ME Analyzer: Intel Engine Firmware Analysis Tool Discussion

Interesting, thank you! But are you still interested to get those SPS versions or are they completely irrelelvant to you?

In both cases it’d be nice to have a different message like:
“Unsupported SPS, please check version with latest MEA.dat. If unknown version you can help this project by sharing it at forum. Thank you!”
or - if you’re not interested at all -
“Unsupported SPS”

But I understand that the amount of reported SPS versions might be too small to justify a code- change.

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I actually worked on an update to MEA during the previous weekend, after 1 year or something :sweat_smile:, which re-writes the ugly and (most importantly) broken JSON output it had before. As I had promised, I will maintain supported features and JSON was supported but, honestly, completely broken.

So, anyway, I decided to add two lines of code to check only if the hash of the SPS 4.4 and 6.0 firmware exists at the DB, without caring if it’s EXTR, OPR or REC. Small fix that one, but since I worked on the (much more difficult) JSON output topic, why not?

So, in the upcoming MEA version (v1.300.0), you won’t be seeing the “new fw” message for SPS 4.4 and 6.0 (unless even their EXTR cannot be found at the DB).

As for your question on what I’m interested in, indeed I don’t maintain MEA anymore with new features, firmware etc. But, even if I don’t end up adding something (new) to the DB, I do believe that it is a good idea for people to share what they find (by attaching them at the forum for example) so that the content is there for future reference. Personally, I collect/download some unsupported stuff and simply keep them. The supported firmware are also added to MEA DB of course.


Thanks for the clarifications, looking forward to the next version of MEA :slight_smile:

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@westlake (7.7 MB)

Thanks a lot :pray: :slight_smile: :+1:

But I wonder- SPS Tatlow still shows as to be reported?

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The latest MEA v1.304.4 should not display “not in db” messages for unsupported platforms anymore. That includes CSSPS 6, which has been dropped as supported altogether.

platomav/MEAnalyzer: Intel Engine & Graphics Firmware Analysis Tool (

Huh, why have you moved 16.0 and 16.1 to unsupported too and removed them from MEA DB? A very strange decision for what?

Good job, thanks to your SPS complaints, Alder Lake support has been removed and we will not be able to see which 16.x CSME firmware are in the database and which are not. Unfortunately, from now on I will have to stay on the old version and maintain my own DB. :pensive:

@westlake (7.7 MB)

It is something I’ve been wanting to do for a year now.

CSME 16 was never fully supported before the stop of new MEA additions. It should not have been marked as a supported version in the first place. The stepping of the Halo SKU could not be detected, the new Intel configuration parsing (CDMD) was never researched/implemented, the Initialized File System was never validated to be properly unpacked/parsed, there were no firmware repositories released for ADP, there was no tooling (until many months later) which could extract the images to give me clues or generate “Unconfigured” images for FWUpdate flashing, no checks were done to determine which IUP are obligatory at ADP platforms etc.

Nowadays, I also noticed a problem in which some newer firmware are detected as ADP (incorrectly) because one need to be on top of these and keep adding rules or cases to properly identify similar architectures, meaning based on fairly-similar HW, but actually different. That’s also because Intel can be very inconsistent with versioning of Engine and/or IUP firmware, making it difficult to uniquely combine some of their attributes to reach a conclusion of what firmware is for which platform.

The current/old logic to detect CSME 16 has not been removed, by the way. It is simply shown as “unsupported” and thus the DB is not checked. In the end, the decision to (retroactively) remove the incomplete ADP support is a good move, because it’s better to have detection accuracy and consistency than quantify of dubious/wrong quality.

What are you talking about? The comments made by lfb6 were correct, these were problems. My decision to remove CSME 16 and CSSPS 6 was based on actual reasons, explained above, and were on my “to-do” list for a year now. I just happened to work on this now.

As always, MEA is open source. You can fork and keep whatever feature you like, at whatever version that was still present. But, if something got removed, there was a logical reason (e.g. data quality, false positives, crashes, non-tested etc).

Ok, sorry, it means there was some misunderstanding on my part

I don’t agree, moving back is always bad. Partial support, even if not entirely accurate, is better than no support. It worked fine. And now the work of the people who helped collecting ADP database has been reset. I was preparing to post about 50 new ADP RGNs for the database, but there is no point in doing that now.
In any case, it is your right. As I already said, imo from now on there is no point in updating anymore; further updates to the program will only interfere with those who want to use all its functionality.

I do agree with Plato pov about accuracy and of course, its his work and his decision.
But i also agree, in part with Anton about the partial support to remain with small advisory about MEA limits beyond v15.
It’s really a pity, if the forum loses an internal thread continuity to the 16 and all contributors regarding collection.
What can i say… i respect and agree with both pov.

I assume removing unsupported versions from the database and therewith no longer giving the remark to post these versions here will at least reduce the number of reported new unsupported ME versions if not completely stop posting them.

I had hoped for a ‘hybrid’ version which could do a basic identification of unsupported versions and could keep them in the database- maybe in a separate tree- while eccluding them from more complex functions like unpacking?! The ‘pure’ identification of these versions still seems to work properly?

Anyway: Thanks a lot for your work!

