I too have a Asus Prime z270-A and it suddenly would not post.
I think Windows Update somehow corrupted it.
I have been searching for how to fix it. Trying to identify the bios chip on the board and how I would learn to use the tools. This and the Z390 post give me hope.
The chips on the board seem smaller than the ones I have seen on You tube and I haven’t seen any with a little notch on one end.
How do Identify the bios chip?
I googled model and picture. I would say bios chip is between two 16x slots and really close to the m.2 22110 screw-post. Reasoning is: there is 9-pin connector, which can be used to bios flashing.
I would try getting CH314 with 8-bin bios-clip. Probably cheapest way.
First read and make backup of current bios->just in case. Then download new one, add values from old bios to new one with FD44Editor or other tool. After saving, flash new edited bios.
if y’all really are still having problems my uncle has a computer like this i’m sure he wouldn’t mind if i copied all his chips I have a programmer minus serial and mac of course. could be a little while next time i see him tho?
Search for a 128Mbit / 16 MByte SPI chip, read it’s content and check this dump with UEFIToolNE, you definitely don’t want to touch other chips if not needed. Structure should look like this:
Read at least two a 100 % identical dumps to be sure you can read properly. This way you can check your dump for obvious errors and be sure that you can read properly / the soic clip sits properly.
Thank you guys
I didn’t get an email showing you guys responded.
One difference I have is… case fans (and xmp led) will spin up and keep running if I push power on button (cpu must be installed) and no trouble beeps or trouble leds display only power and led
I found the same (wrong) chip as in the picture too bad their isn’t one of the right one on a Prime Z270-A board…lol
Let you know when, I think, I found it
I think you are right
Googled the numbers (best I could)
“e4 25Q128 13EDF 99 CHK 65215N bios chip”
And I saw the almost identical image from the following post.
I will start shopping for the tool you mentioned…
stay tuned
Buddy… There’s nothing like a visual inspection of your own IC, Asus and other OEMs will implement several models, yours could be not a 25Q128.
The location is correct and it’s the main SPI IC for the mb model.
Latest bios 1302 flash chips in VSCC table:
EF4018 (Winbond W25Q128)
20BA18 (Micron N25Q128)
C84018 (GigaDevice GD25x128)
EDIT: I didn’t understand if the shared photo was indeed of your board or taken from another user on the web, if its yours, all good.
Here is a close up
How do you mean “yours could be not a 25Q128.”?
Those are the first set of numbers at the top.
25Q128A 13EDF 99 CHN 65215N
Just trying to understand what you are saying…
Just trying to learn…
I have ordered Style A kit here
That should help me read the chips.
I saw a few on Amazon but they would have cost me $50 (including taxes)
Could of bought it even cheaper if I knew exactly what I needed in a kit…
Won’t see it till close to February.
Thanks for the links
Let you know when I scan the chip.
just make sure you get a backup of whats on that chip and never delete that backup just in case.
Tools arrived.
I setup a PC beside my work area to access the Z270
Just looking for the simplest programs (software) to use with the CH341A.
Any video recommendations or any links to help?
Just reread ifb6 and I will be looking for to download.
So I installed an ASprogrammer after drivers etc
READ IC shows
Current programmer: CH341
7:03:23 PM
Check settings
Read ID shows
Current programmer: CH341
ID(9F): FFFFFF(Unknown)
ID(90): FFFF(Unknown)
ID(AB): FF(Unknown)
ID(15): FFFF(Unknown)
I have a feeling that the position of the clip might be wrong but hard to tell when correct.
Probably… its not an easy task for newcomers, theres CH341A guides in the forum.
I adjusted clip and now Read has changed
Current programmer: CH341
ID(9F): 000000(Unknown)
ID(90): 0000(Unknown)
ID(AB): 00(Unknown)
ID(15): 0000(Unknown)
Motherboard has chip in… cmos battery out.
Power off
should I change anything else?
Getting tired
If I remove clip I get all the f’s
The clip on was bring 0000
nite clip off
Kinda stuck guys
I can see the clip is connected properly to the chip…
ASProgrammer is doing things differently in it’s response reports.
