standard GIF87/89 sequence in Uefitool and the hits I found were in random efi files. In anycase need to do more research as the data was not usuable and not sure will include gifs in my app. Maybe try another bios file.