[Solved] Local shop ruined my bios and it's became grey out

I was out of the Town some days before , my mom gave my 2nd laptop to my local vendor to repair , he tried to change the os and my bios became completely grey out and I cannot even change the media key ,some internet suggetion says change secure boot off ,but even that also grayed out completely everything greyed out ,somone says remove CMOS battery , it’s not worked ,and I give to authorise seller to repair and he cannot able to fix that too , I need to fix this , in bios completely greyed out except save and exit and my bios is insyfeH20 v1.10

This suggestion was part correct. You need to reset Acer AttributeConfig variable. But this part of memory is non volatile.

  • In case you’re still able to boot into OS, a reset can be made from there.
  • Otherwise, resort to bios crisis recovery.

i can boot, i am in window 11 os currently ,please guide me

I need info on what’s the laptop model. I need to know it to download a bios backup from the web and obtain default values for AACV.

Also, I need a copy of your BIOS variables (run "GET VARS.bat" from this archive and share with me the output file "vars.txt").

Let me know if it worked or not.

my vars.txt and laptop model is acer aspire 7 42-g

Extract the archive, run “SET VARS” and reboot to bios.

Have you tried loading defaults by pressing F9 or afraid to make things worse?

It looks like you have a user password enabled, which prevents you from setting any options and is just for viewing.

thanks man , its completely worked now , u saved me , can u explain what have u done? i want to learn it

It turned out that AACV variable has nothing to do with settings being greyed out, in your case.

I checked bios file of a different laptop before posting to this thread. In that one, the variable is connected with conditions which make everything grey out.
But in bios of your laptop, AACV controls suppression of setup items. It’s a different thing.

H2OUVE is a program that can change some memory part on bios chip. The part named NVRAM. I edited SystemConfig variable at offset 80h in the vars file and then you applied changes to your system.
