LAN lost after BIOS coruption

This is my original post from long time ago.
I’ve used the computer with USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter and later I gave it to my son.
Now I want to sell it and I thought to give it one more shot at fixing so I don’t have to explain why the LAN is not working

So the LAN wasn’t working long time ago already or why did you use an USB Ethernet adapter?

Badcaps topic is from the time when the problem originally occurred (I repeated it here). At that point I was just happy to have a functioning device even if the LAN was not working. It was an easy thing to fix with an adapter. But now I thought to give it one more shot at fixing. I guess it’s highly likely that LAN is dead. If I can borrow a multimeter I might try to check the voltages. I’m out of ideas what else could be wrong

Well, that’s what you wrote in your first post::

That doesn’t sound like my LAN card wasn’t working for the last seven years and now I destroyed my firmware. That description is written to lead us to think that both events were connected.

You wasted my time and people like you are responsible that less and less people including myself will answer here.

@MeatWar I read your post and link to badcaps too late! Thanks for the hint anyway!

I did not destroy my firmware now, I destroyed it seven years ago. The first post is written as it happen originally, which you can see from the Badcaps thread. I’m grateful that you pointed out to me how the original BIOS got corrupted. If you feel that I somehow “tricked” you, accept my apology. It’s still quite hard to understand how the LAN card could have been damaged because of the BIOS corruption but I guess I’ll never know.