Hello @fiskvik ,
The VBIOS hasn’t change, so It probably hasn’t resolved your issue.
Hi @68k-dude ,
Yes, I noticed. Or atleast the version number is the same.
The motherboard firmware is… quirky. So if I boot up the computer with ‘silent boot’ enabled (ie show the boot logo), (and I knew this one already, since it also aplies to my vega 64), and no monitors are on, I get no picture after boot. So I’m used to this computer being a little odd.
But I discovered a new odd thing; If I boot with monitor off, I can turn it on after the computer has booted and log in to windows and rebar works. But; that’s with MMIO base at 56TB, and a chunk size of 256GB. I also tried a MMIO base of 1TB and chunk size of 16GB, and with those settings i can’t wake the monitor up. Tried several times. Back to 56TB/256GB, and it “works” again.
Hi @fiskvik,
I have a H11DSi-NT that has some quirks too.
I have one Radeon Vii in there at the moment with a second Radeon Vii waiting.
These Dual socket systems are great fun. I built it out of interest really, but I use it for some work now though.
If you need a hand, I’m willing to help if I can.
Best regards,
@Kuri0 Yeah, that makes sense. I’m going to try 1T/256GB and see what happens.
1T/256GB did work, but it acts the same.
@68k-dude Yeah, I don’t know what I can do? Is there some part of the init code for… I don’t understand why the graphics card does not work, and hangs the machine, at boot with a 64bit BAR. Everything works as it should with a 512MB or 1GB BAR, but I think that’s because it then goes below 4GB. I could adjust the MMIO base from 2GB to 1.5GB, and use a 2GB BAR, I suspect, though I haven’t tried it yet. I don’t know if that’s enough for the A770? I’m also very curious as to what exactly fails, so that’s a good reason to investigate, I feel; I wouldn’t have this mb if I didn’t enjoy tinkering.
Oh, and the beep codes… I had to buy a speaker, since this mb doesn’t have one onboard. It always does a little birdsong at boot, but all my Supermicro boards have done that, so I haven’t tried to parse the (very fast!) beeps. If the monitor is off, though, it does 3? 4? additional “sad” beeps. I would have guessed it meant “graphics card failure” or “no console device” or something, but I can’t find this documented anywhere.
Hello @fiskvik ,
From my testing, anything less than 2GB BAR causes the intel driver to complain.
With a 2GB bar the driver is happy and most of the performance benefit is realised.
Intel recently fixed a bug where, if the driver wasn’t happy that Re-BAR was enabled, the system would freeze on startup. I had this a few times because the board would revert to CSM and Above 4GB decode would become disabled too.
Try a 2GB BAR and see what happens.
Good luck,
@68k-dude Another day; another quirk. If I want to have a rebar of 2GB below 4GB, I’d have to adjust MMIO base down from 2GB, yes? When I do that, to 1.5GB or 1GB, and enable RebarDXE (any value), I have to disconnect power to the graphics card for the machine to post.
Hi Folks,
I’l having a few issues with this in the nearly there but not quite…
intel I7 7700
Gigabyte H170m-DS3H
Intel Arc A750 GPU
Story so far -
I have managed to get the bios extracted - patched and rebar enabled large memory is enabled. so far so good.
but the graphics card does not use the large memory area as an allocation and only will allow 1GB to be used (where GPU-Z and intel Arc control both see it as enabled).
but and this is really annoying - the GPU ports cannot be used, if I use the internal graphics no problem and the machine boots fine, if the graphics card is used - I can boot and post, and get to windows, but often at this point of very shortly therafter (less than 10 seconds) the displays freeze and do not refresh / display what is going on. un plug from the gpu and switch to onboard and all is good again.
if I shift to a higher rebarstate then all I get is a code 12 error on the card saying it cannot allocate resources.
It may be worth noting that I do have the m.2 slot filled with the boot drive and another PCIE riser for a separate m.2 PCIE storage device .
I had to work on DSDT patching to get this this far but there seems to be some diferences in the way Qword assignment is by default with gigabyte seems odd.
any help or tips welcome.
@iwantatr8 Send a screenshot of Device Manager, View → Resources by Type with Large Memory expanded.
Try ReBarState 13, it’s possible that 11 and 12 don’t work. And make sure 4G decoding is on while CSM and other legacy options are turned off.
Are you sure patch is applied because this sounds alot like it isn’t, send a screenshot of result when you run UEFIPatch
Hi thanks for the quick response, i’ve tried different REBAR sizes and with 4GB and above all I get is a code 12 error on the GPU saying resources are not avaliable. Although as you see large memory is enabled the GPU has never been assigned memory in this block.
for 2GB I get purple screen errors.
I updated my patches.txt with your recently released file but all I get is “no patches can be applied to the file”
CSM is off and has been for a while (actually one of the longest parts of the process was re-enabling it to make sure I could flash the Gigabyte bios without the checking process)
I’m trying to enable Above 4G Decoding and rBAR for this oldie but goldie Z87 mainboard, so far no luck. Interestingly Above 4G Decoding string is exist and found via UEFITool but after extract the body via IRFExtractor Above 4G Decoding entry is missing.
Maybe we need DSDT-Patching first. Not sure yet.
I’m trying to decompile the DSDT.aml using IASL however on every attempt I get this error:
“iASL Warning: There were 4 external control methods found during
disassembly, but only 0 were resolved (4 unresolved).”
If anyone can help me I will be very grateful. Thanks.
Hi, I ignored the warning however when I edit the DSL file, when I search “M1LN” I find nothing. Can I skip this or will it be an issue? Thanks.
Hi hope this is the right place,
my system specs are
X99A Usb 3.1 Asus. with latest bios 0401
i7 5820K (4ghz)
32GB ram (4X8) running on 3200 CL 16
And brand new RTX3080 (week before i had 1080ti)
My question is it possible to enable Rebar on this platform?
Yes it is possible, you could try to use this bios (DWYOR): X99-AUSB3.1 MOD.rar (7.5 MB)
Bios 4101: Stock with rebar support
Bios 4102: Same but with ME 9.1.40 (stock was 9.1.37)
To Activate it, disable CSM (is a must), enable Above 4G Decoding in bios (if there is none, follow this guide), and use ReBarState.EXE app and set it to 32, enter, and reboot.
What is your motherboard ? Only the listed models need DSDT patching
MSI B450 Tomahawk.
What I was trying to do, now MSI B450 Tomahawk motherboards have ReBar option in recent BIOSes however I was on an old BIOS which did not because that BIOS version allows me to use PCIe 4.0, they took that away in later BIOS versions so I thought if I used this patch it would work afterwards.
I have option to enable 4G encoding in that old BIOS but when I turn it on, Windows gets stuck in infinite boot. UEFI mode on, Windows is on GPT.
Just insert the rebardxe using latest mmtool v5 (in this case i did use MMTool on GUID A0327FE0-1FDA-4E5B-905D-B510C45A61D0 (insert using Insert As Is option) is enough.
Did this to B450M Gaming (gigabyte) and it’s safe to do so.