PCIe adapter vs M.2

Is anyone using a Gigabyte Z97 motherboard and an NVME SSD with a PCIe adapter? How does it perform compared with the M.2 slot?

The performance of an NVMe SSD depends not only on the quality of the SSD itself, but as well on the connection of their in-use data transfer lanes. A direct connection of the lanes to the CPU is much better than an indirect one via chipset.
So her is my answer: There is no general performance difference between a direct insertion of the NVMe SSD to an M.2 slot or a PCIe connection via adapter (provided, that the adapter has a good quality), the only thing which matters regarding the performance of an NVMe SSD is the mainboard-internal connection of the slot’s data transfer lanes.
I have layed down my test results some years ago within >this< thread.

@Fernando The M.2 slot has up to 10 Gb/s data transfer. Shouldn’t a PCIe adapter have better data transfer?