tinyupload is gone poof, and the other link not working either.
Could someone please upload “4805 BIOS with Bifurcation Mod and uCode Updates by @Lost_N_BIOS and Other Mods by @Deluxe” again?
Hi, I will upload the files again in like 5 hours. Any recommendations of good places to upload them to? (not personal Gmail or OneDrive, Dropbox please).
Thanks - maybe UFILE.IO ?
This file bricked my mobo → X79DLX.CAP - Google Drive it was flashing for 2-3 minutes, then solid light. Code 00 at boot, no progress.
Trying normal BIOS back…
Normal stock OEM BIOS 4805 not working either, same behavior. One thing I can tell you is I have previously updated Marvel 9230 controller firmware to a newer one, and disabled “Check and Update Marvel OPROM” in BIOS settings.
Could this be the reason for failing FlashBack now? :(((
It goes like this - flashes 1-70 are slow flashes, then from 71 to 127 fast flashes, after flash 127 there is a solid light.
Please, what can be done to save it now?
The mod file is not my work but i do not see anyone complaing of bricked board due to that file, do you?
I do not point MARVELL OProm as an issue here…for now.
So its seems that there was an issue already since flashing a stock bios the board fails.
USB BFB is usually very accurate, the time/led flash you described seems correct.
Try another USB drive, but before that, do a cold reset (CMOS battery off, stay out 15m) to the system then unplug all addon cards and drives, with only 1 or a pair of RAM sticks.
I just edited the OP with two new upload links, the original untouched by @Lost_N_BIOS and one I just redid with the latest UBU, RST 12.9 Trim Mod, latest uCode, and the network modules. The post looks bad I know, maybe I redo it, I just don’t have time right now. Cheers!
Unfortunately I had the same issue when I got this board 5 years ago. Updated to the latest BIOS (from one of the earliest) via BIOS Flashback and it bricked the board. Solid blue light every time. I ordered a new chip and it fixed it. These days, I would reprogram it with a programmer.
Yeah. Things are bad on my side.
Unplugged everything including battery. Tried another stick FAT not FAT32, still solid blue after several long minutes.
I wonder if this feature is implemented in the Intel ME, which I think I had updated before, too. What was the stock version, I wonder?..
If BIOS Flashback is part of that, can explain my difficulty.
On the photo I made with my phone just before the brick, it says ME version; EC version MBEC-X79b-0712; BIOS 4805 x64 dated 02/02/2016… sweet memories…
Now, the chip next to Clear CMOS button looks removable.
How can I flash it correctly, and what tools do I need?
No ME FW version doesn’t interfere, i’ve done plenty of flash, form new to old bios and vice versa with latest ME FW on the boards and in several models.
Last chance is buying a CH341A SPI programmer and you can take it out from the socket SOIC8. A stock bios without CAPSULE from the Intel_image extracted with EUFI tool.
Note, besides a possible SPI defect, there could be a circuit isolation from dust, moister etc, if possible check the 3v rail from CMOS to SPI.
I have replaced the BIOS chip with an old corrupted ASRock one and the ASUS Flashback “cured” it. Hurray! Back in business.
OK I with a working Flashback + new chip, I have tested both BIOSes linked and reuploaded above.
The “full fat” one causes POST issues, looping 01-4F-B0-B2-B7-B9-SA and back to 01. No CMOS reset could heal this for me.
The other one, “Bifurcation Only” works alright. I could achieve the NVMe recognition and set it as a boot (the only) drive via UEFI.
My conclusion as to why Flashback failed - I think the microchip firmware that drives the process, has low tolerance to chip timings, and maybe some models of chips simply never work. I have never ran it before, on this board.
Perhaps (I am speculating) that Asus does not really know, or do not care to buy EEPROM BIOS chips of the same flashback-tried and tested make+model and simply use any compatible (to the board, but not to Flashback process).
The only lingering issue sees to be a broken Intel 82579V adapter, shows Code 10 in all and any systems including my old Windows 9 copy (8+1).
I wonder if that’s because of some new firmware that is left there, I remember the board Manual promised we could “pair” intel with the other adapter for a 2Gb experience, I wonder if that was done via a special customized OEM firmware - where can I get it now and how to reflash intel ethernet?
Flash chips in VSCC table:
EF4017 (Winbond W25Q64)
1C3117 (EON EN25F64)
C84017 (GigaDevice GD25x64)
You flashed an empty OEM Asus bios update file on the SPI, did you merged the motherboard original (UUID, SN and MAC) data in it, with FD44 editor?
Is the Mac address correct in bios settings? Or you only see 88:88:88:88:87:88
EDIT: Ok, that’s a great answer, good luck.
I have used ASUS Flashback onto a corrupted ASRock BIOS chip.
Nothing else
I am sorry dude, I have checked my LAN EEPROM and it has only got FFs in it.
When I try to fire up its OPROM the error 105 - NVM configuration invalid is shown. I am sure this is because of the “blank” NVM.
I have tried the NVMUpdate from Intel but it only seems to fix a particular case when the 82759V adapter is mistakengly seen as 82759LM, so it does not pass the muster.
I have the EEPROM flash tool and in can upload from file or manually edit in hex, but I do not have the original backup of those bytes. Do you?
“…but I do not have the original backup of those bytes. Do you?”
Backup of what? Thats your motherboard not mine…
No backup, then your only option is getting the data from stickers/labels on the motherboard, there’s no miracles here regarding the lost original data from the motherboard.
Put back the original SPI on the CH341 and read it, doesn’t matter if its corrupted and maybe some data still available.
PS: There’s no “dudes” here…dudes are your neighbours or your “joint” friends.
EDIT: No offense taken, just don’t like the term.
I did not mean to offend you with my casualism, mister.
Apologies, gratitudes, goodbyes.
did anybody grab the files from the first post when they where updated?? could someone please msg me them… i can’t get past the pay wall they are behind until the end of the month .
Files posted on 12-2019 and 08-2021, dont ask the diferences, find out yourself.
Note: The Asus version 4805 has NVMe support by default.
X79DLX_4805_bi_nmcode_me_dxe_(20191201).zip (5.1 MB)
X79DLX_4805_BI_ALL_ME_(08-2021).zip (5.1 MB)
X79DLX4805_ALLup_(08-2021).zip (5.1 MB)
X79DLX4805_mcodesOnly_(08-2021).zip (5.0 MB)