Need Help flashing MSI Gaming PC Mainboard with Bios from B450M Pro VDH Max

I’ve got a mainbaord from the MSI Gaming PC “MAG META 5”.
This gaming PC contains the Mainboard "MSI B450M PRO VDH MAX"
but has an own different BIOS.
I would like to flash this board with the original bios from Pro VDH Max, but it fails with:
"0x39: Multi Tank ROMs’ ROM ID do not match platform ROM ID"

Are there any flash tools, which skips this check?
Consider that this board has an 256MBit BIOS.


CH341A programmer…it maybe ur only option here, high risk of breaking the system due to internal modifications to that specif chassis/system tower and his needs.
This is internal security/oem system IDS, not seeing conventional flash tools overwrite this, my opinion only.