[REQUEST] Acer Veriton M4650g BIOS Unlocking

I upgraded my old Acer Veriton with new hardware and turned it into a gaming PC. I have XMP Ram installed in the system and now I want to use the XMP profiles. However, I have seen that the Acer Bios has disabled the memory options and now I want to unlock them. I first dumped the BIOS with Flashrom and then edited it with AMIBCP5. I have changed the following settings:

I put all screnshots in the imgur link, since I am a new user and can only add 1 attachment per post.

AMI BCP Screens

But when I try to flash the bios with flashrom, I get the error “flashrom transaction error between offset 0x00800000 and …” and the flash process aborts.

Latest BIOS from Acer is: Acer M4650g Bios

Can anyone possibly help me?

Sorry for my bad english

Kind regards,

I would advise if possible to work on a bios region dump instead of the whole image.
For this we must use the Intel FPT tool… of course the tool must have access to read/write the same region on the bios.
Your motherboard model has an header BIOS_WP (10) that may provide the full access.

The access user to be changed is the parent sub-menu (Memory OC) or the (OC Performance) or the parent Advanced, it all depends on what actual bios show to us.
Changing the string access will not have effect if the sub-menu is not unlocked.

Also the tool AMIBCP will not have effect on some modern Aptio 5 bioses…
An alternative tool here: BoringBoredom/UEFI-Editor: Aptio V UEFI Editor (github.com)

Thank you for the quick reply.

I found the BIOS_WP Header on the motherboard and removed the jumper to gain full access.

Do I need the Intel FPT tool or is it also possible to dump the region via flashrom?

Regarding the sub-menus: Advanced is unlocked by default but only I few options are present. Therefore I set the Overclocking-Feature option to “Access/Use” “User”. Do I also need to set the access on every sub-menu item to “User” in order to see it in the bios?

I used the FTP tool and dumped the BIOS. The tool finished with the following message “The FTP operation was successful.”

I followed all the steps to use the UEFI Editor, but I can’t load my BIOS with the UEFI Tool v.0.28.0 because if I open the .bin file, the tool crashes. With the UEFI Tool version NE alpha 65 I can open the .bin file without problems but I cannot edit the bios because this version of UEFI Tool has no “Replace as” function.

UPDATE: I managed to open the Acer Image “R01-B3.8M” with UEFI Tool v.0.28.0 and found the File-ID as mentioned in this guide: GUIDE

But I am unsure about the step where you replace the PE32 Image Data. If I use “Replace As Is” and “Replace Body”, the following entries are present.

Should there be 2 entries for PXE32 Image Section? Because in the original ROM-File there is only 1 entry present.Text

Its all in that guide, its should be “Replace as is”, any other questions regarding the tool, post it there:
[TOOL] UEFI Editor - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

Further guidance here:
[GUIDE] Usage of AMI’s AptioV UEFI Editor + FPT Flash Method - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

Note… this is user tools, be prepared for any system flash fails and how to recover, make full dump of the SPI and separate regions.
Nothing is for sure regarding bios mods and flashing, its all user choice and risks.

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