So I have been modding my Lenovo SFF M900 and have gotten pretty attached to this clunker. Long story short, I got an AMD Radeon R7 450 (for gaming) and a Tesla P4 accelerator (for development) just for this machine. I can boot with one or the other plugged in, but not both simultaneously. I upgraded the PSU to a 500 watt model, I’ve swapped the PCI channels, I’ve toggled all available BIOS settings, I’ve fiddled with the drivers, I’ve done all the typical debug stuff listed. Fiddled around with some of the registry stuff and msconfig utility.
When I boot, it gets stuck on the Lenovo boot screen and gives the error “BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb” exactly like this picture.
If I swap the PCI lanes (Tesla P4 in lane 2, AMD R7 450 in lane 1) then it boots to colored static. It doesn’t even let me get to where I can get into the BIOS. Looks like this picture.
I strongly suspect this is occurring at the BIOS level. All the help guides have mentioned going into BIOS and designating one of them as the designated display device, but that’s not an option as the BIOS is pretty barebones. I would really appreciate some help on some kind of solution, whether it’s some mod that allows designating a PCI lane or device as the main display, or somehow directs the memory management better or offers the settings to fine tune it better, or just general guidance on maybe some existing modding tools out there for this.