Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers

I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying, they literally have a line in the Enmotus software which says DRIVER VERSION which lists the 2.x version and not 4.x, thus the confusion for people, its dumb.

Doesn’t matter, thanks the new driver version. :slight_smile:

It very much matters, I have already answered a question from someone I convinced to buy into one on the kickstarter, the question?
"Why does the software have an older version listed?"
See picture, driver version displayed by their own software is v2.x, driver version displayed by Windows is 4.x, thus, confusion.

Sure, all I had to tell them was that YES v2.x is ACTUALLY v4.x or v4.x is ACTUALLY v2.x, or basically, they are already running the latest version, just ignore the stupid software.



AMD SATA RAID Drivers (Drivers Only) :
Drivers : WHQL [22/02/2021] (369 KB)

Update of the start post

  • AMD RAID drivers:
    • new: 64bit AMD SATA+NVMe RAID drivers v9.3.1.22 WHQL for Win10 x64 dated 02/22/2021

  • Thanks to bobypf for the driverpack.

Good luck with these new AMD RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Just curious if Western Digital has a NVME driver for its Blue NVME M2 SSD.I see in device manager there is a Standard NVM Express Controller there.
Or is there another one available that might perform better…

Western SSD Nvme 500GB BLUE SN550 WDS500G2B0C 4.jpg

No, this model doesnt use specific NVMe driver.

@NIK1 : @MeatWar :
Since this is the thread, where the user can find the matching NVMe drivers, I have moved your posts here.

Regarding the driver choice only the HardwareIDs of the NVMe Controller matter, not the manufacturer or the name of the SSD.
@Nik1: Within the second post of this thread you can find a 64bit Western Digital/HGST NVMe driver dated 02/16/2021. You can find out yourself, whether the NVMe Controller of your WD NVMe SSD is supported by checking the HardwareIDs of your NVMe SSD and compare it with the content of the driver’s *.inf file.

Update of the start post

  • AMD RAID drivers:
    • new: 64bit AMD SATA+NVMe RAID drivers v9.3.0.266 WHQL for Win10 x64 dated 03/10/2021

Good luck with these new AMD RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Crucial / Micron NVMe (>

Did you ever notice huge differences in idle temperature, using different NVME-drivers?

I do.

Testing: WD SN730 512GB, running @ 2/4 Lanes

I’ve tested 4 drivers:

1. Microsoft Generic
2. Samsung Mod.
4. Phison

Here are the results of the Benchmark, using ChrystalDiskMark:

Micosoft Generic: 1.712.93 / 1.333.97
Samsung: 1.714.90 / 1.238.99
WD: 1.694.45 / 1.582.50
Phision: 1.769.90 / 1.554.51
(Read/Wirte MB/s)

Microsoft Generic was running at coolest idle, @ 39°C
Phision was running at highest idle: @ 51°C
WD only 1°C lower, @ 50°C
Samsung, about 47°C

So the performance with Phision/WD is the best, but idle temps are noticeable higher than the generic. Another disatvantige of Phison, is that it creates a removable device in taskbar. So for me, I renounce of some MB/s of performance, for significant lower idle temprature.

hello Fernando , im woundering if you can help me with one modified windows 7 embedded version , actualy im tryng to install this windows in one laptop dell e5470 to one nvme ssd hynix bc501 , but actualy i think there dosent have nvme and usb 3.0 support , i have tryed some ways but without success , if i browse and i add driver of usb 3.0 i can go next , i can add also drivers and etc , but it seems there shold be also that hotfix of suporting nvme ? here im stuck
i have success installed windows 7 all version modified by Generation2 this it seems have all drivers on it because is working normaly
can you extract this pack of drivers and inject them to this windows 7 embedded ? or anyone can help me out with this ? i can pay for this help , for iso that will work win7 embedded
king regards

@pcsorin : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
If you want to install Win7 onto an NVMe SSD and to boot off it, you have to
a) integrate the 2 Microsoft NVMe Hotfixes, which I offer within the second post, into the boot.wim and install.wim of the Win7 image and
b) make sure, that the BIOS of your Dell system supports booting off an NVMe SSD (if it doesn’t, look >here<).
Regarding the support of your on-board Intel USB 3.0 ports I recommend to look into >this< thread or ask there for a solution.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@pcsorin Sounds interesting, I have never tried that. What Windows 7 Embedded version do you use ?
Greetings Patrick.

Oem one sp1 x64 from oficial microsoft download.

Fernando i dont know how to add hotfix update to integrate in windows and all integrated drivers to be detected automaticaly at install
Actualy with this win7 all version modified by Generation2 have injected all stuff drivers and i have success simply to install windows on e5470 in nvme ssd hynix bc501 short model 2230 b+m key
I wish that if you can integrate this drivers in win7 embedded iso it will be great for users that dosnt have to much knowlogy about IT, and to can install just as simple this .iso modified with updates drivers.
I can pay for this iso if someone have some time to doing it.
King Regards

@pcsorin :
Here is my comment:

  1. It is impossible to create an “All-In-One” Win7 ISO, which works from scratch with all possible chipsets and devices.
  2. Since you can do the ISO file customization yourself (e.g. by using the free version of NTLite), I will not do the required work.
  3. In your specific case there is only the need to integrate
    a) the MS NVMe Hotfixes (have to be integrated into the BOOT.WIM and INSTALL.WIM!) and maybe
    b) the specific Win7 USB 3.0/3.1 drivers for your on-board USB Controllers.
    All other drivers can be installed once the OS is up and running.
Good luck!

Ok Thanks for answer help.
Ill try when ill have time to fix this inject hotfix update in iso, actualy i have tryed and one friend try to help me but without success.
About this modified win7 all version what im speaking about , excluding this oem iso embedded
I have success installed win7 directly without anyhing modify and have nvme usb 3.0 and hotfix inside of it.
I have got the iso download from getintopc site and searched win 7 nvme , and is last update from april 2021 , maybe it wil help other people who like to have win7 and getting stuck lile me to instal an oem untoched by other people with no trust part.
Thats why me personal i prefere to give trust in someone like You , because you are a Honest man, in others teams like Generation2 who make this iso , i cannot have 100% trust that there is nothing hiden in that iso win7
King Regards

@pcsorin : I would not trust any homebrewed ISO file. My advice: Do it yourself - it is much easier than you might think…

Hi there. I have a WD Blue 1TB SATA III SSD - WDC WDS100T2B0A-00SM50 and the read and write speeds on it are atrocious. I’m just using the generic driver that gets installed with windows 10. I’m wondering what the recommended driver for this would be?

While I’m at it, I suppose I should ask if the intel rst drivers are the best for NVME’s that don’t have their own driver? I have an ADATA SX8200PNP and XPG GAMMIX S11 Pro. I tried the OFA drivers for both these NVMEs but the drives then show up as removable media. Not an issue overall and easily ignored, except, having the NVMEs show up as removable media conflicted with Logitech’s GHUB which started crashing and I couldn’t use my gaming mouse and keyboard.

Thank you!

@sinykk :
Regarding the "best" Intel SATA drivers I recommend to read the start post of the related thread.
If you are not satisfied with the Win10 in-box MS NVMe driver, the mod+signed generic Samsung NVMe driver v3.3.0.2003 would be a good choice.