How exactly? What has been reset? Something that could still be added by end-users to a text file (which has the audacity of being called a DB - MEA.dat) via the -pdb parameter? Something which is a meaningless string of characters, without something to back it up? Here, this is new, let’s add it to the text file:

It’s fake, of course, but most importantly, useless. It doesn’t mean anything, unless it can be backed up by some repository, some RE on how it can be parsed, how it can be updated, what makes it different that others, which fields are important etc. Collecting a blob is good, it is needed, but it’s 1% of the work that goes into building something like MEA or UEFITool.

You don’t lose anything by not seeing an assortment of strings in a text file. You lose everything when there is no longer a process to determine how to generate that vastly simplified representation of something much more complex. You lose everything when there is a single point of failure in an entire project. There could be 1000 people collecting stuff, and that’s admirable, that’s awesome. But if the other 99% is in the hands of one person, well, the writing is on the wall. To be clear, this is not a complaint. That is the way of certain things, understandable. But doing a 360 and accusing the one person doing 99% of the work that they’re blocking others, is not cool. I’ll be frank, if someone really wanted to contribute (in the parts which matter the most), it would have been done in the last 8 years. By creating guides, by doing research on the firmware files itself, by investigating how to use FIT to build images for people to update, by properly organizing firmware in repos with pre-defined semantics, by <insert 100 other things here >.

lfb6 caught on to something in his reply. Something correct. By deprecating ADP, indeed I don’t have to add a few lines of characters into a text file, occasionally. That means nothing really, it is just a line of text. You could add a poem there and MEA would happily work. Adding new lines, without doing the rest of the work, is meaningless. It just wastes time without offering something in return.

I’ve also noticed some confusion on what “unsupported” means. As I said, the exact same processes that MEA used before to detect ADP, they are still there. The only thing that changed on that regard is that it will no longer show the “not in DB” message. It will simply not check. But, if you want that, it that adds some value to you, by all means, remove that single “not is_unsupported” statement and you’re golden:

You’d be surprised to see what goes behind the scenes to show at a pretty table the simple lines “SKU: Consumer LP” or “Chipset: ICP-LP D”. You would need to parse different partitions (FTPR or RBEP, MFS, FITC), analyze them (basically “unpack” them but without output), process embedded files (MFS) or metadata (FTPR), combine fields from multiple CSE Extensions (one to get CON, COR, SLM - another for H, LP - another for ICP-LP - another for stepping D via the MFS) etc etc. Just for the simple “Consumer”, “Corporate” etc, Intel must have changed the extension which produces that result at least 5 times since CSME 11. Every time I had to figure out, which of the conflicting extension do I trust for this or that specific generation? It looks simple when someone runs MEA, and that was the intention of course, but not reality.

Something as simple as the firmware version requires prior parsing on a full partition, its manifest and its metadata extensions. A single extension may be altered by Intel, a field is now a dword instead of word, the modules are now shorter etc and MEA may end up crashing due to unexpected input. Not because of bad practices, mainly because you’re constantly reacting to the changes that an entire company is making to a very complex and varied piece of HW/FW combo. And whenever something changes, you need to do research and mostly reverse engineering to figure out what changed, why, how does it impact new/old stuff, how can it be automated, which value to trust etc.

For ADP, that was exactly the case. There are comments in MEA which say “TODO: Parse that for ADP” or “TODO: This needs to be taken from RBEP and not FTPR for this generation”. Some basic support was added, but then never continued. You can see this at the ADP H firmware, the Chipset is “Unknown”. Why? Intel removed the MFS > 6 > mphytbl file I was using for that for years, no idea where that info went. Never looked further.

Anyway, I believe that by keeping the existing code for ADP, the “hybrid” approach is there already. It simply does not nag me/us to add something to the DB anymore. And as I explained above, someone interested enough, can modify that behavior very easily and also keep adding stuff to the database, if they desire. That is not a problem for me. And besides, it’s not like MEA gets trully updated anymore. The last update was 1y ago or something and this one was primarily to fix the broken json output and clearly define what is supported and what’s not.


@westlake, Yessss, my friend, version python 3.12.2150.0
May be troyn/ Later/

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While I fully accept and understand the DG2 is not supported here, I thought i’d share a leaked (I think) Intel binary I came across while doing research.

This archive contains GfxFwInfo, an Intel tool which is capable of displaying a ton of information about the installed GPU. The binary also contains a ton of strings and possible useful code for reverse engineering efforts.

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version python 3.12.2150.0 (7.7 MB)


I am getting this error message:

Error: Firmware is incomplete/corrupted, expected 0x600000 not 0x400000!
Warning: Firmware size exceeds Engine/Graphics region, possible data loss!
Note: Adjusted buffer to Flash Descriptor 0x0 - 0x600000!

I downloaded some bios dumps from the internet, and in all of them the same error message appears.

This message appears on ME 8 with Intel 7 series chipset (HM76). Could someone help me with this?

Thanks!!! :pray: :slightly_smiling_face:

I have no luck lately compiling the MEA.exe, so thank you HUGELY for this! :heartbeat:

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It’s very funny that the old MEA v1.8.1 can detect Meteor Lake CSME 18 firmware , but the newest one doesn’t see anything.
Maybe this functionality can be added to the new version? At least it shows the version and type, that’s better than nothing.