[Request] ASUS P8H61-M LX3 Plus R2.0 Q-Fan mod BIOS

I accidentally install the BIOS of the P8H61-M LX3 r2.0 motherboard to my P8H61-M LX3 Plus r2.0 motherboard, that is, the Plus motherboard. If you ask how I achieved this, I installedthe modded BIOS to change the fan settings of my computer.

sorry for bad english ı use translate

Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
Since you posted a new BIOS Modding request (and nothing off-topic), I have moved all your posts into this freshly started thread and gave it a meaningful title.
Good luck!

By the way - not the download of a wrong (not matching) BIOS is dangerous, but the flash of such BIOS may brick your mainboard!

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I don’t know much, but my computer is turning on right now, but when I try to reset it, the screen goes away. I want to flash it with fpt using the intel flash tool, but my bios file is cap and I don’t know how to do this. I just want my bios file to be flashable with fptw.

I tried to do something myself. I converted the original bios file to a bin file with a cap to bin converter. It seems flashable now, but I’m not sure. I’m new to this, I’m afraid of bricking my motherboard. Can someone knowledgeable help me?

file link 3.89 MB file on MEGA

Error 75: “fparts.txt” file not found .

I got an error like this, how do I create fparts txt?

Pls help @Sweet_Kitten

The txt file is part of the

Ok, I put the fparts txt file where it needed. Thank you for everything. Thanks to you, I reverted my bios to its previous state. Well, as in the title, I cannot manually lower my fan settings below 60. How can I make a bios mode for this? Or can you do it?

[Request] ASUS P8H61-M LX3 R2.0 Q-FAN mod - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Requests - Win-Raid Forum

Then read other similar threads, the forum has a search box…
Search results for ‘q-fan mod’ - Win-Raid Forum

Unfortunately, they are two different models and that bios is not compatible with my motherboard.

No, this is the signal from fan circuit that doesn’t have Pulse modulation signal, the motherboard will only try to lower voltage to the fan as DC.
If bios has duty cycle and temps to set lower min/max its the only option, there’s no mods to pass false information to the mb header circuit.
There’s PWM fans in the market starting 12€… or even 8 from chinese boys

Running all my fans in dc mode how do I want to parse this
Since my bios is old, I cannot make detailed Q fan settings, so I do not have the opportunity to choose PWM or DC, can I do this with mods? I tried with speed fan but it didn’t work
Ekran Alıntısı

Why are you repeating the same… already answered???

These are the only options to control the chassis
Upper temperature, Fan duty cycle, lower temp and Min duty

EDIT: To do what? This options should be available by default

EDIT: These values are in another module, not edited in AMIBCP, look on the forum for default NVRAM settings/AMITSETUP/AMITSE and other threads related to Q-Fan mods, even to different Asus models.
Don’t ask me to do this cause i don’t have time for it, read and learn or wait for other users.

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I’m not talented enough to do this. Can anyone do it for me?

sorry for repeating ;(

Ekran Alıntısı

I want to reduce it below 60, I get this error when I try to do it.

It does not go below 60 in Bios, it does not allow when I want to mod with amibcp, how can I overcome this?

EDİT I hope someone can do this, I’m posting the file here.
p8h61 q fan mod need .zip (3.1 MB)