[Request] GA-Z590M-GAMING-X OROMs/GOP BIOS update

Hi, i have this board, and i would like updated oroms and gop with cpu microcode bios update for it. I installed a i5 10500T on it.

Board url: GA-Z590M-GAMING-X



Go for it…
[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

It’s been years now i didn’t make a mod, and since the Z87X and Z97M that i’ve owned in the past years. Would it be possible for you to do it or i have to request it there?

I don’t have time for it, your request is made and posted, users will see it and if anyone has the time or knowledge, you can have lucky.

Does the model has USB bios flash back? Do you know how to backup the full spi? Do you know how to recover a failed mod flash is board gets bricked?
This is all useful information for anyone that is willing to help you.

No more private messages, if you please, good luck.

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I PM only guys i know, like @plutomaniac @Fernando and such a guys! Thanks

I don’t know why you wrote this:
No more private messages, if you please, good luck

While i didn’t sent you ever a PM, and in contrary wise, it’s you who have sent me a PM that i’ve just seen and deleted.

You can say no more if i sent you a pm, but in case i’ve never sent you a pm, you’re wrong, and don’t have to write it. While sending me a PM, just to say that users can see my post and then respond to the request if they can, is completely unusual, i mean, because the post is speacking about it self

My confusion only, after my request not to duplicate posts. Clarified now?

That in fact you did post the same in the UBU thread, initially pointed by me, for your clarification that a recent user on the same platform Z590 confirmed success on a mod with GOP XE driver 1071, clarified now?

This new theme website is a little hanging me! I did not understand, by simply go for it! I was thinking that there i can make my request! And the scrolling bar is a little bit annoying especially going onto older posts, with the new theme website. So where i can find the confirmed mod success, where’s the post?

That’s OK, your request is posted.

The user confirmed on a Gigabyte Z590 and Fernando already gave you the advice on proceeding with UBU tool.

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Modded BIOS

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Thanks dude, really appreciate it! Would it be possible to list what was modified/updated?

Everything that the UBU can replace except VBT.