[Problem] Modded BIOS for HP Elitedesk 800 G1 DM mini PC

Hello @Xnet and all,
First of all, thank you very much for the great Guide! Great job! Congratulations to all that worked on that guide.

I installed a SM951 500GB NVMe in my HP 800 G1 DM and I have successfully installed Windows 10 in UEFI mode. Extremely fast and in BIOS is recognized as Windows Boot Manager. I also noticed that if no OS installed, the NVMe is not recognized.

In fact my question goes for the installation of VMware Esxi 7.0, I tried to install it but after the installation, the Disk is not recognized in BIOS, so it cannot boot to the NVMe disk, is there any way to bypass this?

Thanks again for the great efforts.

You’re welcome @mrpeter.
I’d say Win 10 has a driver that VMWare doesn’t have it. If that doesn’t lead you anywhere, you can go multi-boot from NVME, SATA or even USB.

Note: Disregard!!! I resolved it!

Hi bro. Can you explain to me how you used Clover with the usb drive? I dont want to mess with the bios and prefer to take the safe route. I appreciate if you can help me. I bought a super fast M.2 for my Mini and hate to just have it as a storage drive. Thanks bro!

Disregard!!! Resolved!

Actually if anyone could help me on how to use Clover to make the USB stick you leave in the port? I just cant figure out the bios method for the life of me! I can flash the bios but it seems like there is more to it. Can anyone send me a step by step for the usb stick? I really appreciate it!

@ashton4life , for Elitedesk 800 G1 hackintoshing there is a great thread on the insanelymac.com (sorry, i can’t post direct link, but you can google it)
But here it’s offtopic.

No worries I found the USB boot program and instruction and I am now running my nvme and wow what a boost! It was so worth it! My desktop is up in like 15 secs and everything runs amazingly fast. It’s a new computer that rivals any new PC, except for gaming. This I expected and knew when I bought it. A 6 year old computer is reborn and a joy to use!!!


I have an elitedesk 800 g1 sff
bios ver. L01 v02.78
ME firmware

how to upgrade ME to 9.1.xxxxx

so that it can boot nvme

because I see ME must be version 9.1.xxxxxx

can anyone help me please

@ yayo

why need ME FW for this ??

,.,.nvme boot problem ??
bad boot UEFI/CSM.,or sata controler AHCI/RST or drivers "AHCI/RST or special for NVME",.,.or FW on NVME
ME fw I think not?

for ME ,.,you must firs read information from current ME fw

last lines “image type ,.SKU,.lock status”

ME flash is RIKS! for a full brick or not fully working notebook !!!
compare or sent information from current state

I will send the recommended link for FW link + tip for flash

me fw is also part of bios updates ?? not exist newer release “official way”
and try first SETUP .,.not FLASH

I don’t know how for the old platform ,.,but think ME fw update not need .d

edit .,translation fix

contains all ,.,.ME FW .,.oem storage FW

official way ! verify fully model !
good luck

I got into a situation with an bricked motherboard. Who used ch341a for recovery, please share your experience. I used a clothespin and neoprogrammer, but the chip is detected incorrectly or does not respond at all. Do I have to supply power to the board?

hi! Check my posts in the thread, i’ve got into a same situation. You should use a specific version of the neoprogrammer to flash this correctly.

Hello, @BigMax ! I’ve checked all the posts in this thread. The devil is in the details. Have you modified the programmer?

Hi everyone. If I understood you guys are talking about flashing a bios to repair it from a bad flash? what I need is a bios that will detect my NVME drive that is not detected in the bios. Only windows detects it once you boot the primary SSD with Windows. Does anyone have a link to a bios with instructions to get this drive to appear in the bios? The reason I ask is I believe my USB thumb drive I am using with with DUET software may not work with Windows 11. I believe I may have problems installing Windows 11 with the thumb drive boot loader (DUET) because it wont detect the Windows 11 install after the first reboot. I tried it with the beta versions of 11 and it wasn’t visible to choose and continue the install. Does anyone have a flash to enhance the bios?

@alexsp - you have to plug the power cord to be able to flash the chip. Don’t start it, just plug the cord - you should see a led coming up on the board.

@yayo - you just have to download & use the ME version that is on your MoBo (9.0x). First page has the link to all ME versions. I see you have an SFF - so check with someone that flashed one successfully. There are a few in this thread.

@Xnet Could you take a screenshot of a UEFItool how and where insert NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs ?


Is it so hard to search and learn?
[Problem] Modded BIOS for HP Elitedesk 800 G1 DM mini PC (4)
[HowTo] Get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS


Well, my story is that the guide way didnt work. After update I got bricked bios and no boot only with 100% cooler spin+no image.
So I have to solid out the chip, take a full dump with the programmer.
Insert into dump the driver and flash it back.
Thanks again. Was thinking that I did something wrong with the UEFItool.

That’s very possible @NoKawaii. Were you writing successfully your same BIOS section back to the chip? If you don’t run correctly the DeathBringer unlock then bricks can happen. The guide works as long as you follow it & the hw is the same.