AsProgrammer v2.1.2
Current programmer: CH341
2:12:49 PM
Check settings
Current programmer: CH341
ID(9F): 000000(Unknown)
ID(90): 0000(Unknown)
ID(AB): 00(Unknown)
ID(15): 0000(Unknown)
Current programmer: CH341
Old SREG: 00000000(0x00)
New SREG: 00000000(0x00)
==When I try a different software==
It gives me an error popup before it loads
![Annotation 2025-02-02 142038|386x213]
When I try the web address in the error I get a 404 in Chinese.
I did try this, following video, to correct it but still no joy…same error
Driver included in ASP212 is the latest available from the manufacturer
CH341PAR.EXE or ZIP 2.4 2023-10-13 566KB, so the issue is on your side mostlikely…USB port, port power, usb port/hub driver, system drivers… etc.
And if your using the adapter/programmer incorrectly, making hw curcuit shorts, it also may lead to malfunction in programmer detection.
Newcommers usually do not complain of app or driver malfunction, mostly the issue you faced before… seems connected but its not really getting a firm grip, these adapters come with a very cheap CHEAP soic8 clip…its for a couple of uses and thats it, junk. The programmer itself last longer.
; Driver for CH341/7 (USB2.0=>EPP/I2C/SPI/JTAG/SWD/UART… chip) V2.4
; DRIVER for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11/SERVER 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022
; Copyright (C) WCH 2001-2023
Signature = “$Chicago$”
Class = WCH
ClassGuid = {77989ADF-06DB-4025-92E8-40D902C03B0A}
Provider = %WinChipHead%
DriverVer = 10/10/2023, 2.4.2023.10
there are 2 drivers from that site you linked Meatwar that I had previously downloaded and installed.
I remember reading to install both drivers when I downloaded the ASProgrammer.(CH341SER {serial} + CH341PAR {parallel})
I have tried them both installed, parallel only and serial only.
2 different software ASProgrammer and Neoprogrammer make no mention of problems with driver install.
CH341A Programmer posts the driver error mentioned above, when it starts.
I don’t know how to confirm what is wrong.
The chip doesn’t respond to AS or NEO Programmer(s) with or without the power turned on to the motherboard.
If I knew what chip to pick from the list I might get a response but I do not know how to determine what make it is, from the numbers on it.
I was starting to go through the list in the software to see if any of them come close to the numbers on the chip…then just got called to dinner.
PS…I am Just trying to find solutions…didn’t think I was complaining just running out of time…I’m 71…lol
No one told you that you were complaining about anything.
If the programmer no longer responds to any app, in that system or other then probably has a problem… cheap as they are, we can expect much endurance but it can be badly handled and gone… i myself never had one of those “death in hand.”
Do you have soldering skills or a friend than can take the IC out, its easier to program outside the pcb
PS: I’m pass 50 and many others here pass 70’s…time is a manner of perspective… we know that will eventually run out, you won’t get help faster or better for being an “aged one”, understood?
All the best sir…and im out of here. Time…
I may have good news.
Uninstalled the ch341 interface from Device manager (taking note of the 3 driver files in details) Did a search on Windows and deleted them from the lastgood Win 10 folders.
Reinstalled the Par version of the CH341 driver. Rebooted. Nothing has changed.
The AS and Neo Programmers still don’t get a response from the chip and the CH341 Programmer has the Driver install error message.
So I start the Long, boring, time wasting ordeal of guessing which IC it is from the endless list of options.
1st pick is an Eon EN25Q128 based on the “e4 25Q128 13EDF 99 CHK 65215N bios chip”
and I used it on the Neo programmer…No Joy.
Tried the ASProgrammer and it didn’t work.
THEN I opened up the CH341 Programmer and noticed that chip choice was already in it???
(I just noticed it has been for along time …lol…sigh Check my screen shot from earlier…lol)
It read the IC…saved 3 separate reads!
I will check them in detail tomorrow…I think I deserve a few beers…
Thanks Everyone
Thanks MeatWar
I will be trying to deal with the next step comparing and rewriting…