never posted before. did a search and found this forum. thanks for the info.
Which info do you mean?
I have indeed tried both, and with the guide it boots and shows it in the PCIe devices list, but not under boot options, and with extracting the file from modded bios and changing it for my ssd, flashing the bios with it would freeze the PC on boot, would not even let me go to bios unless I remove the SSD card. So in my particular case neither worked. Sorry if I am being unclear, but English is not my native language. Im trying my best
What boots (the NVMe SSD or your previously used SATA disk drive)?
If you are should be able to boot off the NVMe SSD, everything is fine. Maybe the Master Boot Record (MBR) is missing on the NVMe SSD, but can be created by doing a fresh OS install via USB Flash Drive.
I read what is written here. But there are many errors that you do not notice.
1- @Ethaniel the module you published is very different from the module I published. The difference between the 2 is that @Ethaniel the module you published cannot see the NVMe SSD Driver name in the bios. But the module I published can even show the NVMe SSD Driver Name and capacity status. The advantage of this is that you can see the Driver name when you need to install the operating system on a system with 2 or 3 NVMe SSD Drivers, so you do not accidentally delete another important driver.
Of course, the small size of the other module is a good alternative to prevent BIOS checksum and capacity overflow.
I am not comparing both modules here, do not misunderstand.
The user can use the module they want according to their own wishes and inject it into their motherboard.
2- The main issue is that after the BIOS modding is done to the motherboard, the operating system has not been loaded in both modules and the partition tables have not been created, and the NVMe SS driver does not give a warning message on the screen as shown in the picture below.
In fact, waiting for more details would be preparation and laziness.
In this case, after the bios modding is done on the motherboard with the NVMe SSD Module added, you should see a flashing dash cursor as in the picture below.
This means that the bios file with the NVMe SSD Module added is successful. But as I mentioned above, you will never see a warning message like “No bootable device – insert boot disk and press any key”. Don’t forget this and don’t forget it.
3-So how should we overcome this?
Before updating the bios with the NVMe SSD Module added, there should be no NVMe SSD Drive installed on the motherboard. Never forget this rule.
After the bios update with the NVMe SSD Module added, now you should have a USB flash drive with the Bootable Operating System loaded in your hand. Plug it into your motherboard.
Assuming that the bios update process is successful, disable all SATA options in the bios Advanced options. (You will enable this later)
In the Bios Boot option, put the USB Flash Drive in the first place and save and exit with F10.
After all these operations, you can now connect the NVMe SSD drive to the motherboard.
4-Now start the system and when the Motherboard bios logo screen comes, you should see the operating system loading screen because we put the USB Flash Drive in the first place.
If you see a flashing dash sign on the Black Screen and cannot do anything, press and hold the F8 Key for Asus Motherboards and the F12 Key for Gigabyte Motherboards when the Bios Logo screen comes.
In the meantime, you should see the Bootable Drives List in front of you.
From here, you can select the USB Flash Drive and continue loading the operating system.
5- That’s all.
Additionally @Fernando there is a missing byte in the 2nd byte row of the 4th line of the “15B7_5017.rar (23.4 KB)” Module file that you presented above and that I published.
The “80” byte character should be entered here.
If this is not done, the Motherboard will not see the NVMe SSD Drive when Restarted.
However, it can see it if a Full Shutdown is performed.
I also wanted to correct and announce this mistake of mine.
I hope you will understand me.
Now I have published the module file 15B7_5017.BIN which works correctly and without any problems.
15B7_5017.rar (9.9 KB)